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         Environmental:     more books (99)
  1. Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future by R.T. WRIGHT, 2010
  2. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Environmental Science, 2010-2011 Edition (5 Steps to a 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations Series) by Linda Williams, 2009-11-12
  3. Principles of Environmental Science by William P. Cunningham, Mary Ann Cunningham, 2008-10-30
  4. Environmental Law: Examples & Explanations 5e by Steven Ferrey, 2009-12-16
  5. Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet by Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller, 2009-03-03
  6. Emanuel Law Outlines: Environmental Law by Linda A. Malone, 2007-07-05
  7. Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future (11th Edition) by Richard T. Wright, Dorothy Boorse, 2010-01-20
  8. Environmental Law Examples & Explanations by Steven Ferrey, 2007-07-30
  9. Environmental Health: From Global to Local (Public Health/Environmental Health) by Howard Frumkin, 2010-02-08
  10. Environmental Science: A Global Concern by William Cunningham, Mary Cunningham, 2009-09-18
  11. Environmental Science by Eldon Enger, Bradley Smith, 2009-02-18
  12. Environmental Science by Andrew H. Lapinski, Robert M. Schoch, et all 2002-01
  13. Environmental Economics by Charles D. Kolstad, 2010-03-31
  14. Essentials of Environmental Health by Robert Friis, 2006-05-15

161. DOE Environmental Management (EM) - Waste Management And Environmental Restorati
Provides access to fulltext reports on waste management and cleanup topics, sponsored by the US Department of Energy.
The Environmental Management subject portal is no longer available.
Other Subject Portals

162. Home : ENERGY STAR
Created by the US environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energyto help consumers save money and prevent air pollution.
What is ENERGY STAR? Newsroom Search PRODUCTS Find a Store Special Offers in certain regions HOME IMPROVEMENT Solutions to common problems Home Energy Analysis Home Sealing ... Find Local Homebuilders and other partners BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT Reduce building and facility energy use in your organization Guidelines for Energy Management
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For Utilities/Efficiency Program Sponsors
... EPA announces ENERGY STAR Building Challenge DO YOUR PART Smart Ways to Stay Cool this Summer Five Steps You Can Take in Your Home Products Home Improvement ...
DOE Search

163. EEK! Environmental Education For Kids
EEK! environmental Education for Kids an interactive online magazine brought toyou by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Welcome to "EEK!" - brought to you by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources . This electronic magazine is for kids in grades 4-8. Surf around and learn more about the great outdoors.
Nature Notes
Our Earth Cool Stuff Get a Job ... Teacher Pages Last Revised: September, 2005
For more information, contact:
Carrie A. Morgan
Or if you have technical questions, please contact:
Menus by

164. New EIA Page
Describes EIA procedures that operate in Malta, including a summary of the environmental Statement, the terms of reference and the site plans for development applications that require an EIA.
The Environment Impact Assessment website has been incorporated within the MEPA site. You may access the new EIA website directly from: Kindly note that this URL will be removed soon.

165. Environmental Issues Site - Information, News, And Tips
Articles and internet links on a wide range of environmental topics. Includesinterest groups, magazines, policy, and environmental jobs.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Environmental Issues Environmental Issues Essentials ... Help zau(256,140,140,'el','','');w(xb+xb+' ');zau(256,140,140,'von','','');w(xb+xb);
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Your Guide to Environmental Issues
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now! Women Are Toxic!?
The Women's Foundation of California says that women are more susceptible to the absorption of toxins that men. According to the non-profit women's organization, body fat, menstrual cycles and pregnancy make women more apt to store, release and re-release toxins into their bodies. Toxins can come from industry pollution and the products women use every day, such as shampoo and nail polish.
To avoid transferring these toxins to their unborn fetuses or through breast milk (and rid themselves of harmful chemicals), many women are taking matter into their own hands. Greenpeace National Mercury Testing Project sponsors a program that allows individuals to test for mercury , one of the most common contaminants. Participants simply snip a few strands of hair, which is then sent off to a lab and tested for the harmful chemical. Women can also search the

166. American Management Resources Corporation, (AMRC) Fort Myers, Florida - Environm
Offering environmental professional design services, and environmental audits. Located in Florida.
Mission Statement To be the company clients trust for comprehensive solutions accomplished with integrity, professionalism, and fiscal responsibility.
Contact Info:
5230 Clayton Ct.
Ft. Myers, FL 33907
239-936-8266 voice
239-936-0737 fax
N. Florida Office
PO Box 142653
Gainesville, FL 32614 352-495-8266 voice 425-732-9785 fax Central Florida Office 6634 Glades Way Sarasota, FL 34231 941-929-8800 voice 941-929-8801 fax
American Management Resources Corporation is a Florida corporation providing environmental professional inspection, testing and design services, including indoor air quality (bacteria, fungi, mold, mildew, chemical), asbestos, lead, environmental assessments and audits. American Management Resources Corporation is pleased to present our firm's experience, capabilities and qualifications for your review. They include:
  • We understand environmental inspection, testing and design services is a multifaceted subject involving:
      people and the way they react. sources of contaminants; physical, chemical, and biological.
  • 167. Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality
    The Oregon Department of environmental Quality (DEQ) is a regulatory agency whosejob is to protect the quality of Oregon s Environment.

    Air Quality
    Land Quality Water Quality Laboratory ... Vehicle Inspection
    Protecting Oregon's Environment The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is a regulatory agency whose job is to protect the quality of Oregon's Environment. DEQ is responsible for protecting and enhancing Oregon's water and air quality, for cleaning up spills and releases of hazardous materials, and for managing the proper disposal of hazardous and solid wastes. [ more ] Consumer Corner
    Visit DEQ's Consumer Corner to get answers to your questions about septic systems, heating oil tanks, asbestos, mercury reduction and more. [Emergency Info] [Job Openings] [Databases] [Privacy Notice] DEQ Online is the official web site for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
    If you have questions or comments please contact us . The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is a regulatory agency authorized to protect Oregon's environment by the State of Oregon and the Environmental Protection Agency

    168. Environmental Sciences Department, UVA
    Undergraduate, graduate, and research programs in Charlottesville, VA. Offers course contents, recommended course work, past and current research listings, newsletter, faculty members. Resources for prospective and current students.
    "Advancing understanding of the environment through interdisciplinary scientific research and education." The Department of Environmental Sciences is an academic department in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia, offering instruction and conducting research in the areas of Ecology, Geosciences, Hydrology, and Atmospheric Sciences.
    environmental, environment, Charlottesville, VA, ecology, geology, hydrology, atmospheric sciences, college, colleges, school, universities, grad, courses, degrees, major, Ph.D., M.S., education, soils, groundwater, water quality, fluid transport, contaminants, riparian, limnology, aquatic, terrestrial, biogeochemistry, biogeography, biodiversity, ecosystem, ecosystems, microbial, climatology, meteorology, weather, atmosphere, modeling, geosciences, geochemistry, geomorphology, earth science, isotopes, interdiscplinary, requirements, programs, LTER, SWAS, PIRCH, GECP, Blandy Farm, VFRF, arctic, boreal, global, coastal, piedmont, appalachian, mountain, africa, mars, savanna, grassland, rainforest, forest, desert. Info News Courses Undergraduate Program ... Jobs

    169. Virginia DEQ
    Protects the environment of Virginia in order to promote the health and wellbeingof the citizens of the Commonwealth.
    @import "feature.css"; Commonwealth of Virginia Web Policy Governor of Virginia Contact Us ...
    Advanced search
    Virginia DEQ Home
    Public information



    Financial services
    ... Report pollution NEW! Find the right permit fast with DEQ's automated Permit Expert NEW! Get information on permit applications received by DEQ. Visit our Permit Tracking page. Your browser does not support javascript
    Community involvement at DEQ
    Roanoke area community meeting Working with communities around Virginia Process for Early Dispute Resolution ... Air Pollution Control Board , September 26, 2005 State Water Control Board , September 27 and 28, 2005 Virginians responding to Hurricane Katrina Glossary of environmental terms Mirant study of Potomac River power plant in Alexandria (83 MB PDF) DEQ letter to Mirant Potomac River power plant Draft Water Quality Assessment Guidance available for public comment Coming Soon! Submit Discharge Monitoring Reports online with e-DMR Virginia air quality information ... Reports to the General Assembly Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
    629 East Main Street
    P.O. Box 10009

    170. M E G - A - W O R L D Links To Environmental Racism/Environemntal JusticeEnviron
    Annotated collection of internet links, from MegA-World.
    Welcome to the
    Environmental Justice/Environmental Racism
    l i n k s
    so that you can Save the world, and hurry up about it!
    Time Sensitive Events
    There is no greater enemy to the environment than George W. Bush.
    You cannot be FOR the environment, the Bill of Rights, this country, or any other;
    if you are FOR George Bush
    Don't let his Iraqi dog wagging work on your tender brain.
    He "doesn't believe in" global warming, which made it easy for him to renege on
    The Kyoto Protocol
    , the 1997 international accord setting limits on greenhouse gas emissions.
    He wishes to vivisect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska, for oil.
    He has lifted limits on off-road-vehicles in sanctuaries, and has rolled
    back rules that banned development on 60 million acres of national forest.
    He tried to lift new limits on the amounts of arsenic allowed in drinking water, and undid new cleanup regulations for federal surface mines. I could go on, but you must, instead. Save the Arctic Refuge Defend Our Wildlife. Learn more about what you can do to counter this unelected antiChrist And send a free fax to protest his satanic warmongering After all I paraphrase what we used to say back in the day war is extremely bad for the environment and all living creatures.

    171. Welcome To The Indiana Department Of Environmental Management
    Department information including enforcement, compliance, programs, permits,publications, laws and contacts.
    @import url(/ender/ender.css); Skip Ender Navigation
    Agency Listing Policies var dir = location.href.substring(0,location.href.lastIndexOf('')); var url = location.href.substring(dir.length,location.href.length+1); document.write("Text Only") Contact Webmaster Help document.write(ender);
    Quick Links

    172. Midwest Environmental Advocates
    MEA is Wisconsin's first environmental law center, with the objectives of enforcing environmental laws, building diverse coalitions, and protecting the human right to a clean and healthy environment.
    MEA's website has moved to:
    If your browser does not automatically transfer you,
    you may link to our website at

    173. NPS: Nature & Science » Natural Resource Hazards & Visitor Safety: Environmenta
    MARK VAN MOUWERIK LYNETTE STEVENS MARION DUBLER SEESE WENDY BASHAM. environmentalContaminants Encyclopedia Listing Warning/Disclaimers
    Skip to Content National Park Service National Park Service
    U.S. Department of the Interior
    NPS Advanced Search
    Search A to Z
    Air Biology ... Social Science Explore Topics NPS Skip to Content
    Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia February, 1998
    WENDY BASHAM Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia Listing
    Table of Contents: You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to read the files brought to you by the search engine. The reader is free to download from Search Engine NATIONAL PARK SERVICE
    1201 Oakridge Drive, Suite 250
    Skip to Content
    Skip to navigation U.S. Department of the Interior Freedom of Information Act ... Contact Us update on I I Email:

    Searchable database of international environmental treaties from the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN).
    treaty locator country explorer metadata G ET D ATA

    Select treaties based on search criteria. Browse results or construct data tables.

    Access national level data on more than 200 countries. For example, which treaties a country, organization, territory have signed (signatory to) or which treaties a country, organization, territory have ratified (party to). COUNTRY PROFILES
    Metadata/Citation Info



    Welcome to ENTRI, a fast, convenient, comprehensive online service for accessing multilateral environmental treaty data. Find status data for environmental treaties, treaty text and other related information easily. Construct custom tables by selecting countries and treaties of interest to you. If you have questions or need assistance using ENTRI visit SEDAC's user assistance page.

    175. Agence Canadienne D'évaluation Environnementale / Canadian Environmental Assess
    Promotes environmental assessment as a planning tool to protect and sustain ahealthy environment and to meet the expectations of Canadians who want a
    Important Notices Avis importants Important Notices Avis importants

    176. Local Government Assistance Network - LGEAN
    National forum and clearinghouse of environmental information for local government. Provides 24 hour access to regulatory and pollution prevention information, message boards, regulatory updates, grants, and financing information.
    Your browser is not Java capable or Java has been disabled. LGEAN is managed and operated by the International City/County Management Association, Forward questions or comments about this site to or call 877-865-4326.

    177. EDC: Environmental Design + Construction
    environmental Design Construction Magazine The magazine of successful building economically and environmentally.
    The Premier Source for Integrated High-Performance Building.
    Advertiser Index

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    NEW! Quick Poll Reprints Subscribe Home ... 2004 Road Show NEW! Green Product Technical Bulletins Carpet and Rug ... Supplement
    All BNP Media TheNEWS ASI Appliance Design Assembly CeramicIndustry CircuiTree CommercialFloorCare DairyFoods ED+C EnergyUserNews EngineeredSystems FCI FoodEngineering ICS IndustrialHeating ISHN NationalDriller NationalFloorTrends NutraSolutions IPP PackagingStrategies PCI PMEngineer PlumbingMechanical PointOfBeginning PollutionEngineering PreparedFoods PCE ProcessHeating Quality ReevesJournal RoofingContractor SDM Security SNIPS StoneWorld-CSTD SupplyHouseTimes Tile WallsCeilings WorldTrade Cover Story 2005 Excellence in Design Awards ED+C honors sustainable buildings with 2005 Excellence in Design Awards. College Business Complex Offers Lesson In Sustainability Lillis Business Complex makes the most of natural sources including daylight. Lending A Helping Hand ED+C and 11 Other BNP Media Publications Sponsor Habitat For Humanity Home Construction Waste Management Turner Construction Co. attempts to make 50 percent waste diversion standard practice.

    178. EHR : Environmental Health Resources
    Health and safety consulting and programs, indoor air quality, industrial hygiene, asbestos management, lead, environmental health, OSHA, contractor supervisor training, asbestos worker training. (MI)
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    179. Earthshots: Satellite Images Of Environmental Change: Table Of Contents
    A global collection of Landsat images and text, designed to show environmentalchanges and to introduce remote sensing. Images and explanatory from every
    This page uses frames. Sorry

    180. Home
    Safe paints for friendly people
    Environmental Coatings (U.K.) Limited The United Kingdoms Leading Water-borne Joinery Coatings Distributor "tomorrows joinery coatings technologies today" Home Products Services Projects ... Associates
    Company Profile
    W e S pecialise in the distribution and technical services of water-borne coatings products throughout the United Kingdom We Provide in depth advise on:
    • Product demonstrations. Colour samples. Technical and Health and Safety information. Correct product choice. Spray application training and techniques. Spray and extraction, equipment recommendations. Component handling and drying processes.
    ADDITIONAL SERVICES We run a full working spray shop facility finishing Internal and External Joinery products including coatings to P.V.C.u. windows, doors and trim etc. We arrange Air Assisted Airless Training and in depth advise on finishing joinery, ahead of the financial commitments needed to set up a finishing shop. Our technical and product director Ray Wright has over 25 years experience with Sikkens Coatings products and would be glad to answer any question regarding the Sikkens Woodcare range of products.
    water-borne coatings specialists
    Contact Information:
    Telephone FAX Postal address
    Unit 1, 45 Hermitage Lane, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5HB.

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