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161. Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer Computer Simulation CFD Consulting Services Flowsol computational fluid dynamics consulting services company, based in London, England, specializing in affordable solutions to heat transfer and fluid flow engineering problems. http://www.flowsolve.com | |
162. (Israel) Weizmann Institute Of Science, Rehovot The Carl F. Gauss Minerva Center for Scientific Computation. New fundamental computational approaches in physics, chemistry, applied mathematics and engineering, introducing, in particular, advanced multiscale (multi-resolution) and parallel-processing methods. http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~achi/gaussctr.html | |
163. Allied Environmental Technologies, Inc., Renewables, Fuel Cells, Pollution Contr AlEnTec is a multidiscipline design and engineering firm whose objective is to provide consulting and support to industry in emissions control, plasma waste destruction, computational modeling, and applied energy systems. http://www.alentecinc.com | |
164. DOCTORAL PROGRAM computational hydroscience, and environmental engineering. computationalengineering SCIENCE This new Doctor of Philosophy degree program is designed http://www.olemiss.edu/depts/graduate_school/Catalogs/catalog2000/147_engr_doc.h | |
165. Home engineering services, research and development in Signal Processing, computational Science and Error Analysis. Based in Sterling, VA, USA. http://signal-science.com/ | |
166. Springer Online Reference Works All computational, engineering Mathematical Sciences, CoherentDomain OpticalMethods, Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, Encyclopaedia of http://reference.springerlink.com/?xmlid=2 |
167. Meridian Azimuth : Combustion Engineers For The Process Industry :: Meridian Azi engineering design, development, computational fluid dynamic modeling, 3D CAD modeling, and graphical programming. http://meridianaz.co.uk | |
168. Computational Science And Engineering An interdisciplinary doctoral program involving ten academic units and thirty faculty preparing researchers and academicians to do computationally intensive research in science and engineering. http://www.cse.mtu.edu/ | |
169. Johnny Bigert's Homepage Research into computational linguistics, natural language processing and language engineering. http://www.nada.kth.se/~johnny/ | |
170. SpringerLink - Publication Quarterly publication. Encompasses all aspects of computational linguistics and language engineering. Topics, aims and scope, editorial board, subscription information, indexing and abstracting and ordering information. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0922-6567 | |
171. Fredrik Olsson's Home Page Swedish Institute of Computer Science Language engineering, computational linguistics, information extraction and machine learning. http://www.sics.se/~fredriko | |
172. ACM2E Research Group Applied computational Mathematics and Mechanics Research Group in the Mechanical and Aerospace engineering Department at SUNY at Buffalo. http://wings.buffalo.edu/eng/mae/acm2e/ | |
173. Center For Computational Science Research at the center is focused on advanced applications of computing to problems in the sciences, engineering, arts and humanities. http://ccs.bu.edu/ | |
174. Emerson Process Management Provides engineering services, products, training, and customer support in strategic maintenance. http://www.compsys.com | |
175. University Of Wales Swansea BEng courses in civil engineering, engineering science, and civil engineering with a European language. An MSc/Certificate course in engineering computational methods. http://www.swan.ac.uk/civeng/ |
176. Center For Algorithm Engineering Consortium which includes Johns Hopkins, Duke, and Brown University. Main task is aimed at facilitating an effective technology transfer from computational Geometry to relevant applied fields. http://www.cs.jhu.edu/labs/cgc/ | |
177. ERC At Mississippi State University Conducting coordinated crossdisciplinary research through interaction with industrial and governmental affiliates. http://www.erc.msstate.edu/ | |
178. Peteng.com Online computational and graphics programs for engineers and geologists in drilling, reservoir engineering, production, ecomomics and drilling. Free use of programs. http://www.peteng.com |
179. 33Institut D'Informatique Computer Science Department. Research covers humancomputer interfaces, multimedia communication, information system engineering, semantics, computational logic, databases, medical applications and network security. http://www.info.fundp.ac.be/index_eng.html | |
180. McGill University School Of Computer Science School of Computer Science. Research groups focus on advanced compilers, architectures and programming systems, Java tools, artificial intelligence, database technology, computational geometry, mobile robotics, computer vision, software engineering, cryptography and quantum information. http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/ | |
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