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         Riemann Hypothesis:     more books (41)
  1. The Riemann hypothesis and Hilbert's tenth problem (Mathematics and its applications series;vol.4) by Sarvadamen Chowla, 1965
  2. Residue: Repeating Decimal, Integer Factorization, Trial Division, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Riemann Hypothesis, Local Zeta-Function, Millennium Prize Problems
  3. Repunit: Integer Factorization, Trial Division, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Riemann Hypothesis, Local Zeta-Function, Clay Mathematics Institute, Millennium Prize Problems
  4. The Riemann hypothesis in algebraic function fields over a finite constants field by Helmut Hasse, 1968
  5. Riemann Hypothesis: Bernhard Riemann, Riemann Zeta Function, Conjecture, Hilbert? Palya Conjecture, Generalized Riemann Hypothesis, Lee?Yang Theorem, Local Zeta-Function, Explicit Formula
  6. Prime Number: Natural Number, Divisor, Prime Number Theorem, Primality Test, Largest Known Prime Number, Mersenne Prime, Formula for Primes, Prime-Counting ... Theorem, Prime Gap, Riemann Hypothesis
  7. Stalking The Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest To Find The Hidden Law Of Prime Numbe by Daniel N Rockmore, 2005-01-01
  8. Value-Distribution of L-Functions (Lecture Notes in Mathematics) by Jörn Steuding, 2007-07-20
  9. Fractal Geometry, Complex Dimensions and Zeta Functions: Geometry and Spectra of Fractal Strings (Springer Monographs in Mathematics) by Michel L. Lapidus, Machiel van Frankenhuijsen, 2006-08-10
  10. On the hypotheses which lie at the bases of geometry (Nature, a weekly illustrated journal of science) by Bernhard Riemann, 1873
  11. Science and the Infinite or Through a Window in the Blank Wall by - Sydney T. Klein, 2009-07-18

41. Not Even Wrong » Blog Archive » Stalking The Riemann Hypothesis
While I m no expert on the riemann hypothesis, my favorite idea about it is that My own proposal for the strategy of proving riemann hypothesis is
Not Even Wrong
US HEP News Running Scared
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
My friend Dan Rockmore has a new book out, entitled Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis For the number field case, the most developed conjecture that I know of about what might be the right sort of cohomology theory is due to Christopher Deninger . He has a very interesting recent review article about this, see also his lecture at the 1998 ICM article in the Washington Post about Dan and his book. This entry was posted on Sunday, May 22nd, 2005 at 12:26 pm and is filed under Uncategorized . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.
  • Anonymous Says:
    May 22nd, 2005 at 9:25 pm
    topos theoretic descent theory Tony Smith Says:
    May 23rd, 2005 at 10:56 am
    When I compare the Riemann Hypothesis efforts of de Branges with the Fermat efforts of Wiles, a question arises, and I wonder whether it is dealt with in the book by Rockmore. According to a PBS interview at
  • 42. Not Even Wrong » Blog Archive » De Branges And The Riemann Hypothesis
    For more about de Branges and the riemann hypothesis, see the recent popularbook “The riemann hypothesis the Greatest Unsolved Problem of Mathematics” by
    Not Even Wrong
    Bogdanovs Redux Bogdanov Thesis Reports
    de Branges and the Riemann Hypothesis
    Louis de Branges is a mathematician at Purdue who has had a long history of claiming proofs of the Riemann hypothesis. His latest claim has lead to a press release from Purdue. The press release points to what seems to be an older manuscript The actual purported proof is here de Branges has a checkered history as a mathematician, with several of his claimed proofs of the Riemann hypothesis and other problems turning out to be incorrect. On the other hand, he did produce a correct proof of one well-known problem, the Bieberbach Conjecture. In that case his initial manuscript was pretty impenetrable, but after he explained his ideas to a group of Russian mathematicians, they gave a more understandable version of the proof and it became clear that de Branges really did have a proof. It looks like this one may also take some major effort to see what he really has. review of this book has some interesting comments about de Branges and his NSF funding. withdrawn the preprint, saying that a serious error has been found.

    43. The Music Of The Primes
    A popular article by Marcus du Sautoy on the riemann hypothesis; Science Spectra, Issue 11.
    1.-When the British mathematician Andrew Wiles told the world about his proof of the Last Theorem of the seventeenth century French lawyer, Pierre de Fermat, it looked as if the Holy Grail had been grasped. Fermat's Last Theorem has often been called the greatest unsolved riddle of mathematics. But many mathematicians would argue that this name belongs rather to an idea first put forward in the middle of the nineteenth century by the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann: The Riemann Hypothesis. 2.-PRIME NUMBERS It remains unresolved but, if true, the Riemann Hypothesis will go to the heart of what makes so much of mathematics tick: the prime numbers. These indivisible numbers are the atoms of arithmetic. Every number can be built by multiplying prime numbers together. The primes have fascinated generations of mathematicians and non-mathematicians alike, yet their properties remain deeply mysterious. Whoever proves or disproves the Riemann Hypothesis will discover the key to many of their secrets and this is why it ranks above Fermat as the theorem for whose proof mathematicians would trade their soul with Mephistopheles. 3.-Although the Riemann Hypothesis has never quite caught on in the public imagination as Mathematics' Holy Grail, prime numbers themselves do periodically make headline news. The media love to report on the latest record for the biggest prime number so far discovered. In November 1996 the Great Internet Prime Search announced their discovery of the current record, a prime number with 378,632 digits. But for mathematicians, such news is of only passing interest. Over two thousand years ago Euclid proved that there will be infinitely many such news stories, for the primes never run dry.

    44. The Riemann Hypothesis
    MD5 and SHA0 broken, the riemann hypothesis.

    45. Recent Developments In Cryptography - Riemann Hypothesis - MD5
    Recent Developments in Cryptography Does the proof of the riemann hypothesisreally bring the whole ecommerce to its knees? MD5 and SHA-0 Broken at Crypto

    46. Riemann Hypothesis: Information From
    riemann hypothesis In mathematics , the riemann hypothesis (aka Riemann zetahypothesis ), first formulated by Bernhard Riemann in 1859 , is one of.
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Best of Web Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Riemann hypothesis Wikipedia Riemann hypothesis In mathematics , the Riemann hypothesis (aka Riemann zeta hypothesis ), first formulated by Bernhard Riemann in , is one of the most famous of all unsolved problems. It has been an open question for well over a century, despite attracting concentrated efforts from many outstanding mathematicians. Unlike some other celebrated problems, it is more attractive to professionals in the field than to amateurs. The Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture about the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function s ). The Riemann zeta function is defined for all complex numbers s s s s
    The real part of any non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is 1/2.
    Thus the non-trivial zeros should lie on the so-called critical line it with t a real number and i the imaginary unit . The Riemann zeta function along the critical line is sometimes studied in terms of the Z function , whose real zeros correspond to the zeros of the zeta function on the critical line.

    47. Grand Riemann Hypothesis: Information From
    grand riemann hypothesis In mathematics , the grand riemann hypothesis is ageneralisation of the riemann hypothesis and Generalized Riemann.
    showHide_TellMeAbout2('false'); Business Entertainment Games Health ... More... On this page: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping grand Riemann hypothesis Wikipedia grand Riemann hypothesis In mathematics , the grand Riemann hypothesis is a generalisation of the Riemann hypothesis and Generalized Riemann hypothesis . It states that the nontrivial zeros of all automorphic L -functions lie on the critical line 1/2 + it with t a real number and i the imaginary unit. The modified grand Riemann hypothesis is the assertion that the nontrivial zeros of all automorphic L -functions lie on the critical line or the real line
    • It is widely believed that all global L -functions are automorphic L -functions. The Siegel zero , conjectured not to exist, is a possible real zero of a Dirichlet L-series , rather near s

    This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see Mentioned In grand Riemann hypothesis is mentioned in the following topics: Siegel zero List of conjectures List of mathematical topics (G) List of mathematical topics (G-I) Wikipedia information about grand Riemann hypothesis This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License . It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Grand Riemann hypothesis" More from Wikipedia Your Ad Here Jump to: Wikipedia Mentioned In Or search: - The Web - Images - News - Blogs - Shopping Send this page Print this page Link to this page Tell me about:

    48. Ueber Die Anzahl Der Primzahlen Unter Einer Gegebenen Grösse.
    Riemann s paper includes the celebrated riemann hypothesis . Further informationconcerning the riemann hypothesis is to be found on the following Web pages

    By Bernhard Riemann
    The paper by Bernhard Riemann, first published in Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie , November 1859, is available here in the following formats: A translation of this paper into English is also available in the following formats: Riemann's paper includes the celebrated Riemann Hypothesis . Further information concerning the Riemann Hypothesis is to be found on the following Web pages: Links: D.R. Wilkins
    Trinity College, Dublin

    49. Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866)
    Papers of Bernhard Riemann Riemann s inaugural lecture on the foundationsof geometry The Riemann Zeta Function and the riemann hypothesis
    Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866)
    Back to:
    Mathematicians and Philosophers in the History of Mathematics archive

    The History of Mathematics

    David R. Wilkins
    Trinity College, Dublin

    50. Riemann Hypothesis - Definition Of Riemann Hypothesis In Encyclopedia
    RH directs here. RH is also the common abbreviation for the soap Ryan sHope.The riemann hypothesis, first formulated by Bernhard Riemann in 1859,
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    Encyclopedia Legal ... Law forum Search Word: Visit our Law forums
    RH directs here. RH is also the common abbreviation for the soap Ryan's Hope The Riemann hypothesis , first formulated by Bernhard Riemann in , is a conjecture about the distribution of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function s ). The Riemann zeta function is defined for all complex numbers s s s s
    The real part of any non-trivial zero of the Riemann zeta function is 1/2.
    Thus the non-trivial zeros should lie on the so-called critical line it with t a real number and i the imaginary unit The Riemann hypothesis is one of the most important open problems of contemporary mathematics ; a $1,000,000 prize has been offered by the Clay Mathematics Institute for a proof. Most mathematicians believe the Riemann hypothesis to be true. ( J. E. Littlewood and Atle Selberg have been reported as skeptical.) In 2004, Xavier Gourdon verified the Riemann hypothesis through the first ten trillion non-trivial zeros using the Odlyzko-Schönhage algorithm Contents showTocToggle("show","hide")

    51. How I Proved The Riemann Hypothesis
    The riemann hypothesis was first formulated when Riemann wrote in the margin of They say that all you have to do is prove the riemann hypothesis and the
    How I proved the Riemann Hypothesis
    The trouble with this modern age is that every few weeks someone goes and solves a problem that's been baffling Mathmos for centuries. Sometimes it's the Four Colour Problem, sometimes it's Fermat's Last Theorem, sometimes it's "Why are the Graph Theory books all miscatalogued?" You know how it is in households the length and breadth of the country, the following conversation takes place over breakfast: "Well, I've been telling them it would happen for years, but they wouldn't believe me. 'It was claimed yesterday that four colours suffice to colour any map on the plane. Mrs Thatcher has promised to reduce this to three by 1995. In the House of Commons, Mr Dennis Skinner was suspended for saying "Poo-poo."'" "Yes, dear. Did they explain how the theorem is proved?" "Yes 'The intimate secrets of Appel and Haken revealed Sexy underwear in four colours to be won - see pages 6,7,8,9.' I think the Times has gone downhill a bit recently." Time was running out and I had to decide quickly: if I wanted to make my name, should I prove Goldbach's conjecture, or the Riemann hypothesis? After some thought I decided: I'd make a serious attempt at cracking the Riemann hypothesis, and then, if it came out by lunchtime, I'd do Goldbach over tea.

    52. The Riemann Hypothesis For The Goss Zeta Function For F_q[T], By Jeffrey T. Shea
    DiazVargas proof of the riemann hypothesis for the Goss zeta function for F_pTdepends on his verification of Carlitz s assertion for the specific case
    The Riemann Hypothesis for the Goss zeta function for F_q[T], by Jeffrey T. Sheats
    Let q be a power of a prime p. We prove an assertion of Carlitz which takes q as parameter. Diaz-Vargas' proof of the Riemann Hypothesis for the Goss zeta function for F_p[T] depends on his verification of Carlitz's assertion for the specific case q = p. Our proof of the general case allows us to extend Diaz-Vargas' proof to F_q[T].
    Jeffrey T. Sheats

    53. The Impact Of The Infinite Primes On The Riemann Hypothesis For Characteristic P
    In \cite{go2} we proposed an analog of the classical riemann hypothesis forcharacteristic $p$ valued $L$series based on the work of Wan, Diaz-Vargas,
    The impact of the infinite primes on the Riemann hypothesis for characteristic p L-series, by David Goss

    David Goss

    54. Proof For Riemann Hypothesis?
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    9 June 2004
    Proof For Riemann Hypothesis?
    A mathematician from Purdue University claims to have proven the Riemann hypothesis, often dubbed the greatest unsolved problem in mathematics. Louis De Branges de Bourcia has posted a 23-page paper detailing his attempt at a proof on his university web page . The spirited competition to prove the hypothesis - which carries a $1 million prize for whomever accomplishes it first - has encouraged de Branges to announce his work as soon as it was completed rather than go through the more traditional peer reviewed publishing process. "I invite other mathematicians to examine my efforts," said de Branges. "While I will eventually submit my proof for formal publication, due to the circumstances, I felt it necessary to post the work on the Internet immediately." The Riemann hypothesis is a highly complex theory about the nature of prime numbers - those numbers divisible only by 1 and themselves - that has stymied mathematicians since 1859. In that year, Bernhard Riemann published a conjecture about how prime numbers were distributed among other numbers. He labored over his own theory until his death in 1866, but was ultimately unable to prove it. The problem attracted a cult following among mathematicians, but after nearly 150 years no one has ever definitively proven Riemann's theory to be either true or false. In 2001 the Clay Mathematics Institute in Cambridge, Mass., offered a $1 million prize to whomever proves it first.

    55. Mudd Math Fun Facts: Riemann Hypothesis
    riemann hypothesis. If you know about complex numbers, you will be able toappreciate one of the great unsolved problems of our time.
    hosted by the Harvey Mudd College Math Department Francis Su
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    since 20 July 1999.
    Francis Edward Su
    From the Fun Fact files, here is a Fun Fact at the Advanced level:
    Riemann Hypothesis
    If you know about complex numbers, you will be able to appreciate one of the great unsolved problems of our time. The Riemann zeta function is defined by Zeta(z) = SUM k=1 to infinity (1/k z This is the harmonic series for z=1 and Sums of Reciprocal Powers if you set z equal to other positive integers. The function can be extended to the entire complex plane (with some poles) by a process called "analytic continuation", although what that is won't concern us here. It is of great interest to find the zeroes of this function. The function is trivially zero at the negative even integers, but where are all the other zeroes? To date, the only other zeroes known all lie on the line in the complex plane with real part equal to 1/2. This has been checked for several hundred million zeroes! No one knows, however, if

    56. Dan Rockmore's Book: Stalking The Riemann Hypothesis - ChanceWiki
    He chose as his topic The riemann hypothesis This is generally considered the Stalking the riemann hypothesis is Dan s greatest challenge to bring's_book:_Stalking_t
    Dan Rockmore's book: Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
    From ChanceWiki
    Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis
    Pantheon Books, New York, 2005
    Dan Rockmore The Proof: an interview with Dan Rockmore
    New Hampshire Public April 12. 2005
    John Walters As the stakes increase, Prime-Number theory Moves Closer to Proof
    Wall Street Journal, Science Journal, April 8. 2005
    Sharon Begley Math Monster
    The Telegraph (Calcutta, India), April 8, 2005
    Pathik Guha In 1998 the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute in Berkeley, California had a three-day conference on "Mathematics and the Media". The purpose of this conference was to bring together science writers and mathematicians to discuss ways to better inform the public about mathematics and new discoveries in mathematics. As part of the conference, they asked Peter Sarnak, from Princeton University, to talk about new results in mathematics that he felt the science writers might like to write about. He chose as his topic "The Riemann Hypothesis" This is generally considered the most famous unsolved problem in mathematics and is the major focus of Sarnak's research. In his talk, Sarnak described some fascinating new connections between the Riemann Hypothesis, physics and random matrices. He used only mathematics that one would meet in calculus and linear algebra. Sarnak's lecture, and a discussion of his talk by the science writers, can be found

    57. Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Maths Holy Grail Could Bring Disaster For In
    The riemann hypothesis would explain the apparently random pattern of If theriemann hypothesis is true, it won t produce a prime number spectrometer.,3604,1298728,00.html
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    Maths holy grail could bring disaster for internet
    Two of the seven million dollar challenges that have baffled for more than a century may be close to being solved
    Tim Radford, science editor

    58. 2. Riemann Hypothesis
    riemann hypothesis, EulerMaclaurin Sum Formula, Riemann sum, Improper integral.
    HOME 1. Analytic Continuation 2. Riemann Hypothesis 3. Antisymmetric Formula HOME 1. Analytic Continuation 2. Riemann Hypothesis 3. Antisymmetric Formula

    59. Purdue Mathematician Claims Proof For Riemann Hypothesis
    The riemann hypothesis is a highly complex theory about the nature of primenumbers – those numbers divisible only by 1 and themselves – that has stymied
    Purdue News
    Note to Journalists: The following release concerns research that has not yet been peer reviewed or published in a professional journal. The researcher can be reached via air mail or international telephone with the contact information listed at the end of the release. June 8, 2004
    Purdue mathematician claims proof for Riemann hypothesis
    Louis De Branges de Bourcia, or de Branges (de BRONZH) as he prefers to be called, has posted a 124-page paper "I invite other mathematicians to examine my efforts," said de Branges, who is the Edward C. Elliott Distinguished Professor of Mathematics in Purdue's School of Science. "While I will eventually submit my proof for formal publication, due to the circumstances I felt it necessary to post the work on the Internet immediately." The problem attracted a cult following among mathematicians, but after nearly 150 years no one has ever definitively proven Riemann's theory to be either true or false. Although a definitive solution would not have any immediate industrial application, in 2001 the Clay Mathematics Institute in Cambridge, Mass., offered a $1 million purse to whoever proves it first. At least two books for popular audiences have appeared recently that describe the efforts of mathematicians to solve the puzzle. One of the books, Karl Sabbagh's "Dr. Riemann's Zeros," provides an extensive profile of de Branges and offers one of the mathematician's earlier, incomplete attempts at a proof as an appendix.

    60. Stalking The Riemann Hypothesis By Dan Rockmore
    Stalking the riemann hypothesis Dan Rockmore Mathematics Advanced Pantheon Hardcover.

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