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101. BBC News | AMERICAS | Bush Calls Attacks 'acts Of War' President Bush vows to rally the world against Tuesday's attackers, and Nato pledges collective assistance if the US responds militarily. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/world/americas/newsid_1537000/1537534.stm | |
102. Welcome To WorkingForChange Now, the Senate has a chance to act again, this time with bipartisan legislation to prevent the Bush administration from loosening restrictions on how much http://www.workingforchange.com/ | |
103. #266: 04-30-03 FACT SHEET PROTECT ACT Learn about the act which strengthens law enforcement authorities to prevent, investigate, prosecute and punish crimes committed against children including child pornography. http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2003/April/03_ag_266.htm | |
104. U.S. Department Of Labor: Compliance Assistance: Family And Medical Leave Act (F FMLA fact sheet, compliance guide, text of act and Regulations, poster, forms, and information. http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/fmla/ | |
105. US Department Of Labor: Compliance Assistance: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) The Fair Labor Standards act (FLSA) establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and child labor standards affecting fulltime and part-time http://www.dol.gov/esa/whd/flsa/ | |
106. Countryside And Rights Of Way Act 2000 Full text of the act from the Office of Public Sector Information. http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts2000/20000037.htm | |
107. Advanced Cell Technology act Holdings, Inc., a Nevada corporation, and its whollyowned subsidiary, Advanced Cell Technology, Inc., a Delaware corporation, http://www.advancedcell.com/ | |
108. Ernst & Young - Thema - Sarbanes Oxley Act - Home E Y informiert ¼ber Planungsspektrum und Instrumente zur SOX Umsetzung in SEC-notierten Gesellschaften. D-70476 Stuttgart http://www.ey.com/GLOBAL/content.nsf/Germany/Thema_-_Sarbanes_Oxley_Act_-_Home | |
109. United States Department Of Justice US Attorney Patriot act is a sensible way to keep us safe The Patriot act strikes a reasonable and sensible balance between freedom and security to http://www.lifeandliberty.gov/ | |
110. The Public Domain Enhancement Act Article on two U.S. Representatives proposing the Public Domain Enhancement act, addressing the need to reform copyright laws to permit abandoned works to enter the public domain. http://www.eldred.cc/eablog/000092.html | |
111. The Bioterrorism Act Of 2002 Bioterrorism act of 2002. The Bioterrorism act is divided into five titles Prescription Drug User Fee act (Although not directly related to the http://www.fda.gov/oc/bioterrorism/bioact.html | |
112. Children's Internet Protection Act A bill (S.97) before the US Congress (19 January 1999) to require schools to introduce filtering software for school computers. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c106:S.97.IS: |
113. ALA Distance Education And The TEACH Act Information on copyright legislation, including the TEACH act, that is related to distance education. http://www.ala.org/washoff/teach.html |
114. ERROR!! US House bill by James Leach (RIA) to prohibit funding of Internet gambling accounts via bank instruments. http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=108_cong_bills&doc |
115. ALA USA PATRIOT Act And Intellectual Freedom Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association promotes intellectual freedom, freedom of speech, privacy, and the freedom to read. http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/ifissues/usapatriotact.htm | |
116. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Act Of Settlement (Irish) 1662 act passed by the Irish Parliament to bring in Protestant settlers in Munster, Leinster, and Ulster. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01112a.htm | |
117. Animal Welfare Act And Regulations animal welfare regulations, animal laws, animal policies, animal guidelines. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/usdaleg1.htm | |
118. LII's Social Security Library Library of Social Security law with links to key primary and secondary sources the Social Security act, Regulations, Programs and Operations Manual System (POMS), Hearings Rules (HALLEX). http://www.law.cornell.edu/socsec/ | |
119. Animal Welfare Act As Amended (7 USC, 2131-2156) (a) This act may be cited as the Animal Welfare act . NOTE This copy of the Animal Welfare act is provided for information only. http://www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/awa.htm | |
120. Act Establishing The Coronation Oath, 1689 Text of the Coronation Oath in use to this day. http://www.worldfreeinternet.net/parliament/oath.htm | |
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