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61. IEEE Antennas And Propagation Society http://www.ieeeaps.org/ | |
62. Home CAD/CAM-Beratung Kühl IT-Dienstleistungen Und Lösungen Das Unternehmen aus Troisdorf pr¤sentiert sein Leistungsangebot aus den Bereichen EDVAuswahl und Projektmanagement. Dar¼ber hinaus wird P2plus der ap AG angeboten. http://www.cad-cam-beratung-kuehl.de | |
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64. African American Pamphlets Home Page The AfricanAmerican Pamphlets from the Daniel ap Murray Collection, 1880 - 1920,contains 351 rare pamphlets offering insight into attitudes and ideas of http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/aap/aaphome.html | |
65. GravityKills.net Honors and ap course descriptions, school year schedules, suggested web sites and interactive demonstrations, handouts, labs and photographs. A good use of the internet in a high school setting. http://www.GravityKills.net/ |
66. SF Gate: News And Information For The San Francisco Bay Area ap Headlines. Cal Business School Gets $25M Gift ap NASA counts 101 dings onshuttle Discovery ap Meeting Jerry Rice a dream come true http://www.sfgate.com/ | |
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68. Learn Chemistry - Organic, Physical & AP Help, Article, Chemistry Tutorials, Qui Offering tutorials and interactive tests for collegiate introductory level chemistry as well as ap Chem. http://www.learnchem.net/ | |
69. GravityKills.net Honors and ap course descriptions, suggested web sites and interactive demonstrations, handouts, labs and photographs. http://www.gravitykills.net/ |
70. Herald.com : Miami & Ft. Lauderdale News, Weather, Dolphins & More Online presence of a metropolitan newspaper published since 1903. News articles,opinion and humor columns, links to county, state, and Latin American http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/ | |
71. Welcome To The FHS AP Calculus Home Page An informal page with a general description of calculus. Included are an advanced placement practice test, math quizzes, and a biography section on famous mathematicians. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/2619/ | |
72. Projects - FakeAP Black Alchemy s Fake ap generates thousands of counterfeit 802.11b access points.Hide in plain sight amongst Fake ap s cacophony of beacon frames. http://www.blackalchemy.to/project/fakeap/ | |
73. AP U.S. History Decade Profiles Contains detailed review guides for preparing for the Advanced Placement United States History Exam. Arranged by decades, and available in PDF and HTML formats. http://thecellstore.netfirms.com/APUS/apusdp.htm | |
74. Los Angeles, California, National And World News, Jobs, Real Estate, Cars - Los ap News Bush Highway Bill Will Spur the Economy Marshals Fugitive CoupleTracked to Ky. Iran Resumes Full Conversion Operations http://www.latimes.com/ | |
75. News From The Associated Press This is the news Web site of the Associated Press, its member newspapers andbroadcasters. To get the latest news from the ap and a member Web site, http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/fronts/HOME | |
76. CZSpeed.NET - Rychly Internet A Komunitni Sit Poskytovatel bezdr¡tov©ho internetu pro Prahu 6 Liboc, Bl¡ Hora, SdliÅ¡tÄ na DÄdinÄ, RuzynÄ a okol. Individu¡ln projekty, kabelov© rozvody v Äinžovncvh domech ap. http://www.czspeed.net |
77. AP Chem Central! Your Source For Info On Chemistry And Crazy Occurances In Chem Many parodies from class, poems, complaints, and other examples of some of the odd events in Mr. Luttig's class. http://www.angelfire.com/mi3/apchemcentral/ | |
78. AP Watt, The World's Longest-established Literary Agency ap Watt, the world s longestestablished literary agency. http://www.apwatt.co.uk/ | |
79. CNN.com - 'Card Clubs' Complain About Casino Competition - Jun. 20, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/West/06/20/card.clubs.ap/index.html | |
80. Fort AP Hill, Va ⢠Home About Fort ap Hill; Installation Command; Directorates; Garrison Management Offices This site is provided as a public service by Fort ap Hill, Virginia. http://www.aphill.army.mil/sites/local/ | |
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