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161. VideoPropulsion Home Page Videopropulsion Lowers Cost per Stream for HDTV with 6 Channel PCI QAM. If you want the lowest total cost per stream and the highest fanout density of any http://www.videopropulsion.com/ | |
162. Variable-Specific-Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket of one of the propulsion systems being considered by NASA for a manned Mars mission....... http://www.nasatech.com/Briefs/Sep01/MSC23041.html | |
163. Propulsion.com Home Page propulsion.com home page. http://www.propulsion.com/ |
164. Airbreathing Systems Analysis Office Home Page The PSAO is a systems analysis group within NASA Glenn's Aeronautics Directorate. We analytically predict the thermodynamic cycle performance of a variety of airbreathing engines, perform aeromechanical engine design, aircraft trajectory calculations, economic assessments, and environmental analyses in support of many NASA aeronautics programs. http://www-psao.grc.nasa.gov/ | |
165. JPL Artificial Intelligence Group Jet propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology FIND IT @ JPL + View the NASA Portal at the Jet propulsion Laboratory. Title Image http://www-aig.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
166. Electric Spacecraft, Inc.: A Network Of Interactive Research A network for researchers of electrodynamic field propulsion techniques for space travel. http://www.electricspacecraft.com | |
167. Advanced Propulsion Advanced propulsion, however, offers a chance to dramatically lower launch costs. Nuclear Thermal propulsion Provides a detailed history of the http://lifesci3.arc.nasa.gov/SpaceSettlement/teacher/lessons/contributed/thomas/ | |
168. Brunton's Propellers Limited Design and manufacture propellers and other high quality propulsion systems for sailing and motor yachts, patrol vessels up to large commercial ships. http://www.bruntons-propellers.com/ | |
169. Electric Propulsion Electric propulsion is most broadly defined as the acceleration of propellants by electrical Electric propulsion technology is steadily improving as our http://www-leland.stanford.edu/group/pdl/EP/EP.html | |
170. File Not Found - 20m.com 8e Figure D1C A configuration of the oscillatory chambers called TWIN-CHAMBER CAPSULE that is used for propulsion in Magnocraft and UFOs. http://propulsion.20m.com/text_8.htm | |
171. Propulsion Supply Group Large commercial turbine engine part supplier. http://www.psgjets.com/ |
172. APU Aftermarket Spares Supplies turbine engine components for AlliedSignal APU's and propulsion engines. http://www.sosarizona.com | |
173. NREL: Advanced Vehicles And Fuels Research - Hybrid Electric And Fuel Cell Vehic Information about cars that use both gas and electric power. http://www.nrel.gov/vehiclesandfuels/hev/ | |
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