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81. Litigation Consultants in acoustics, vibration, noise control and audio visual design. The Papaimos Group 408 Montecillo Road San Rafael, CA 94903 (415) 4723654 http://www.nonoise.org/products/litigation/ | |
82. Services 5700 Broadway Sacramento, CA 95820 (916) 4571444. Consultants in acoustics, vibration, noise control and audio visual design. http://www.nonoise.org/products/services/ | |
83. Department Of Architecture, The University Of Hong Kong Subject Active control of noise and vibration, Institute of acoustics ( G, P 620.23 I58. 6. Actice control of sound, Nelson, PA, 620.23 N4 http://www.arch.hku.hk/teaching/lecture/65733.htm | |
84. Mathtools.net : Applications And Industries/Control/Noise And Vibration Control Architectural acoustics including noise and vibration control for auditoriums, churches, synagogues, and other critical listening spaces. http://www.mathtools.net/Applications_and_Industries/Control/Noise_and_Vibration | |
85. Environmental Noise Control Consultants, Building Accoustics, Noise, Vibration A Building Accoustics, noise, vibration and harshness Helmside acoustics acoustics, environmental acoustics and automotive noise, vibration and http://www.helmside-acoustics.co.uk/ | |
86. Second Annual Sound And Vibration Summit - Events - National Instruments Anyone interested in noise, acoustics, audio, or vibration test and design, including audio DAC designers, consumer audio manufacturers, http://www.ni.com/niweek/summit_sound_vibration.htm | |
87. Edie Job Centre - Noise,Vibration And Acoustics Consultant Job vacancy for the position of noise,vibration and acoustics Consultant. http://www.edie.net/jobs/search/view_job.asp?id=15508&channel=0 |
88. Edie Job Centre - Noise, Vibration And Acoustics Consultant Job vacancy for the position of noise, vibration and acoustics Consultant. http://www.edie.net/jobs/search/view_job.asp?id=15561&channel=0 |
89. United Kingdom, Noise, Vibration And Acoustics Consultant Job Title, noise, vibration and acoustics Consultant. Contract Type, Permanent. Sector, Construction / Mining. Countries, United Kingdom http://www.eurojobs.com/employmentControl.jsp?useCase=viewRecAdvert&advertId=CON |
90. Advanced Course In Acoustics, Noise And Vibration: News From Institute Of Sound Now in its 33rd year, ISVR s advanced course in acoustics, noise and vibration is one of the longest standing events in the acoustics calendar. http://www.engineeringtalk.com/news/ijp/ijp103.html | |
91. Advanced Course In Acoustics, Noise And Vibration: News From Institute Of Sound The 32nd advanced course in acoustics, noise and vibration will be held in Southampton on 22th26th September, 2003. http://www.engineeringtalk.com/news/ijp/ijp100.html | |
92. Environmental Noise & Acoustics Jobs Acre Resources specialises in environmental acoustics and vibration jobs. We recruit for people with expertise in building acoustics, noise and vibration, http://www.acre-resources.co.uk/environmental-noise-and-acoustics-jobs.php | |
93. JMDynamics - Specialists In Vibration, Acoustics, Noise And Fatigue Specialists in vibration, acoustics, noise and fatigue. This site is best viewed using Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0 or later . http://www.jmdynamics.com/ | |
94. ISO - International Organization For Standardization ISO/CD 103021, acoustics Measurement of noise and vibration of small air-moving devices Part 1 Airborne noise emission http://www.iso.org/iso/en/CatalogueListPage.CatalogueList?COMMID=1627&scopelist= |
95. Noise Vibration noise vibration and acoustics are integral components of the built and the natural industrial noise and vibration control, architectural acoustics, http://www.soundcoat.com/catalog/n-vibration.asp | |
96. Archicoustics - Acoustics, Noise & Vibration Control, Sound And Audiovisual Syst We provide acoustical engineering for architectural design, noise, vibration, and sound / audiovisual systems. We practiced acoustical design engineering http://www.archicoustics.com/ | |
97. Acoustics Research - Auburn University Auburn University acoustics and vibration Research have graduated having conducted research into acoustics, noise control engineering and vibration. http://www.eng.auburn.edu/department/me/faculty/crocker/acoustic.htm | |
98. Disc Drive Acoustics Drive mechanics have a large effect on acoustics because acoustic noise is The second noise source is generated from the drive s vibration during idle http://www.seagate.com/support/kb/disc/tp/acoustics.html | |
99. Atkins - Acoustics, Noise And Vibration acoustics, noise vibration. Atkins acoustics, noise and vibration. noise and vibration from building services plant are increasing headaches for http://www.atkinsglobal.com/wsainternet/skills/engineering/acousticsnoisevibrati | |
100. Alexa - Browse: Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration Sites in acoustics, Ultrasound and vibration (29). Active noise Control (5); Associations (6); Audio Sound Clips (6); Conferences and Meetings (5) http://www.alexa.com/browse?&CategoryID=324 |
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