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101. Trend Conjectures INFUSE s Trend conjectures service turns a futurist s eye towards emerging Trend conjectures updates are provided quarterly via email to registered http://www.infuse.com/infusehome/TrendConjectures.htm | |
102. Alabama Review: Conjectures Of Order: Intellectual Life And The American South, Full text of the article, conjectures of Order Intellectual Life and the AmericanSouth, 18101860 from Alabama Review, a publication in the field of http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3880/is_200504/ai_n13501405 | |
103. Powell's Books - The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures About The Ultimate Fate Of Includes bibliographical references (p. 157158) and index . http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=0465038514 |
104. Stupid Evil Bastard: Assumptions And Conjectures. Assumptions and conjectures. Posted by Peter Fredson The questions andconjectures in this entry are not all that different from many Ive come up with http://stupidevilbastard.com/index/seb/comments/assumptions_and_conjectures/ | |
105. SSRN-Conjectures Regarding Empirical Managerial Accounting Research By Jerold Zi SSRNconjectures Regarding Empirical Managerial Accounting Research by JeroldZimmerman. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=258772 |
106. Silver Mean Conjectures For 15-dimensional Volumes And 14-dimensional Hyperareas Paul B. Slater, Silver mean conjectures for 15dimensional volumes and 14-dimensionalhyperareas of the separable two-qubit systems (2005). http://repositories.cdlib.org/postprints/95/ | |
107. Atlas: Multiplicity Conjectures By Hema Srinivasan Multiplicity conjectures by Hema Srinivasan shifts in a graded resolution ofS over R. We will discuss the conjectures on the bounds for multiplicities http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/caql-68 | |
108. Regency Murder Mystery London Times Regency Calendar Daily Forecast conjectures RIP HistoricalInfo Members Corner conjectures Choose another message board http://groups.msn.com/RegencyMurderMystery/conjecture.msnw | |
109. DIMACS Working Group On Computer-Generated Conjectures From Graph Theoretic And Working Group on ComputerGenerated conjectures from Graph Theoretic and ChemicalDatabases I. Working Group Meeting November 12 -16, 2001 http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/SpecialYears/2001_Data/Conjectures/ | |
110. DIMACS Working Group On Computer-Generated Conjectures From Graph Theoretic And The system discards many of the conjectures automatically, for instance thoseimplied The most interesting conjectures are proposed to the community of http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/SpecialYears/2001_Data/Conjectures/conjecturesdescript | |
111. Conjectures And Conjectural Emendation As a result, at least two other conjectures were offered for the name. One suggestedthe name Yrse (Grundtvig, Bugge, Clarke). This, too, faces the problem http://www.skypoint.com/~waltzmn/Conjectures.html | |
112. Theorems, Lemmas, And Conjectures Theorems, Lemmas, and conjectures. latex provides a simple way to typesetthe statements of Theorems, Lemmas, conjectures and so on. http://abel.math.harvard.edu/computing/latex/manual/node10.html | |
113. Solutions For Two Conjectures On The Inverse Problem Of The Wiener Index Of Pept In this paper, we give solutions for the two conjectures on the inverse problemof the Wiener index of peptoids proposed by Goldman et al. http://epubs.siam.org/sam-bin/dbq/article/38726 | |
114. Issues & Views: Conjectures And Myths The online edition of Issues Views. The hard copy edition of this newsletterwas founded in 1985 by black Americans who advocate selfhelp and business http://www.issues-views.com/index.php/sect/23000/article/23029 | |
115. Toposophics Diversification Conjectures Many sapients have pondered over the millennia since the first singularity whysapients continue to exist, and even increase in numbers and types, http://www.orionsarm.com/sophontology/Toposophics_Diversification_Conjectures.ht | |
116. Pejmanesque: BOOK REVIEW-- Karl Popper s famous conjectures and Refutations remains quite fresh, relevantand revolutionary in its approach to the conjectures and Refutations http://www.pejmanesque.com/archives/010494.html | |
117. My Conjectures These conjectures are all original but I make no claims of priority. The conjecturesconcern modular invariant theory and many of them concern the Noether http://www.mast.queensu.ca/~wehlau/Conjectures.html | |
118. Alembic: Conjectures conjectures. I was tossing the salad, with the bits of toasted pita bread wellseasoned already, when I heard those first cries. At first I couldn?t tell http://www.ashladle.org/archives/000362.html | |
119. §11. Conjectures And Restorations Of Pope. XI. The Text Of Shakespeare. Vol. 5. Vol. 5. The Drama to 1642, Part One. The Cambridge History of English and AmericanLiterature An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes. 190721. http://www.bartleby.com/215/1111.html | |
120. Balkanalysis.com - Reaping The Fruits Of Intervention: Sam Vaknin On The Wests Serbia Montenegro Reaping the Fruits of Intervention Sam Vaknin on the WestsQuagmire in Kosovo Posted on Monday, March 29 @ 170000 EST by http://www.balkanalysis.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=314 |
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