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61. Joshua Bell - Enpsychlopedia joshua bell (born December 9, 1967) is an American violinist. bell was born inBloomington, Indiana and studied the violin at the University of Indiana http://psychcentral.com/psypsych/Joshua_Bell | |
62. Joshua Bell Plays American Premiere Of Concerto Mar. 31-Apr. 2 With The Indianap INDIANAPOLIS Renowned violinist joshua bell, a Bloomington native who made his Grammy Awardwinning violinist joshua bell has been performing for more http://www.payvand.com/news/05/mar/1187.html | |
63. Press & News - Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra INDIANAPOLIS â Renowned violinist joshua bell, a Bloomington native who Grammy Awardwinning violinist joshua bell has been performing for more than http://www.indianapolissymphony.org/about/press/article.aspx?pressReleaseID=131 |
64. The National Concert Hall | What's On / Celebrity Season joshua bell, violin Jeremy Denk, piano. Sunday 7 May 2006, 8pm. Programme joshua bell is the greatest American violinist active today. http://www.nch.ie/whatson/ccs_season_details09.asp | |
65. Joshua Bell - Free Music Downloads, Videos, CDs, MP3s, Bio, Merchandise And Link joshua bell, Internationally known violinist joshua bell has performed with joshua bell us releases. joshua bell - Romance of the Violin, 10/28/2003 http://www.artistdirect.com/nad/music/artist/card/0,,402788,00.html | |
66. Philadelphia Inquirer 02/09/2005 The Two Sides Of Violinist violinist joshua bell admits to living two lives one digital, one acoustic.On PBS, movie soundtracks, and any number of crossover discs for Sony Classical http://www.artsjournal.com/people/redir/20050209-54981.html |
67. NPR : Violinist Joshua Bell And Pianist Jeremy Denk The Troy Savings Bank Music Hall has for years been a major recording venue, aswell as a regular stop for major artists on their tours. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4635650 |
68. Hollywood Bowl - Artist Details Grammy Awardwinning violinist joshua bell has been captivating audiences aroundthe globe for more than 20 years. Known for his poetic musicality, http://www.hollywoodbowl.com/about/performer_detail.cfm?id=792&back=/tix/perform |
69. University Of Florida Performing Arts joshua bell. Sunday, February 26, 2006, 4 pm. University Auditorium. violinist joshuabell has captivated listeners around the globe for over 20 years. http://www.performingarts.ufl.edu/perf.joshua_bell.asp | |
70. New York Philharmonic: Joshua Bell Americanborn violinist joshua bell came to national attention at the age of 14, Upcoming Performances. Jonathan Nott, conductor joshua bell, violin http://newyorkphilharmonic.org/attend/guests/index.cfm?page=profile&personNum=23 |
71. Joshua Bell To Return Home For Benefit Performance Grammy Awardwinning violinist joshua bell will return home for a benefit concertat the Indiana University School of Music on June 24 at 8 pm in the http://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/995.html | |
72. Oak Park Newspaper violinist, Mr. bell. joshua bell is soon becoming one violinist joshua bellSSOLOS HIGHLIGHT THE SOUNDTRACK OF LADIES IN LAVENDER, http://www.oakparkjournal.com/stories2004/2005-music-review-Ladies-in-Lavender-v | |
73. WGUC 90.9 FM | Joshua Bell Grammywinning violinist joshua bell, originally from nearby Bloomington, Indiana,discusses the Brahms Concerto, writing his own cadenzas and the bluegrass http://www.wguc.org/content/display.asp?ID=1 |
74. Joshua & Edgar Bell & Meyer - Short Trip Home On Sony | Classical - Department [ joshua Edgar bell Meyer Short Trip Home on Sony Original new music from Edgar Meyer with virtuoso violinist joshua bell from the Red Violin . http://www.musicaobscura.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/departments/page_number/2/star | |
75. Joshua Bell - West Side Story Suite Grammy Awardwinning virtuoso violinist joshua bell is poised for superstardomwith the release of this new collection of famous tunes by America s greatest http://www.sonyclassical.com/music/89358/main.html | |
76. Wamu.org The Diane Rehm Show Wednesday, December 29, 2004. 10 violinist joshua bell (Rebroadcast); 11 - BenGazzara In The Moment (Carroll Graf) (Rebroadcast) http://www.wamu.org/programs/dr/04/12/29.php |
77. Canadian Jewish News violinist joshua bell counts Toronto Symphony Orchestra music director PeterOundjian a violinist himself as a good friend. http://www.cjnews.com/viewarticle.asp?id=5959 |
78. Violinist Joshua Bell Performs At CCU On Valentines Day Internationallyacclaimed violin virtuoso joshua bell brings the romance of his1713 Stradivarius to Coastal Carolina University in a Valentines Day http://www.coastal.edu/news/print.php?id=1014 |
79. Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra - Press VIOLIN VIRTUOSO joshua bell VISITS THE BPO AND MUSIC DIRECTOR JOANN FALLETTA Grammywinning violinist joshua bell burst onto the classical music scene http://www.bpo.org/press/index.php?action=ViewArchive&articleID=204 |
80. Joshuabell Join joshua bell s Fan Club to stay upto-date on all the latest news, tour info, Click here to order Romance Of The Violin now from TowerRecords.com or http://www.joshuabell.com/redirect-news.html | |
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