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Home - Violinists - Barton Rachel |
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81. Yang Liu - Notable Notes IV Mr. Liu has been presented the Lady Tennant Stradivarius violin this concert The evening s artists are rachel barton Pine, Denis Brott, Lynn Chang, http://www.kuhmann.com/YangLiu/NotableNotes-Vol04.htm | |
82. Classics Today.com - Your Online Guide To Classical Music rachel barton PINE/ALASDAIR FRASER Medley of Scots Tunes rachel barton Pine (violin);Alisdair Fraser (fiddle) Scottish Chamber Orchestra Alexander Platt http://www.classicstoday.com/review.asp?ReviewNum=9102 |
83. Classics Today.com - Your Online Guide To Classical Music Violin Concerto rachel barton (violin) Chicago Symphony Orchestra Carlos KalmarCedille CDR 900000 068(CD) Reference Recording - Joachim This One; http://www.classicstoday.com/review.asp?ReviewNum=6486 |
84. RIN:297 Historic Violin In Tug The toll includes a 1617 Amati violin that Chicago virtuoso rachel barton playedfor a Last year, barton returned the violin to the Stradivari Society, http://fritz-reuter.com/articles/chicagotribune/historic_violin_in_tug.htm | |
85. Saint Paul Sunday, April 2005 Broadcast Listings rachel barton Pine, violin; Matthew Hagle, piano April 17, 2005 audio Listen For more information on rachel barton Pine visit Public Radio MusicSource http://saintpaulsunday.publicradio.org/listings/shows05_04.htm | |
86. Music In Deerfield Program rachel barton Pine and Trio Settecento A greatly giftedviolinist Her sound was rich and commanding. New York Times. barton has http://www.musicindeerfield.org/RachelBartonPine05.html | |
87. All Things Strings: Reviews rachel barton Pine, Baroque violin. (Cedille, 90000 078). Mainstream violinistsused to play Baroque music out of a sense of duty, but rachel barton Pine http://www.stringsmagazine.com/issues/Strings127/reviews.html | |
88. Music Institute Of Chicago MIC Students Star in Society of American Musicians Violin Competition Congratulations to MIC alum rachel barton, who just became a member of the Board http://www.musicinst.org/news.htm | |
89. AllClassical.org - Playlists 1004 AM, Cedille 90000 083, Pine, rachel barton/ Fraser, Alasdair CD of theWeek* rachel barton Pine Scottish Fantasies for Violin and Orchestra http://www.allclassical.org/playlists.php?selected_date=2005-07-22 |
90. AllClassical.org - Playlists rachel barton Pine, violin/ Scottish Chamber Orchestra/ Alexander Platt, cond . rachel barton Pine Scottish Fantasies for Violin and Orchestra http://www.allclassical.org/playlists.php?selected_date=2005-07-19 |
91. The Philadelphia Orchestra - News August 11 at 815 pm Wednesday evening - Saratoga Performing Arts Center.The Philadelphia Orchestra Charles Dutoit, conductor rachel barton Pine, violin http://www.philorch.org/styles/poa02e/www/news_20040803.html | |
92. NMSO ~ Program Notes rachel barton Pine, violin. The duration of this concert is approximately 120minutes, with intermission. Sponsored by ( Please visit our sponsors websites http://www.nmso.org/cpn040501.htm | |
93. Musical America - Other Feature Articles 2004 rachel barton, violin A native of Chicago, rachel barton, whose principal teacherswere Roland and Almita Vamos, has blossomed into an impressive lyric http://www.musicalamerica.com/features/?fid=98&fyear=2004 |
94. Valley Advocate: Music Listings Artistic Director rachel barton Pine on baroque violin, John Mark Rozendaal onviola da gamba and David Schrader on harpsichord join the second half of the http://www.valleyadvocate.com/gbase/Guides/content?oid=oid:115931 |
96. MusicaBona | CD | Johann Sebastian Bach: Sonata For Violin Solo No. 1 In G Minor CD rachel barton Pine Solo baroque JS Bach, JP von Westhoff, HIF von Biber, JGPisendel rachel barton Pine baroque violin http://www.musicabona.com/bach/1981/cd/index.html.en | |
97. Untitled Document Next up was the Violin Concerto, or Opus 14. Rachael barton was the violin soloistfor this difficult piece. barton is a virtuoso who began playing the http://tvitimes.tvi.cc.nm.us/atplay/010130b.htm | |
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