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61. Welcome To H.A.D.'s Official Website! Nonprofit organization devoted to steering youths away from drugs through sports, modeling, and entertainment. http://www.hadofnyc.org/ | |
62. DARE The official UK site for this charity organisation dealing with drugs and drug related issues. Includes sports, teens and kids sections. http://dare.uk.com/ | |
63. Heinemann Library Nonfiction Children's Books Nonfiction books for elementary and middle school readers. Subjects include animals, arts, biography, careers, drugs, economics, social science, Spanish, sports, geography, government, health and safety, history, math, reference, and science. Also publish books for the Accelerated Reader program. http://www.heinemannlibrary.com/ | |
64. ZachEverson.com: Writer Editor. I’m A Freelance Writer And Editor With Ext Serious commentary, humor articles, true stories of zany exploits, and a business dictionary. Topics include news, sports, finance, literature, entertainment, sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. http://www.zacheverson.com | |
65. ESPN.com - SPECIAL - Drugs And Sports drugs and sports Anabolic steroids drugs and sports Marijuana drugs andsports Cocaine drugs and sports Barbiturates http://espn.go.com/special/s/drugsandsports/ | |
66. Sport Medicine Council Of Nova Scotia Objectives, upcoming events, medical coverage, membership, the athletic trainers association, sports nutrition, ethics and drugs in sport, and links to other web sites. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/SportFit/SMCNS/ | |
67. ESPN.com - SPECIAL - Anabolic Steroids Prize for his work in the area of performanceenhancing drugs in competitivesports. He joined us to address the issue of steroids and sports. http://espn.go.com/special/s/drugsandsports/steroids.html | |
68. Survey One-million Teens Use Sports Drugs CNN http://cnn.com/2001/HEALTH/diet.fitness/08/28/youth.supplements.ap/index.html |
69. CNN - G-8's Second Day Focuses On Crime, Drugs, Poverty ... And Sports - May 16, CNN http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/europe/9805/16/g8.wrap/index.html | |
70. USATODAY.com Steroids, politics and sports Issue has full attention of Congress and pro Graphic How steroids work See how drugs are absorbed into the body and learn http://www.usatoday.com/sports/drugs-in-sports.htm | |
71. CNN.com - Drug Cheats Threaten Sports Integrity - Oct. 30, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/SPORT/10/28/riddell.drugs/index.html | |
72. Brown Chiropractic And Associates Has A Chiropractor To Fix Your Spine With Chir Specializing in work, auto and sports injuries. Alternative health care by spinal manipulation of vertebrae to correct subluxations and restore health to your body without using drugs or surgery. http://www.milpitaschiropractic.com/ | |
73. DRUGS AND SPORTS / STEROIDS TEST NABS A BIG STAR / Palmeiro Suspended -- He Swor drugs AND sports BR STEROIDS TEST NABS A BIG STAR BR Palmeiro suspended he swore he never used illegal sustance. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/08/02/MNGLLE197Q61.DTL |
74. Drugs In Sport | Drug Use In Sport drugs in sport Increase your strength speed and stamina for free at the amazingnew Peak Performance sports science Library. http://www.pponline.co.uk/encyc/drugs.htm | |
75. Drugs And Sports Essays And Articles At ENotes drugs and sports essays, articles, and viewpoints. http://www.enotes.com/drugs-sports-article/ | |
76. Performance Enhancing Drugs Essays And Articles At ENotes A review of sports history reveals that drugs and sports have gone handin-hand If performanceenhancing drugs were permitted in all sports competitions, http://www.enotes.com/performance-enhancing-article/ | |
77. Drugs And Sports: A New Arena For Drug Reformers? By Steve Beitler What do the links between the sports crusade and the war on drugs portend for In its zeal to win against drugs, sports officials have embraced drug http://www.mesomorphosis.com/articles/beitler/drugs-and-sports.htm | |
78. Drugs And Sports Study Guide By BookRags drugs and sports Research Topic Study Guide on Topical Issues. http://www.bookrags.com/researchtopic-drugs-and-sports-os/ | |
79. Drugs And Sports Study Guide By BookRags drugs and sports Research Topic Study Guide on Topical Issues. http://www.bookrags.com/researchtopic-drugs-and-sports/ | |
80. Drugs And Sports :: Term Papers, Essays - Free Summary Of Research Paper #46360 This paper reviews the history and problems of drugs and alcohol by participantsin sports, including golf. http://www.academon.com/lib/paper/46360.html | |
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