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         Software Engineering:     more books (100)
  1. Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering by Eldad Eilam, 2005-04-15
  2. A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering (Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science) by Pankaj Jalote, 2008-09-05
  3. Software Process Improvement: Results and Experience from the Field
  4. Software Reliability Engineering: More Reliable Software Faster and Cheaper 2nd Edition by John D. Musa, 2004-09-20
  5. Encyclopedia of Software Engineering
  6. Software Systems Architecture: Working With Stakeholders Using Viewpoints and Perspectives by Nick Rozanski, Eóin Woods, 2005-04-30
  7. Software Design: From Programming to Architecture by Eric J. Braude, 2003-03-05
  8. Rapid Development: Taming Wild Software Schedules by Steve McConnell, 1996-07-02
  9. C: A Software Engineering Approach by Peter A. Darnell, Philip E. Margolis, 1996-05-29
  10. Software Engineering for Real-Time Systems by Jim Cooling, 2002-11-11
  11. Software Engineering Processes: With the UPEDU by Pierre N. Robillard, Philippe Kruchten, et all 2002-08-31
  12. Artificial Intelligence and Software EngineeringUnderstanding the Promise of the Future by Derek Partridge, 1998-11-23
  13. A Discipline for Software Engineering by Watts S. Humphrey, 1995-01-10
  14. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach (McGraw-Hill International Editions: Computer Science Series) by Pressman, 2000-12-01

81. Early History Of Software Engineering -- Robert L. Glass
The article is a condensation of the ideas of Robert L. Glass in his book Inthe Beginning Recollections of Software Pioneers about the history of
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An early history of software engineering by Robert L. Glass
The following article is a condensation of the ideas of Robert L. Glass in his book "In the Beginning: Recollections of Software Pioneers" about the history of software engineering. Glass first cautions the reader that "The most frequent mistake is the assumption that progress in those early days was slow and plodding and that not much was happening in the field." Glass divides the era of software engineering into three periods: The Pioneering Era (1955-1965)
  • The most important development was that new computers were coming out almost every year or two, rendering existing ones obsolete. Software people had to rewrite all their programs to run on these new machines. Programmers did not have computers on their desks and had to go to the "machine room". Jobs were run by signing up for machine time or by operational staff. Jobs were run by putting punched cards for input into the machine's card reader and waiting for results to come back on the printer.

82. University Of Calgary ::: Department Of Computer Science
Department of Computer Science. Research areas Artificial Intelligence, Biological Modeling and Visualization, Graphics, Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Vision, Programming Languages, Quantum Computing, software engineering.
Webmail CS Support Sony Aibo
Part of Dr. Ehud Sharlin's ongoing research in the Innovis Interactions Lab
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Dr Frank Maurer's collaboration with empolis (Germany, http://www ...
Contact Us 2500 University Dr. NW
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email: Visit the Faculty of Science Research
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83. Computer Science And Software Engineering : The University Of Melbourne
Department of Computer Science and software engineering. Research areas includeartificial intelligence, databases and information management,
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Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Almost everyone today either uses information communication technology (ICT) related products at home or at work. SMS your friends or surf the net - these are just some of the everyday things that you do that are possible because of ICT. Computer science and software engineering is the core of ICT. With the expanding information age and a steady growth in opportunities within the core areas of the ICT sector predicted, use of information related products and opportunities in ICT will continue to grow. Prof. Rao Kotagiri
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Last Modified: 04 May 2005 14:09:50 14:09:50
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84. International Journal Of Software Eng. & Knowledge Eng.
The journal publishes papers in the areas of software engineering methods andpractices A Book Series on software engineering and Knowledge Engineering,
Editor-in-Chief: Shi-Kuo Chang, University of Pittsburgh, USA Editors
V Berzins (Naval Post Graduate School, USA)
A Berztiss (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
A Cimitile (University of Sannio, Italy)
D E Cooke (University of Texas, USA)
Y Deng (Florida International University, USA)
D Graupe (University of Illinois, USA)
L Henschen (Northwestern University, USA)
D Hurley (US West Advanced Tech, USA)
Natalia Juristo (Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain)
B Kraemer (Fern University, Germany) R J Lauber (University of Stuttgart, Germany) C V Ramamoorthy (University California, USA) R G Reynolds (Wayne State University, USA) G Ruhe (University of Calgary, Canada) M Saeki (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) R D Semmel (Johns Hopkins University, USA) P C-Y Sheu (University of California, USA) K Torii (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan) G Tortora (University of Salerno, Italy) J J-P Tsai (University of Illinois, USA) J E Urban (Arizona State University, USA) B W Weide (Ohio State University, USA)

85. Software Engineering Research Center

86. Home Page Of Werner Pohlmann
University of Salzburg Programming, software engineering, programming languages, performance and reliability of communication and computer systems, parallel and distributed algorithms, and distributed discrete event simulation.
Werner Pohlmann
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Click here for information on current courses. Click here for courses given in the past.
Current research
Main subject of current work: "Distributed discrete event simulation": Click here for some publications.
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87. ESEC/FSE 2003 In Helsinki
the fourth joint meeting of the European software engineering Conference andACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of software engineering.
Helsinki, Finland, September 1-5, 2003

Conference Chairs

Program Committee

We warmly invite you to participate in ESEC/FSE 2003 , the fourth joint meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering . ESEC/FSE 2003 will bring together researchers and practitioners of software engineering to report new innovative research results and exchange experiences related to both traditional and emerging areas in software development. In addition to the technical program, ESEC/FSE 2003 will include a program of tutorials and workshops on current hot topics in software engineering. We also invite you to Helsinki , the capital of Finland . Helsinki is a Nordic, western European city with a highly developed infrastructure and some of the world's leading high-tech capabilities in telecommunications and information technology. The modern technological character of Helsinki is balanced by the richness of its nature: Helsinki is surrounded by sea on three sides, and most of its area is covered by parks and forest. A conference in a city by the sea is a pleasure you simply cannot miss! The dinner speech by Reino Kurki-Suonio, professor emeritus, Tampere University of Technology, is now available in

88. Oregon Masters Of Software Engineering
Oregon Master of software engineering. Course Schedules Course Registration software engineering means different things to different people.
Software engineering means different things to different people. Is it software management? Programming? Or a specialized kind of engineering?

89. Mirella Software Engineering And Consulting
Developers of priMioE/Con software for large wholesale and retail enterprise management. priMio-E/Con is based on the relational database ORACLE.

90. Computer Science And Software Engineering - Home
Welcome to the School of Computer Science and software engineering at UWA.The School of CSSE provides undergraduate degrees and courses in both Computer
Computer Science and Software Engineering Faculty Home School Home Search UWA UWA Website This Sub-site People UWA Expertise Structure Intranet for Home
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Welcome to CSSE
Welcome to the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering at UWA. The School of CSSE provides undergraduate degrees and courses in both Computer Science and Software Engineering and graduate research opportunities in its areas of research expertise that includes vision and visualisation, wireless networks, adaptive systems and software engineering. Much of the teaching and research is carried out in conjunction with our many ties with local, national and global industry. Prospective Undergraduates : If you are thinking about taking a unit, course or degree in CSSE. Prospective Postgraduates : Interested in postgraduate research or the research of one of our graduate students? Current Students : If you want unit pages or other information relevant to your unit, course or degree. Research : Details of research groups in CSSE, papers, seminars and backgrounds of researchers.

91. Software Engineering At Oxford | Welcome To The Software Engineering Programme
Welcome to the software engineering Programme tools for object modeltransformation; virtual research environments; modeldriven software engineering.
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Welcome to the Software Engineering Programme
Welcome to the Software Engineering Programme, a programme of advanced education and applied research at the University of Oxford, offering access to the combined expertise and resources of the Oxford University Computing Laboratory and the Department for Continuing Education . The Programme has been supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) since 1992. The Programme offers opportunities for part-time study, with courses in key areas such as object technology, software architecture, computer security, precise modelling, and development processes. Each course is delivered by an expert in the subject, and includes an intense teaching week of classes, practicals, and group work; class sizes are kept small to facilitate interaction and to promote learning. The Programme is also a centre for research activity. The teaching staff are involved in a number of national and international projects in the areas of: digital mammography; cancer clinical trials informatics; distributed computing for climate prediction; languages and tools for object model transformation; virtual research environments; model-driven software engineering.

92. SWIPe: Startseite
Softwarel¶sungen in den Bereichen Dokumentenmanagement, Workflowmanagement, ECommerce, Web Hosting (Java) und Web Design. Neben Programmbeschreibungen findet man Stellenangebote und einen Rundgang durch die Site.
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Der unabhängige Experte für Ihr IT-Projekt
  • Individualsoftware Dokumentenmanagement und Workflow (DMS/WMS) Ganzheitliche Beratungs- und Integrationsleistungen Kontinuierliche strategische, ökonomische und technische Beratung
Für Sie implementieren wir Internet-, Workflow- und Dokumentenmanagement- Technologien und schaffen integrierte Lösungen, die Ihre Geschäftsprozesse optimal unterstützen. Wir stellen dabei stets den wirtschaftlichen Nutzen und die praktische Anwendbarkeit in den Vordergrund. Durch unsere langjährige Projekterfahrung arbeiten wir Hersteller-unabhängig. Erzählen Sie uns etwas mehr über Ihre Anforderung? Wir erarbeiten für Sie eine individuelle Lösung! Zur Kontaktseite ...

93. Information On ISO/IEC 12207 And Other Software Engineering Standards
(software engineering Process Technology). Founded in 1992. Supplying SoftwareEngineering Standards Information to the World
Home ISO/IEC 12207 News List of ... Search The Expert on ISO/IEC 12207 Software Life Cycle Processes Order the ISO/IEC or the IEEE version of ISO/IEC 12207 Amendment 1 Amendment IEEE/EIA 12207.0 ... IEEE/EIA 12207. I EEE/EIA 12207. Checklist for the above items T HE standard that defines all the tasks require d for developing and maintaining software. Welcome to SEPT (Software Engineering Process Technology) Founded in 1992 Supplying Software Engineering Standards Information to the World P artners with TECHSTREET to provide the world’s premier software engineering standards Earn valuable gifts with Techpoints for shopping at Techstreet President Stan Magee, CCP
Access the latest news and information on 12207, including information on the new amendment s I SO/IEC 12207 relationship to other major standards. Engineering view of ISO/IEC 12207. ... 12207 implementation cost Order the ISO/IEC or the IEEE version of by clicking on item 12207 Versions.

94. SEFM 2005
The 3rd International Conference on software engineering and Formal Methods willbe held on campus of Koblenz University in Koblenz, Germany.
SEFM2005 is part of
International Conference Summer
Koblenz 2005 SEFM2005 is organized by
confluence of Rhine and Moselle The 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods will be held on campus of Koblenz University in Koblenz, Germany. The aim of the conference is to bring together practitioners and researchers from academia, industry and government to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to scale up their application in software industry and to encourage their integration with practical engineering methods. Authors are invited to submit both research and tool papers. The scientific program will include invited talks, paper and tool presentations, tool demonstrations, tutorials, and workshops.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press . The best papers will be selected to be published in revised and extended version in the International Journal on Software and Systems Modelling ( SoSyM ) published by Springer.

95. [ASE2005]The Automated Software Engineering 2005 Conference Homepage
Automated software engineering Homepage Most Recent Conference Automatedsoftware engineering 2005. September 711, 2005 in Long Beach, California
Automated Software Engineering Homepage
Most Recent Conference:
20th IEEE/ACM International Conference
Automated Software Engineering 2005
September 7-11, 2005 in Long Beach, California
Please visit here the homepage of this conference.
ASE On-line Bibliography
Past Conference Information
Steering Committee
Website hosted by the Specification of Software Systems Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB) Universtiy of Duisburg-Essen Maintained by

96. Virtuelles Software Engineering Kompetenzzentrum
Nichtkommerzielles Portal welches fundiertes Wissen ¼ber software engineering Methoden und Werkzeuge bereitstellt.
Das virtuelle Kompetenzzentrum für Software Engineering bietet den Software entwickelnden Unternehmen einen schnellen und einfachen Zugang zu den für sie geeignetsten Methoden zur Software Entwicklung. Dabei verfolgt das Kompetenzzentrum zum einen den Aufbau einer Community von Experten und Hilfesuchenden zu Themen des Software Engineering und zum anderen die Bündelung von Wissen zu Techniken, Methoden und Werkzeugen in Form eines elektronischen Ingenieurhandbuchs, welches über das Internet zugreifbar ist.
Zusätzlich werden über Veranstaltungen wie z.B. Workshops bekannt gegeben und es stehen Foren zum Austausch von Erfahrungen zur Verfügung. Angebote des Portals:




97. Windows A Software Engineering Odyssey
Windows A software engineering Odyssey. 8/9/00. Click here to start. Table ofContents. Windows A software engineering Odyssey
Windows A Software Engineering Odyssey
Click here to start
Table of Contents
Windows A Software Engineering Odyssey Agenda NT Timeline first 10 years Unix Timeline first 20 years ... Questions Author: Mark Lucovsky Download presentation source
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98. Software Engineering Laboratory At KAIST
software engineering Lab. (? ?)

99. Intercon Software Engineering
Providing software services to diverse clients. Namely, OO, C++, CORBA, systems integration, systems development, client/server solutions.

100. Center For Software Engineering
Sixteenth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering. ISSRE 2005will take place in Chicago, IL November 811, 2005.
Center for Software Engineering Mission: To advance the state of the art in technology and practice of software engineering in Industry. Orthogonal Defect Classification Testing Software Data Analysis Publications ... Write Us
Relevant IBM Research links:
  • For new software technology from IBM go to Alphaworks For a summary of current research topics in related areas go to
Sixteenth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering: ISSRE 2005 will take place in Chicago, IL November 8-11, 2005. To make contributions to the Industry Practice Program click here Here is the program from the Fifteenth International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering ( ISSRE 2004) , held during Nov.2-5, 2004 in Saint-Malo, Bretagne, France. The fruits of many projects from IBM Research related to software engineering tools were showcased at the IBM Rational Software Development Conference , held May 22-26, 2005, in Las Vegas, Nevada. International Conference on Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD-2005) was held in Chicago, IL, March 14-18, 2005. Over the years, IBM Research has contributed significant technology in this area.

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