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61. Propulsion Records propulsion releases 001006 are now available through our online shop for a All Content Copyright 2005 propulsion Records Site Design by Bent Concepts. http://www.propulsionrecords.com/ | |
62. OPS: Home Utilizing stock, unmodified automotive gas or diesel engines, OPS has developed a water jet drive system designed to be easily bolted on or designed into the hull of boats 18' to 30' in length. Located in Ormand Beach, Florida. http://www.opsjet.com | |
63. Field Resonance Propulsion The speculative propulsion concept described in this paper was presented The field resonance propulsion concept has been developed utilizing recent http://www.keelynet.com/energy/holt1.htm |
64. Ocean Science Research Element Home Page Studies of the oceans from space using satellite data and modelling. http://oceans-www.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
65. Fuelcell Propulsion Institute The Fuelcell propulsion Institute s managing contractor is Vehicle Projects LLC. Copyright Fuelcell propulsion Institute. All rights reserved. http://www.fuelcellpropulsion.org/ | |
66. Mermaid Marine, FNM Engines, Propulsion Systems And Aluminium Custom Built Boats Suppliers of marine engines and propulsion systems including Baudouin, Steyr and Mermaid http://reo-marine.com | |
67. Space Propulsion Guide Space propulsion Guide includes Rocket Engines, Ion Drives, Laser propulsion. http://members.lycos.co.uk/spaceprojects/propulsion.html | |
68. NASA - Emerging Possibilities For Space Propulsion Breakthroughs article by Marc.G.Millis http://www.lerc.nasa.gov/WWW/PAO/html/warp/ipspaper.htm | |
69. JPL DIAL Home Page NASA's Jet propulsion Lab Digital Image Animation Laboratory is an advanced computer animation, and software engineering facility with broadcast quality video recording and editing capabilities. The DIAL was created and is continually developed by the Visualization and Earth Science Applications group. http://www-dial.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
70. Spacecraft Propulsion - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Spacecraft propulsion is used to change the velocity of spacecraft and artificial Spacecraft designed to travel further also need propulsion methods. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacecraft_propulsion | |
71. Funneller Single Vortex Technology Introduction to a propulsion technique that utilizes a rotating cone. http://www.funneller.com | |
72. Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Caltech Jet propulsion Laboratory (JPL) near Pasadena, California builds and JPL s official site MapQuest s map of Jet propulsion Laboratory http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jet_Propulsion_Laboratory | |
73. Electric Rocket Propulsion Society (ERPS) The following are important dates for IEPC05. *November 8, 2004 Call for Papers *April 15, 2005 Deadline for abstract submission http://www.engin.umich.edu/dept/aero/ERPS/ | |
74. Beacon ESpace enter 'propulsion' into search and get 100+ reports http://techreports.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
75. Consultant Industrial Chemist, Propellant Technologist - Edotek, UK Chemical and material technology associated with liquid propulsion systems. http://www.edotek.co.uk | |
76. Imaging Radar Home Page At The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory The JPL Imaging Radar Home Page provides access to images from and information about NASA s shuttle imaging radar missions. http://southport.jpl.nasa.gov/ |
77. Ben's Chemical Propulsion Tutorials on amateur experimental rocketry, along with videos, launch reports, and pictures. http://wildmanben.tripod.com/psite/index.html | |
78. Antigravity Propulsion, Levitation AntiGravity propulsion= A Faster Stairway to the Stars ! http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Lab/5500/ | |
79. Snecma Propulsion Solide Conçoit, produit et commercialise des moteurs et des composites pour l espace, la défense, l aéronautique et l industrie. C est un industriel de premier http://www.snecma-propulsion-solide.com/ | |
80. U.S. Nuclear Weapons Research, Development, Testing, And Production, And Naval N Annotated list of nuclear weapons facilities operated by the US Government or by contractors on their behalf. Includes date of establishment, function, and other information including links to the official web page of the facility and its contractor. http://www.brook.edu/fp/projects/nucwcost/sites.htm | |
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