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121. American College Of Thessaloniki A sixyear high school and US-accredited liberal arts college. Information about academics, alumni, and studying abroad. Thessaloniki, Greece. http://www.act.edu/ | |
122. One Act Comedies Introductory portions of comedy one act plays and monologues that are available for production. http://www.kaneprod.com/plays/plays.htm | |
123. Act Now - Amnesty International Amnesty International (AI) is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights. http://www.amnesty.org/actnow/ | |
124. Anzac Day Act 1966 New Zealand government act defines Anzac Day and stipulates commercial restrictions on the day. http://rangi.knowledge-basket.co.nz/gpacts/reprint/text/1966/an/044.html | |
125. Save Orphan Works PHASE 3 Save Orphan Works about us news archives frequent questions PHASE 2 Public Domain Enhancement act PHASE 1 Eldred v. Ashcroft http://eldred.cc/ | |
126. Anti Racist T-shirt-Art Contest Tour (ART-ACT) By building an international antiracist t-shirt art exhibit on the Internet we intend to give expression to work that confronts hate on-line and though the t-shirts that result - in real communities. You make this work. Also has a petition to sign. http://www.art-teez.org/x_racist.htm | |
127. Federal Bureau Of Investigation - Freedom Of Information Privacy Act Transcripts of FBI cases which may be of interest to the public. http://foia.fbi.gov/ | |
128. Brass Act Brass Quintet Our home page gives a description and history of our ensemble and contains audio clips, as well as customer testimonials, to help you make the right decision concerning music for your wedding or corporate function. http://www.brassact.com/ | |
129. ACT Home Page - Emergencies, Disaster News And Coordination Home page of global humanitarian aid alliance action by Churches Together act International. http://act-intl.org/act_main_title.html | |
130. Interception Of Communications Act 1985 Report presented to parliament that deals with the Secretary of State's power to issue interception warrants at the request of the intelligence and security agencies. http://www.archive.official-documents.co.uk/document/cm47/4778/4778.htm | |
131. Table Of Contents Securities act of 1933. Table of Contents. Section 1 Short Title. Section 2 Definitions; Promotion of Efficiency, Competition, and Capital Formation http://www.law.uc.edu/CCL/33Act/ | |
132. Index Of /randomact Classic rock band from New York. Concert schedule and booking information. http://home.twcny.rr.com/randomact/ | |
133. Table Of Contents Securities Exchange act of 1934. Table of Contents. Section 1 Short Title. Section 2 Necessity for Regulation. Section 3 Definitions and http://www.law.uc.edu/CCL/34Act/ | |
134. CNN.com - Patriot Act Report Documents Civil Rights Complaints - Jul. 31, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/LAW/07/21/justice.civil.liberties/index.html | |
135. Atari - Act Of War: Direct Action http://www.atari.com/actofwar/ |
136. Salome : A Tragedy In One Act / Translated From The French Of Oscar Wilde ; Pict Translated by Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas, illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley. In HTML. Choice of viewing all in one file (100K), or divided into fourteen sections. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/WilSalo.html | |
137. Council For Exceptional Children Americans with Disabilities act Celebrates 15th Anniversary A Disabilities Rights Concert, with Bruce Hornsby and Friends, kicked off the 15th Anniversary http://www.cec.sped.org/ | |
138. IMHL - Formerly The Institute Of Mental Health Law Specialises in all aspects of the Mental Health act 1983 and allied legislation. http://www.imhl.com/ |
139. Allied Command Transformation Home Page act introduces Concept Development and Experimentation Management System NORFOLK, Allied Command Transformation Joint Experimentation, Exercises and http://www.act.nato.int/ | |
140. <:::::: Imago-Act - Aerial Flying - Hand Balancing :::::::> Former Cirque du Soleil performers. Aerial work, hand balancing, stunts for commercials and movies. http://www.imago-act.com/ | |
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