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         Mersenne Prime:     more books (16)
  1. The 32nd Mersenne Prime - Predicted by Mersenne by David Slowinski, 2010-07-06
  2. Calcul Distribué: Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, Cluster Beowulf, Grille Informatique, Calcul Parasitaire, Seti@home (French Edition)
  3. Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
  4. Classes of Prime Numbers: Twin Prime, Mersenne Prime, Fermat Number, Sophie Germain Prime, List of Prime Numbers, Wieferich Prime
  5. Some notes on multiplicative congruential random number generators with Mersenne prime modulus [2.sup.61]-1.: An article from: Journal of the South Carolina Academy of Science by James Harris, 2003-09-22
  6. Integer Sequences: Prime Number, Factorial, Binomial Coefficient, Perfect Number, Carmichael Number, Integer Sequence, Mersenne Prime
  7. Nombre Premier de Mersenne: Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, Nombre Parfait, 7, 3, 31, Mersenne Twister, 2305843009213693951, 127 (French Edition)
  8. The 32nd Mersenne Prime, FOUND by Math Books, 2008-05-29
  9. Prime Numbers: Prime Number, Prime Number Theorem, Ulam Spiral, Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
  10. Perfect Numbers: Perfect Number, Mersenne Prime, 6, 28, List of Perfect Numbers, 496
  11. Marin Mersenne: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Judson Knight, 2001
  12. Three new Mersenne primes, and a conjecture (Illinois. University. Digital Computer Laboratory. Report) by Donald Bruce Gillies, 1964
  13. The 32nd Mersenne Prime Predicted by Mersenne
  14. The 32nd Mersenne Prime Predicted by Mersenne

41. Mersenne Primes - Wikisource
(Redirected from mersenne prime numbers). This page lists the first 30 Mersenneprimes (prime numbers on the form 2n1), with all decimal digits written
Mersenne primes
From Wikisource
(Redirected from Mersenne prime numbers This page lists the first 30 Mersenne primes (prime numbers on the form 2 n −1), with all decimal digits written out.
Mersenne primes #1-12
Mersenne prime #13
Mersenne prime #14
Mersenne prime #15
Mersenne prime #16
Mersenne prime #17
Mersenne prime #18
Mersenne prime #19
Mersenne prime #20
Mersenne prime #21
Mersenne prime #22
Mersenne prime #23
Mersenne prime #24
Mersenne prime #25
Mersenne prime #26
Mersenne prime #27
Mersenne prime #28
Mersenne prime #29
Mersenne prime #30
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42. - Mersenne Primes Paper mersenne primes Paper. All time would not suffice for the test I like to think so) semi-comprehensive resource on mersenne primes. - Mersenne Primes Paper
All time would not suffice for the test New And Good: Good: Old But Okay: Old Fun: Old Info: Old Tech: Old Other: Crummy: Mlar: libnuwen Index bwtzip Paper Airplane ... Diet Mersenne Primes Programming Rating System News: 2004 Downloads ... GeForce FX
really suggest that you go back to my secondary and primary sources; only cite things from my paper directly if you need to refer to my conjecture specifically.) The paper has been slightly altered from the version that was submitted to IB. I received an A for it in my IB Diploma.
The paper itself, in zipped PDF format:
(266 KB) : Mersenne Primes: Development through History, Ongoing Work, and a New Conjecture

43. Mersenne Prime -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article
The first successful identification of a mersenne prime, M521, by this means was It was the first mersenne prime to be identified in thirtyeight years;
Mersenne prime
[Categories: Number theory, Integer sequences]
In (A science (or group of related sciences) dealing with the logic of quantity and shape and arrangement) mathematics , a Mersenne prime is a (An integer that has no integral factors but itself and 1) prime number that is one less than a (Click link for more info and facts about power of two) power of two
More generally, Mersenne numbers (not necessarily primes, but candidates for primes) are numbers that are one less than a power of two; hence,
M n n

Mersenne primes have a close connection to (Click link for more info and facts about perfect number) perfect number s, which are numbers that are equal to the sum of their proper divisors. Historically, the study of Mersenne primes was motivated by this connection; in the 4th century BC (Greek geometer (3rd century BC)) Euclid demonstrated that if M is a Mersenne prime then M(M+1)/2 is a perfect number. Two millennia later, in the (Click link for more info and facts about 18th century) 18th century (Swiss mathematician (1707-1783)) Euler proved that all (Click link for more info and facts about even) even perfect numbers have this form. No

44. Mersenne
Remember that mersenne primes are of the form 2n1, where n is prime. The projectis GIMPS, Great Internet mersenne prime Search.
web hosting domain names photo sharing
Mersenne Primes Mersenne primes deserve a special section on them, since they are the focus of a huge internet project that I am involved with. Remember that Mersenne primes are of the form: 2 n -1, where n is prime. The project is GIMPS , Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search. Here you can sign up for an exponent, n , to test. If your exponent creates a Mersenne prime, you will be famous, among the mathematicians and other prime number enthusiasts anyway. I am testing exponent 5,364,329. This exponent has a 1 in 43,969 chance of being a correct Mersenne exponent. I've got my fingers crossed. Laugh. But anyway, here is some information on Mersenne primes, beyond that which was in the Glossary. Early mathematicians thought that all numbers of the form 2 n -1 were prime, where n was prime. This is an easy mistake to understand when you consider that 2, 3, 5, 7 are, and 11 was basically beyond their calculating abilities until Hudalricus Regius showed that 2 -1=2047 wasn't in 1536 (23×89), By 1603 Pietro Cataldi had shown that 2 -1 and 2 -1 were both prime, but then incorrectly stated that 2

45. Mersenne
There are 37 known mersenne primes as of July 4th, 1999. Chris Caldwell sPrime Pages, specifically the page on mersenne primes, prime

46. Math Lair - Mersenne Primes
mersenne primes. A Mersenne number (written Mp) is a number of the form 2 p 1.mersenne primes are prime Mersenne numbers. If 2 p - 1 is prime,
Mersenne Primes
A Mersenne number (written M p ) is a number of the form 2 p - 1. Mersenne primes are prime Mersenne numbers. If 2 p - 1 is prime, then p itself must also be prime; when p is composite, it can be shown that 2 p - 1 is always composite. In 1644, Father Marin Mersenne, a natural philosopher, theologian, mathematician, and a musical theorist, claimed in the preface to Cogitata Physico-Mathematica that the only values of p no greater than 257 for which 2 p - 1 is prime are 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 19, 31, 67, 127, and 257. There are a few errors on this list; M is prime while M is composite (though this might have been a typo); M is composite while M and M are prime. Nonetheless, this was an amazing accomplishment. There were no computers to perform calculations in those days. As well, this list has provided a stimulus to mathematicians to invent better methods of factoring (in order to check whether a given Mersenne number is prime or not). Currently, there are 39 Mersenne primes known ( view a list of them ), and more are being discovered from time to time. A lot of is currently being done by the

47. Biography Of Marin Mersenne
Marin Mersenne investigated prime numbers and he tried to find a formula Whenever another mersenne prime is found, another perfect number is generated.
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Biographies of Mathematicians-Marin Mersenne
His Life
Marin Mersenne was a 17th century monk and mathematician, who mainly studied the numbers 2 p Marin Mersenne is best known for his role as a sort of clearing house for correspondence between eminent philosophers and scientists, and for his work in number theory.
Mersenne's Accomplishments
Many early writers felt that the numbers of the form 2 p - 1 were prime for all primes p, but in 1536 Hudalricus Regius showed that 2 - 1 = 2047 was not prime. By 1603 Pietro Cataldi had correctly verified that 2 - 1 and 2 - 1 were both prime, but then incorrectly stated 2 n -1 was also prime for 23, 29, 31 and 37. In 1640 Fermat showed Cataldi was wrong about 23 and 37; then Euler in 1738 showed Cataldi was also wrong about 29. Sometime later Euler showed Cataldi's assertion about 31 was correct. Marin Mersenne investigated prime numbers and he tried to find a formula that would represent all prime numbers. Although he failed in this, his work on the numbers 2

48. DCCentral [Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search]
Huge prime numbers are the bounty of the Great Internet mersenne prime Search.The search has been going on for four years now, and each year a

Mersenne prime

Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search
page Fig. 1: French mathematician Marin Mersenne discovered special types of prime numbers. (Courtesy of Dr. John O'Connor P The Mersenne primes aren't just pretty numbers, though: they do have many applications. Most common uses for these primes are for forming algorithms, and, interestingly enough, testing computer hardware. The most notable instance occurred when Intel used software routines from the GIMPS project to test the Pentium II and Pentium Pro chips before releasing the chips. The reason that these primes are used to test hardware is, according to mathematics Professor Chris Caldwell, "they are relatively short, give an easily checked answer...They can easily be run in the background while other 'more important' tasks run, and they are usually easy to stop and restart." ( Caldwell: "Why do people..." Anyone with an Intel-compatible computer can participate in this distributed computing project. However, depending on the computer's speed, a person may have greater or less odds of finding a prime. The project uses a test called the Lucas-Lehmer test, which is simply a proof of the 2^ P - 1 equation; the computer tests large exponents (the

49. Ivars Peterson's MathTrek - Mersenne Megaprime
On June 1, a participant in the Great Internet mersenne prime Search (GIMPS)discovered The newly discovered number is the 38th known mersenne prime,
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Ivars Peterson's MathTrek July 26, 1999
Mersenne Megaprime
This time, it's a great leap forward. On June 1, a participant in the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) discovered the first known prime number with at least 2 million decimal digitsmore than twice as many as the previous record holder. The discoverer was Nayan Hajratwala, a consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers in Plymouth, Mich. Using a Pentium-based personal computer and software written by George Woltman of Orlando, Fla., he identified 2 - 1 as a prime number, evenly divisible only by itself and 1. Its 2,098,960 decimal digits qualify Hajratwala for a $50,000 prize offered by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in Palo Alto, Calif., for the first individual or group who discovers a prime number with at least 1 million digits. The newly discovered number is the 38th known Mersenne prime, named for the French cleric and mathematician Marin Mersenne (1588-1648). Expressed in the form 2 p - 1, where the exponent p is itself prime, Mersenne numbers have characteristics that make it relatively easy to determine whether a candidate is prime. For example, written out in binary form, a Mersenne number consists of an unbroken string of 1s6,972,593 of them in the case of the record holder.

50. Ivars Peterson's MathLand
It is also the 34th mersenne prime to be discovered. Anyone can play the gameand join The Great Internet mersenne prime Search.
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Ivars Peterson's MathLand September 16, 1996
Mining Prime Terrain
Venturing again into largely unexplored digital territory, computer scientists at Cray Research have unearthed another gargantuan prime number, setting a new record for the largest known prime. This number, 2^1,257,787 - 1, has 378,632 digits, putting it well ahead of the previous record holder, which came in at 258,716 digits when it was found in 1994. If written out in full, the new prime would cover about 120 typed pages. It is also the 34th Mersenne prime to be discovered. Expressed in the form 2^ p - 1, where the exponent p is itself a prime, Mersenne numbers hold a special place in the never-ending pursuit of larger and larger primes. These particular numbers have special characteristics that make it relatively easy to check whether a candidate is either a prime number or a composite number. The smallest Mersenne prime is 3 (2^2 - 1). After that comes 7 (2^3 - 1), then 31 (2^5 - 1), and so on. With an exponent of 1,257,787, the new champion holds the distinction of being the largest Mersenne prime so far identified. However, because no one has yet checked all Mersenne numbers having smaller exponents, mathematicians can't be sure that no Mersenne primes lurk in the vast expanse between the record holder and the second-place Mersenne prime, or even between the third-place and second-place Mersenne primes. The new prime was discovered last spring by David Slowinski and Paul Gage in the course of routine testing of a new Cray T94 supercomputer in preparation for delivery to a customer. The number surfaced during one particular 6-hour run. Slowinski and Gage then asked other researchers to double-check their work before making it public.

51. Mersenne Prime Search - German Mirror
An organized search for mersenne prime numbers. Free software provided.
Fragen und Antworten
Februar 2005: Eine neue Mersenne'sche Primzahl gefunden!!!
Pages available in Chinese Dutch Italian Polish , and Spanish . Warning: These translations may not be up-to-date.
If in doubt, go to the real GIMPS Home Page This page contains answers to some of the frequently asked questions about the Mersenne Prime Freeware. It answers questions about what the program does and how to use it. It does not answer questions about networking problems or questions about the PrimeNet server. For answer's to those questions visit the PrimeNet server's FAQ . You should also try the Mersenne mailing list FAQ which contains mainly math questions, but does have a few program related questions.

52. 42nd Mersenne Prime Discovered
Announcing the discovery of the 42nd mersenne prime. Project Discovers
New Largest Known Prime Number, 2
ORLANDO, Florida - February 27, 2005 Dr. Martin Nowak, an eye surgeon in Michelfeld, Germany, and a long-time volunteer in the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) distributed computing project, has discovered the largest known prime number. Dr. Nowak used one of his business PCs and free software by George Woltman and Scott Kurowski. His computer is one of a world-wide array of tens of thousands of computers working together to make this discovery. The formula for the new prime number is 2 to the 25,964,951th power minus 1. The number belongs to a special class of rare prime numbers called Mersenne primes . This is only the 42nd Mersenne prime found since Marin Mersenne , a 17th century French monk, first studied these numbers over 350 years ago. Written out the number has 7,816,230 digits , over half a million digits larger than the previous largest known prime number. It was discovered February 18th after more than 50 days of calculations on a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 computer. The new prime was independently verified in 5 days by Tony Reix of Grenoble, France using a 16 Itanium CPU Bull NovaScale 5000 HPC running the Glucas program by Guillermo Ballester Valor of Granada, Spain. The discovery is the eighth record prime found by the GIMPS project. In recognition of every GIMPS contributor's effort, credit for this new discovery will go to "Nowak, Woltman, Kurowski, et al".

53. Integer Lists: Mersenne Primes
mersenne primes are of the form 2^p – 1, where p is itself prime. The greatmersenne prime race has been in progress now for over 600 years and shows no
Mersenne Primes are of the form , where p is itself prime.
The search was on when it was noticed that most of the early primes worked, but 2^11-1 was not prime.
The great Mersenne Prime race has been in progress now for over 600 years and shows no sign of ending.
Some of the more reasonably sized numbers are given in this list together with the date of discovery

Who was Mersenne?

Java Applet
- finds factors of all positive integers up to
History of Prime discoveries
Return to Integer Lists menu
: by pure brain-power

- 2^11-1 = 2047 = 23 x 89
= 8191 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [proved 1456] = 131071 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [proved 1588, Cataldi] = 524287 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [proved 1588, Cataldi] - 2^23-1 = 8388607 = 47 x 178481 - 2^29-1 = 536870911 = 233 x 1103 x 2089 = 2147483647 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. [proved 1772, Euler] - 2^37-1 = 137438953471 = 223 x 616318177 - 2^41-1 = 2199023255551 = 13367 x 164511353 8796093022207 = 431 x 9719 x 2099863 140737488355327 = 2351 x 4513 x 13264529 9007199254740991 = 6361 x 69431 x 20394401 -1 = 576460752303423487 = 179951 x 3203431780337 by mechanical calculators Soviet calculators page M 9: 2^ 61-1 [proved 1883, Pervushin] = 2.306 x 10^18 (4 s.f.) = 2305843009213693951

54. Luboš Motl's Reference Frame: New Record Prime
However, the mersenne prime numbers look surprisingly dense for the exponents Note that if you find the first mersenne prime with at least 10 million
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Luboš Motl's reference frame
The most important events in our and your superstringy Universe as seen from Luboš Motl's reference frame
Thursday, February 24, 2005
New record prime
The Mersenne numbers are the numbers of the form "2^p - 1". Several centuries ago, some people used to think that these numbers were always primes if "p" itself is a prime. While it's true for the first few values, the general claim is, of course, false. Primality of "p" is a necessary condition for primality of "2^p - 1", but not a sufficient one. (It's necessary because if "p=qr", then "2^q - 1" and "2^r - 1" are divisors of "2^p - 1".) In fact, only 41 Mersenne primes are officially known. The highest one, "2^24,036,583 - 1", is also the greatest officially known prime integer in the world. It was found in May 2004. Usually, the exponent roughly doubles if you want to find a new Mersenne prime. However, the Mersenne prime numbers look surprisingly dense for the exponents between 20 million and 26 million.
An international network of computers GIMPS whose website is at

55. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Number Takes Prime Position
A mersenne prime is a prime number of the form 2P1 (where the superscript The new mersenne prime has been independently verified using three weeks of
CATEGORIES TV RADIO COMMUNICATE ... INDEX SEARCH You are in: Sci/Tech Front Page World UK ... AudioVideo
SERVICES Daily E-mail News Ticker Mobiles/PDAs Feedback ... Low Graphics Wednesday, 5 December, 2001, 11:42 GMT Number takes prime position
By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse
The largest prime number yet discovered has just been revealed to the world.
There are more primes out there
George Woltman, Gimps founder The new number, expressed as 2 -1, contains 4,053,946 digits and would take the best part of three weeks to write out longhand. The prime number - a number that can only be divided by one and itself - was discovered by Michael Cameron, a 20-year-old Canadian participant in a mass computer project known as the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Gimps). Mersenne primes are important for the theory of numbers and they may help in developing unbreakable codes and message encryptions. The Gimps project spent 13,000 years of computer time to find the new prime number. Big effort Cameron used an 800 MHz AMD T-Bird PC, running part-time for 45 days to find the number.

56. BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Largest Prime Number Discovered
The first mersenne primes are 3, 7, 31, 127, etc. It is only the 41st knownmersenne prime, named after Marin Mersenne , a 17th Century French monk who


... Newswatch Last Updated: Monday, 7 June, 2004, 11:55 GMT 12:55 UK E-mail this to a friend Printable version Largest Prime Number discovered
By Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor
If written down it would stretch 25km A scientist has used his computer to find the largest prime number found so far - written out, it would stretch for 25 kilometres.
Primes are important to encryption and could lead to uncrackable codes. The new figure, identified by Josh Findley, contains 7,235,733 digits, and would take someone the best part of six weeks to write out longhand. Mr Findley was taking part in a mass computer project known as the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Gimps). Rare number He is a volunteer in the research project called the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (Gimps). Mr Findley used his home computer and free software as part of an international grid of 240,000 networked computers. The new number, expressed as 2 to the 24,036,583th power minus 1, has 7,235,733 decimal digits. It is nearly a million digits larger than the previous largest known prime number, and belongs to a special class of rare prime numbers called Mersenne primes.

57. Mersenne Primes And Fermat Primes
Math reference, mersenne prime, Fermat prime. A mersenne prime is a primethat is one less than a power of 2. Examples include 3, 7, and 31.,mers.html
Numbers, Mersenne Primes and Fermat Primes
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Use the arrows at the bottom to step through Number Theory.
Mersenne Primes and Fermat Primes
A Mersenne prime is a prime that is one less than a power of 2. Examples include 3, 7, and 31. The exponent on a Mersenne prime must also be prime. To illustrate, consider 2 -1. Now 15 is not prime, infact it is 3×5, so replace 2 with 8, and write 8 -1. This is divisible by 8-1, just as x n -1 is divisible by x-1. If p is a Mersenne prime, say 2 k -1, then consider n = p×2 k-1 . Let's compute s (n). There is one instance of p, so the first component of s is 1+p. We know this better as 2 k . The second factor of n is 2, possibly raised to a high power. Hence the second component of s becomes 1+2+4+8+16+...+2 k-1 . This is equal to 2 k -1. We know this better as p. Therefore s (n) = 2 k ×p, which is twice n, hence n is a perfect number. Perfect numbers include 6, 28, and 496, corresponding to the first three Mersenne primes. conversely, let n be a perfect even number. Let n contain k-1 powers of 2. Thus

58. Grid Computing Planet: Oracle Joins CERN Openlab
Also, Platform appoints two new execs, and a new mersenne prime number is discovered . The discovery is the 40th known mersenne prime, named after Marin
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    59. Mersenne Primes -- From Harry J. Smith
    If M(q) = is prime then it is called a mersenne prime. If a prime q makes aMersenne number a mersenne prime, then P(q) = 2^(q1) * (2^q - 1) is a Perfect
    Mersenne Primes
    N is an even perfect number if and only if
    N = 2^(q-1) * (2^q - 1) and 2^q - 1 is prime
    It should also be noted that for 2^q - 1 to be prime q must be prime. So when we search for even perfect numbers, we search on q equal to the primes. The numbers M(q) = 2^q - 1 (with q prime) are called Mersenne numbers. If M(q) = is prime then it is called a Mersenne prime. If a prime q makes a Mersenne number a Mersenne prime, then P(q) = 2^(q-1) * (2^q - 1) is a Perfect number. Here are the 42 known Mersenne primes, M(q), as of Feb 18, 2005:
    The way to determine if 2^q - 1 is prime, given that q is an odd prime, is to use the Lucas-Lehmer test:
    Lucas-Lehmer-Test(q): u := 4 for i := 3 to q do u := (u^2 - 2) mod (2^q - 1) enddo if u == then 2^q - 1 is prime else 2^q - 1 is composite endif EndTest
    Return to Perfect Numbers
    Return to Number Theory and Algorithms

    Return to Harry's Home Page
    This page accessed times since October 20, 2004.

    60. The NEW Mersenne Ring
    If you want to be added to the mersenne primes Ring, please fill out the The site belongs to a member of The Great Internet mersenne prime Search or

    Member of the cookie-sending Internet Link Exchange

    If you want to be added to the Mersenne Primes Ring, please fill out the form below. You'll then be sent an email confirming that your site has been added to the Queue. Before you can be added to the ring, you'll need to add the HTML fragment for the ring to your page. Once you have added the HTML fragment to your page, e-mail me at and, provided your site meets the criteria, I'll add you to the ring. In order to join the ring, make sure that:
    • The HTML fragment appears on the site.
    • The site belongs to a member of The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search or contains material about Mersenne numbers or contains related material.
    • Your site doesn't contain any objectionable material. Mersenne enthusiasts exist worldwide, and what is acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable elsewhere.
    • Your site links to GIMPS somewhere. If you copy the HTML code correctly, you'll have a link there anyhow.

    It may be that you cannot gain access to WebRing for some reason. All sites go down from time to time. If you want to join the ring, you can always

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