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Napoleon's Theorem: more detail |
81. Meta-Sites The Best Way To Get Good Links Is To Subscribe The These cover theorems about common tangents to circles, Napoleon s theorem on theincenters of equilateral triangles and a number of textbook problems as http://www.mccallie.org/myates/1metasites.htm | |
82. Mathematics Education 3105 Napoleon s theorem. Construct equilateral triangles on the sides of an arbitrarytriangle. Find the centroid of each of these triangles and connect them. http://www.math.uncc.edu/~droyster/courses/fall96/maed3105/gsproject3.html | |
83. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Geometry Java Applet Gallery (ENC-032059, Over These explore more complex concepts such as Napoleon s theorem and cubic splineconstructions. The mechanisms category contains four applets illustrating http://www.enc.org/resources/records/0,1240,032059,00.shtm | |
84. ENC Online: Curriculum Resources: Geometry From The Land Of The Incas (ENC-02690 Poncelet s theorem Napoleon s theorem Eyeball theorem Steiner s theorem Carnot stheorem Sangaku problem 1 An old Japanese theorem Sangaku problem 2 http://www.enc.org/resources/records/full/0,1240,026900,00.shtm | |
85. June Lester - Mathematical Presentations A generalization of Napoleon s theorem to ngons. Geometry Workshop, Universityof Hamburg, Germany, July 1994. The Universe is 25 Billion Years Old, http://oldweb.cecm.sfu.ca/~jalester/WebCV/presentations.html | |
86. June Lester- Mathematical Publications A generalization of Napoleon s theorem to ngons. CR Math. Soc. Canada 16 (1994)253 - 257. This work has spawned several other projects. http://oldweb.cecm.sfu.ca/~jalester/WebCV/publications.html | |
87. Dynamic Geometry Module: Lesson 5 Napoleon s theorem states that the centers X, Y, and Z form an equilateral triangle.Join these points and measure the sides of the resulting triangle to http://mtl.math.uiuc.edu/modules/dynamic/lessons/lesson5.html | |
88. Writing Assignment #4: Technology Applications including applications of Menelaus and Ceva s theorem, Steiner s theorem,Napoleon s theorem, problems with the ninepoint circle, and re-creations of http://www.math.ilstu.edu/day/courses/old/326/wa04sample.html | |
89. Federico Poloni's Personal Web Page ps pdf, A proof of Napoleon s theorem (given a triangle, erect equilateraltriangles on its sides then their centroids form another equilateral triangle) http://fph.altervista.org/math/index.shtml | |
90. Publications On Napoleon s theorem, Ellipse, 1 (Summer 1993) 8. 4. Algebraic Diet Plan,Centroid, 22 (Spring 1995) 30. 5. Gaskets Galore, Mathematics and Computer http://www.apsu.edu/HOEHNl/publications.htm | |
91. Euclidean-taxicab-contrast This theorem is sometimes called Napoleon s theorem. Remark Taxicab Geometry isone of an infinite family of geometries discovered by the mathematician http://www.york.cuny.edu/~malk/mycourses/math244/euclidean-taxicab-contrast.html | |
92. College Mathematics Journal, The: Some Recent Discoveries In Elementary Geometry This article also includes a generalization of Ceva s theorem to three dimensions,a new proof of Napoleon s theorem, and results on dissections of planar http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3773/is_199811/ai_n8811577 | |
93. Proceedings Of The American Mathematical Society Napoleon in isolation. Author(s) Danny Calegari Journal Proc. Amer. Napoleon s theorem in elementary geometry describes how certain linear operations http://www.ams.org/proc/2001-129-10/S0002-9939-01-05915-9/home.html | |
94. Fourier Polygons NAPOLEON S theorem; Lighting Design by Accident; The Fourier Transform;Fourier Polygons. Download PDF Download Full Issue (Compressed file of PDFs) http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/38.736472 | |
95. Untitled Document 5 John E. Wetzel, Converses of Napoleon s theorem, Am. Math. Monthly 4 (1992),339351. 6 Aureliano Faifofer, Elementi di geometria, Venezia 1911. http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/betti/note.htm | |
96. Fermat Point Of A Triangle (Did you expect me to talk about Napoleon s theorem? No, I would rather deal withdiagonals this time. The initial sketch is in fact the same but the story http://www.mtm.ufsc.br/~andsol/geom/fermat/fp-en.html | |
97. Abbeys Bookshop - Mathematical Chestnuts From Around The World The ninepoint circle and Coolidge s theorem, the De Longchamps point of atriangle, Cantor s theorem, and Napoleon s theorem; 23. http://www.abbeys.com.au/items.asp?id=107019 |
98. Index A Generalization of Napoleon s theorem Napoleon s theorem Explorations Napoleon s theorem (Jessica D. Dwy) Interactive Geometry Problem http://steiner.math.nthu.edu.tw/chuan/99s/ | |
99. PF JU - Katedra Matematiky - Doc. RNDr. Pavel Pech, CSc. - Publikacni Cinnost The harmonic analysis of polygons and Napoleon s theorem. Univ. S. Boh. Dept.Math. Rep. Ser. 6 (1998), 113. Area of a cyclic polygon. http://www.pf.jcu.cz/stru/katedry/m/pech/publ.phtml | |
100. Napoleon-Like Properties Of Spherical Triangles -- From Mathematica Information In elementary Euclidean geometry this result is known as Napoleon s theorem.Consider the following generalization of this construction. Let d(.,. http://library.wolfram.com/infocenter/Articles/1610/ | |
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