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61. The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search A mersenne prime is a Mersenne number which is prime. Gimps connects the pureresearch of finding new mersenne primes with the technology of the computer. http://www.math-cs.cmsu.edu/~gimps/gimps.html | |
62. *Concerns Of Young Mathematicians* || New Mersenne Prime Discovered The Great Internet mersenne prime Search has discovered a new mersenne prime, New mersenne prime Discovered 0 comments (0 topical, 0 editorial, http://concerns.youngmath.net/story/2005/3/2/22439/39508 | |
63. The Mersenne Primes The mersenne primes. by Stu Savory, 22/2/2005. A mersenne prime is a Mersennenumber, ie, a number of the form M=2n1 which is prime. http://home.egge.net/~savory/maths13.htm | |
64. Numcom09 Before we define what a mersenne prime is, we need to explain the meaning of A mersenne prime is a prime number of the form 2^n 1 named after the monk http://www.eng.um.edu.mt/~andebo/numbers/numcom09.htm | |
65. Largest Known Mersenne Prime Largest known mersenne prime. Largest known mersenne prime. mersenne primesare primes of the form . For to be prime we must have that p is prime. http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node28.html | |
66. What Is The Current Status On Mersenne Primes? What is the current status on mersenne primes? The following mersenne primesare known. The way to determine if is prime is to use the LucasLehmer test http://db.uwaterloo.ca/~alopez-o/math-faq/node35.html | |
67. Generalized Fermat Primes Search Today, all the mersenne primes having less than 2000000 digits are known and But the Fermat and mersenne primes are rare and the chance to find a new http://perso.wanadoo.fr/yves.gallot/primes/ | |
68. Mersenne Prime Numbers GIMPS (the Great Internet mersenne prime Search) is a distributed computingproject that is systematically testing possible candidates to find Mersenne http://www2.potsdam.edu/millerrs/Mersenne.html | |
69. 39th Mersenne Prime Discovered Announcing the discovery of the 39th mersenne prime. http://alpha01.dm.unito.it/personalpages/cerruti/primi/primigrandi/39.html | |
70. Isabel’s Math Blog » 42nd Mersenne Prime Discovered Its the 42nd known mersenne prime. Note that there is a rather efficient mersenne primes are distributed such that M(n) = the nth mersenne prime grows http://www.izzycat.org/math/index.php?p=91 |
71. Mersenne Primes Author yendor Could someone please explain mersenne primes to me, examples, likethe smallest mersenne prime which is not a prime number, also is there any http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/newton/askasci/1995/math/MATH037.HTM | |
72. The 32nd Mersenne Prime, Predicted By Anonymous The 32nd mersenne prime, Predicted by Anonymous a free ebook from manybooks.net.Read on your PDA, Cellphone, iPod, or eBook reader! http://www.manybooks.net/titles/anonetext9332pri10.html | |
73. Mersenne Primes: History, Theorems And Lists Definition When 2^n1 is prime it is said to be a mersenne prime. The listof all known primes p for which M(p) is a mersenne prime (therefore P(p) is http://cage.rug.ac.be/~hvernaev/mersenne.shtml | |
74. Mersenneforum.org - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search SubForums Great Internet mersenne prime Search, Search this Forum mersenne prime Search, Software, Math, Hardware, Data, Marin s Mersenne-aries http://mersenneforum.org/forumdisplay.php?f=24 |
75. Jim's Prime Page The first few prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11. A mersenne prime is a primenumber that is one less than a power of two. That is, a number of the form http://home.netcom.com/~jrhowell/math/prime.htm | |
76. Off The Kuff: New Mersenne Prime Found 17, when he glanced at the screen and saw New mersenne prime found. The discovery of a new mersenne prime also means that we have discovered a new http://www.offthekuff.com/mt/archives/002724.html | |
77. [Prime] 41st Mersenne Prime Reported! For mersenne primes, the best we have is a heuristic argument which predicts aninfinite number of mersenne primes the predicted distribution for http://hogranch.com/pipermail/prime/2004-May/000019.html | |
78. Explananda: 41st Mersenne Prime Found? The discovery of the 41st mersenne prime would also mean the discovery of the41st perfect number. Update After finding the message boards where the http://www.explananda.com/archives/000195.html | |
79. 40th Mersenne Prime Is Discovered 42nd mersenne prime Found by GIMPS and Announced MidFebruary 2005 It wasfound as part of the Great Internet mersenne prime (GIMP) Search. http://members.aol.com/DrMWEcker/Mersenne.htm | |
80. New Scientist Breaking News - Largest Prime Number Ever Is Found It is only the 40th mersenne prime to have ever been found. Building blocks.mersenne primes were first discussed by Euclid in 350 BC and have been central http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn4438 |
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