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101. ESG Lego Robotics Seminar A basic robotics and mechanics class at MIT which centers on Lego. http://web.mit.edu/esg/proj/ic/www/lego.html | |
102. ICRA 2005 The 2005 International Conference on robotics and Automation will be held in During this time, the continuous progress in robotics, automation, http://www.icra2005.org/ | |
103. Ultera Systems | Virtual Tape Library, Tape RAID, Library Mirroring, Tape Copy, Provides RAID for removable storage backup solutions, data striping and mirroring for disaster recovery applications and full library robotics support. http://www.ultera.com/ | |
104. Friendly Robotics - It Mows You Don T World leader developer and manufacturer of Home robotics appliances Robomow automatic lawnmowers (RL500,RL550,RL800,RL850,RL1000) Friendly Vac http://www.friendlyrobotics.com/ | |
105. Summer Computer Camps For Kids -- Visiontechcamps Offers afterschool classes and summer camps in the San Francisco Bay Area, including robotics, web design, animation, and other high tech fields. For kids ages 9-17. http://www.visiontechcamps.com |
106. Modular Robotics At PARC Modular Reconfigurable robotics is an approach to building robots for various robotics researchers learn how to program PolyBot modules at IROS 2003. http://www2.parc.com/spl/projects/modrobots/ | |
107. TU Berlin --- Dept. Of Computer Science Department of Computer Science. Research interests include Computer graphics, computer vision, real time systems, robotics, computer architecture, logic design, data structures, functional and logic programming, scientific computing, communication, operating systems, neural networks, software engineering, theoretical computer science, formal specification, compiler construction, artificial intelligence, and knowledge based systems. http://cs.tu-berlin.de/index-en.html | |
108. ScienceDaily -- Browse Topics: Computers/Robotics robotics FAQ For the newsgroups comp.robotics.misc and comp.robotics.research . The primary Source for the European robotics Industry - This site has http://www.sciencedaily.com/directory/Computers/Robotics | |
109. Autonomous Mobile Robotics Lab Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Maryland/University_of_Maryland/College_Park/Research/Computer,_Mathematics,_and_Physical_Science_General_Research http://www.cs.umd.edu/projects/amrl/amrl.html | |
110. Robotics Technology Licensing - Wany Robotics Designs and develops embedded technologies based on robotics and licenses themfor use by manufacturers in OEM products such as toys and home appliances. http://www.wanyrobotics.com/ | |
111. Connecticut Robotics Society Based in West Hartford, Connecticut, United States. Monthly meetings and linefollowing contest held at Hartford University. Site includes club projects, member list, meeting minutes, and photos. http://www.ctrobots.org/ | |
112. AUV Technologies Developed By Bluefin Robotics Corporation Fax 617498-0067 resume@bluefinrobotics.com info@bluefinrobotics.com.Bluefin robotics Corporation 237 Putnam Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139. http://www.bluefinrobotics.com/ | |
113. Production Robotics, Inc.: Accelerated Automation - Leonard Ginsburg Contract engineering and manufacturing service to clients in the biotechnology, diagnostics, microsurgery, pharmaceutical packaging, food processing, electronics manufacturing and automotive industries. http://www.productionrobotics.com/ | |
114. Univ. Of Cambridge, Dept. Of Engineering. - Machine Intelligence Laboratory Computer Vision robotics Group. Interpretation of visual motion, visual tracking,robot guidance, face detection and tracking, image segmentation and http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/milab.html | |
115. Sitti, Metin Assistant Mechanical Engineering professor. Micro/Nanorobotics, Nanotechnology. http://www.me.cmu.edu/people/faculty/sitti.htm | |
116. Frontline Home Page http://www.whiteboxrobotics.com/ |
117. MotionNET.com - Engineering Directory Online directory for hardware and software, electronic, mechanical, motion control, automation, robotics, optics and machine vision engineering. http://www.motionnet.com/ | |
118. Netsurfer Robotics - NSR.01.13 If you ve enjoyed Netsurfer robotics, check out the rest of the Netsurfer Netsurfer robotics You can get into the holiday spirit and give a gift to http://www.netsurf.com/nsr/ | |
119. Wiley InterScience :: Session Cookies robotics Science and Systemsrobotics Science and Systems is a new conference that will bring togetherresearchers working on robotics Science and Systems 2006 will be held at the http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jtoc?ID=37416 |
120. An Interview With Drew McDermott Extensive work in logic, planning, and robotics, also known for his blunt public appraisals of the state of AI research. Interviewed in Crossroads, the student magazine of the ACM. http://www.acm.org/crossroads/xrds3-1/interview.html | |
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