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121. Icsonline:uc Irvine's Donald Bren School Of Information And Computer Sciences An independent school focused solely on the computer and information sciences. http://www.ics.uci.edu/ | |
122. SLOVAK SOCIETY FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE Top/Regional/Europe/Slovakia/Science_and_Environment/Computer_Science http://www.ifip.or.at/members/slovakia.htm | |
123. Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc. 2005.7.26, We had Sony computer science Laboratories, Inc. Exhibition in July 1624, 2005, at Sony ExploraScience. 2005.3.8, added Privacy Policy page. http://www.csl.sony.co.jp/ | |
124. CS Daily: Computer Science News News site covering computer science, for fans, students, researchers and professionals. http://csdaily.com/ | |
125. University Of Warwick: Computer Science: Home: Computer Science University of Warwick computer science Home computer science. http://www.dcs.warwick.ac.uk/ | |
126. Welcome To The Centrum Voor Wiskunde En Informatica Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (Center for Mathematics and computer science), Amsterdam, Netherlands. http://www.cwi.nl/ | |
127. University Of Calgary ::: Department Of Computer Science Offers technical reports, faculty contacts and course information. http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/ | |
128. University Of Westminster London - Harrow School Of Computer Science offers a fulltime/part-time Master of Science in Electronic Commerce, London UK. http://hscs.wmin.ac.uk/courses/mscec.htm | |
129. Computer Science Department Welcome to the computer science Department at Stony Brook University In a recent Gourman report Stony Brook s undergraduate computer science program was http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/ | |
130. Science Resources On The Net Start Page A selection of listings covering museums, K12 sites, math, computer science, philosophy of science, physics, chemistry, astronomy and cosmology, biology, geology, ecology, agriculture, medicine, psychology, anthropology and archeology. Includes website search engine. http://www.geocities.com/peterroberts.geo/ | |
131. Computing Science - Computing Science Computing Science, Glasgow, Scotland. The Computing Science Department at the University of Glasgow traces its origins to 1957 when the University of http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/ | |
132. EECS Click drawing for webcam shot of the new CSE Building! (More Info). University of Michigan Department of Electrical Engineering and computer science http://www.eecs.umich.edu/ | |
133. UW Constraint-Based Systems Constraints research group, Department of computer science and Engineering. Home of DeltaBlue, Cassowary. Neat constraint Java Applet demonstrates a theorem about quadrilaterals. http://www.cs.washington.edu/research/constraints/ | |
134. Computer Science At Yale University Includes several listings of topic and research areas, and includes general CS program, undergrad and graduate, information. http://www.cs.yale.edu/ | |
135. Distributed Systems Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory has recently established the Distributed Supercomputing Laboratory (DSL) within its Mathematics and computer science Division. The DSL is both a stateof-the-art experimental facility and a focal point for research and development at the intersection of high-performance computing and networking. http://www-fp.mcs.anl.gov/dsl/index.html | |
136. School Of Computer Science | University Of Waterloo The School of computer science takes pride in its diversity of strengths, innovation in research and education, and close contact with surrounding hightech http://www.cs.uwaterloo.ca/ | |
137. WG 2001 The workshop aims at uniting theory and practice by demonstrating how graphtheoretic concepts can be applied to various areas in computer science, or by extracting new problems from applications. Boltenhagen near Rostock, Germany ; 1416 June 2001. http://wwwteo.informatik.uni-rostock.de/wg2001/ | |
138. SRI Computer Science Laboratory computer science Laboratory Formal Methods and Dependable Systems; Rewriting Logics and Systems. http://www.csl.sri.com/ | |
139. The University Of The West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago Department of Mathematics and computer science. http://www.dmcs.uwi.tt/ | |
140. Swedish Institute Of Computer Science Research focuses on distributed interactive realtime systems. Publications and software. http://www.sics.se/ | |
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