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61. AV #83237 - Video Cassette - The Theorem Of Pythagoras AV 83237 The theorem of pythagoras to introduce the mathematical problemsolved by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras how to use the known lengths of http://www.sfsu.edu/~avitv/avcatalog/83237.htm | |
62. Geometry 201 You will encounter the theorem of pythagoras and its applications in many othermath classes, 1, 10.1, The theorem of pythagoras, 115 Journal Entry http://www.math.ksu.edu/~mdd8191/Project/geometry.html | |
63. Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.09.21 Perhaps the fundamental error is to take the theorem of pythagoras as the canonical or the most developed version of this mathematical phenomenon, http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2004/2004-09-21.html | |
64. Ask E.T.: E.T. Course Videos: Pythagorean Theorem And Viz-O-Matic They produced modules on the theorem of pythagoras, The Story of Pi, Similarity, The theorem of pythagoras uses animation and a witty voiceover for http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=00000w&topic_id=1 |
65. Have You Seen A widespread decorative motif and the theorem of pythagoras Pythagoras , similartriangles and the elephants defense pattern of the Bakuba http://www.ethnomath.org/resources/ISGEm/080.htm | |
66. Vlakke Meetkunde Afmetingen 40cm x 56cm. 4 posters+book The Pythagorean Theorem . Theorem ofPythagoras. poster theorem of pythagoras. Klik hier http://www.rhombus.be/contents/nl/d213.html | |
67. SOME SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Another generalization of the theorem of pythagoras. Spectrum. The theoremof Pythagoras Generalizing from right triangles to right polygons. http://mzone.mweb.co.za/residents/profmd/publications.htm | |
68. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: Re: [HM] Historiograp about the theorem of pythagoras (Heath s quotation marks) triangle theoremafter Pythagoras? In my opinion, the harm is extensive. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/sep00/0142.html | |
69. Pythagorean Theorem And Its Many Proofs A collection of 43 proofs some interactive - of the Pythagorean theorem. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/index.shtml | |
70. Pythagoras' Theorem - By Seth Y-Maxwell The History of pythagoras and his proof in 3D. Page includes Diagrams, History,Links, Guestbook, Test, Calculator, and a Joke all related to pythagoras and http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/3740/ | |
71. Babylonian Mathematics An overview of mathematics within this culture. Includes a description of the numerals used and a reference to pythagoras' theorem. http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Indexes/Babylonians.html | |
72. Pythagoras's Theorem -- From MathWorld SEE ALSO Irrational Number, pythagoras s Constant, Pythagorean theorem. PagesLinking Here. REFERENCES. Conway, JH and Guy, RK The Book of Numbers. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PythagorassTheorem.html | |
73. An Interactive Proof Of Pythagoras' Theorem Home page of the grand prize winner in Sun Microsystem's Java programming contest in 1995. http://sunsite.ubc.ca/LivingMathematics/V001N01/UBCExamples/Pythagoras/pythagora | |
74. Pythagoras Theorem Pythagorean theorem a la Friedrichs (by plane tesselation) http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/PythLattice.shtml | |
75. The Pythagorean Theorem Lesson A lesson on the pythagorean theorem with the objective that the you will discover for yourself the actual theorem. http://www.arcytech.org/java/pythagoras/index.html | |
76. Pythagoras' Theorem pythagoras theorem asserts that for a right triangle with short sides of length a It contains 365 more or less distinct proofs of pythagoras theorem. http://www.sunsite.ubc.ca/DigitalMathArchive/Euclid/java/html/pythagoras.html | |
77. An Interactive Proof Of Pythagoras' Theorem Home page of the grand prize winner in Sun Microsystem s Java programming contestin 1995. http://www.sunsite.ubc.ca/LivingMathematics/V001N01/UBCExamples/Pythagoras/pytha | |
78. Pythagorean Theorem: Definition And Much More From Answers.com In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem or pythagoras theorem, is a relation inEuclidean pythagoras perceived the theorem in this geometric fashion, http://www.answers.com/topic/pythagorean-theorem | |
79. Pythagorean Theorem Pythagorean theorem. Information of Products. http://www.ies.co.jp/math/java/geo/pythagoras.html | |
80. Nrich.maths.org::Mathematics Enrichment::NRICH pythagoras theorem shows that the hypotenuse of the isoceles triangle It s strange that there is no proof for the pythagoras theorem in the text book. http://nrich.maths.org/askedNRICH/edited/1963.html | |
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