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Wheelchair Mountain Biking: more detail |
61. EPC Wheelchairs - Sunrise Medical Quickie 24" Wheelchair Mountain Bike Wheels wheelchair Accessories. Bags Pouches. Belts Straps. Push Handles. Sideguards Armrests Sunrise Medical Quickie 24 wheelchair mountain Bike Wheels http://www.epc-wheelchairs.co.uk/products/476/sunrise-medical-quickie-24--wheelc | |
62. How To Choose A Wheelchair Indeed, some of these rigid wheelchairs resemble a mountain bike more than a traditional wheelchair, and depending on the model and specifications may only http://www.disabled-world.com/artman/publish/433.shtml | |
63. AirBomb.com - Your Source For Bicycle Parts,mountain Bike Parts, Bicycle Accesor Your source for bicycle parts,mountain bike parts, bicycle accesories and bike accessories. CST Tubes are designed for wheelchair use. http://store.airbomb.com/Items.asp?Cc=554-T-567 |
64. Imi_product The terrain in the developing world is rugged and the infrastructure is not accommodating for conventional wheelchair tires. mountain bike tires are ideal http://www.intelligentmobility.org/product.html | |
65. The Geoff Bone Wheelchair Project - Our Solution The mountain bike tyres allow our chair to transverse rocky, uneven, and even muddy terrain that would be impossible in a regular wheelchair. http://www.wheelchairsfortheworld.org.uk/solution.html |
66. HIGH-TECH WHEELCHAIRS OFF BEATEN PATH; NEW INDUSTRY PATIENTLY AWAITS OFF-ROAD BO In the early 90s, designer and inventor John Castellano of Petaluma fabricated a wheelchair for a disabled friend that was part mountain bike, part gocart http://www.thefreelibrary.com/HIGH-TECH WHEELCHAIRS OFF BEATEN PATH; NEW INDUSTR | |
67. Wheelchair Diffusion Blog » Blog Archive » Boma - Lightweight Off Roading Whee Boma by Molten Rock Equipment Ltd is a lightweight, electrically powered mountain bike for wheelchair users. It can be ridden by individuals with spinal http://www.usatechguide.org/blog/boma-lightweight-off-roading-wheelchair-with-po | |
68. Christian Bagg: ZoomInfo Business People Information Innovating the wheelchair As a rising star on the Alberta mountain bike racing circuit, Bagg aspired to build his own supreme line of bikes to compete with http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Bagg_Christian_869209874.aspx | |
69. Mobility, Kids Quest, NCBDDD, CDC wheelchair racer (source Popular Mechanics) Chariots of Fire Do you like to mountain bike? This site shows a special mountain bike that kids with mobility http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/kids/kmalpage.htm | |
70. Abc7.com: Local Man Changes Lives With Wheelchair Mission 5/22/06 Don created the world s least expensive, but still durable wheelchair. mountain bike tires, lawn chair, simple steel frame, some casters you need http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=local&id=4195638 |
71. Off-Road Wheelchair The Phoenix is the first and only fullsuspension off-road wheelchair that you can buy. Standard mountain bike levers. Steering. Adjustable toe http://www.a2xtreme.com/2000/0006.htm | |
72. How To Interact With A Wheelchair User | EHow.com Individuals wheelchair users are individuals and each one is able to do different things. Some can mountain bike, scuba dive, fly airplanes, drive cars, http://www.ehow.com/how_4881_interact-with-wheelchair.html | |
73. Amw.com | Plastic Lawnchair And Bike Wheels Are All It Takes Soon enough, they had a wheelchair model; a $3 plastic lawn chair, mountain bike wheels, an emergency brake and metal industrial casters. http://www.amw.com/call_to_action/detail.cfm?id=138&detail=yes |
74. Mechanic Gloves, Work Gloves, Wheelchair Gloves, Leather Gloves, Sports Gloves, Mechanic Gloves, Work Gloves, wheelchair Gloves, Leather Gloves, Sports Gloves motorbike, mountain bike, motocross, cross country, bike, cycle, bicycle, http://murtazagroup.trustpass.alibaba.com/offerdetail/100423682/Mechanic_Gloves_ | |
75. 4 Wheels Equal Excitement Since an accident ended his snowboarding career in 1997, he has swept the downhill wheelchair series, hucked 55foot jumps in a four-wheel mountain bike and http://www.rgj.com/news/stories/html/2003/10/08/53589.php | |
76. OR/WA District Offices - Medford Closed in fire season, , mountain Bike Trail, Dirt Bike Trail, ATV Trail, Hiking Trail, Interpretive Trail, Scenic Area, wheelchair Accessible http://www.blm.gov/or/districts/medford/recreation/index.php | |
77. Küschall R33 Rigid Ultralight Manual Wheelchair | 1800wheelchair.com 24 mountain Bike Tires (Included w/24 mountain bike wheel type) . It s important for the wheelchair to be fitted properly and be as narrow as possible http://www.1800wheelchair.com/asp/view-product.asp?product_id=2326 |
78. Lasher Sport Why don t you offer mountain bike style knobby all terrain wheels? be willing to spend a few extra dollars so your wheelchair reflects who you are? http://www.lashersport.com/faqs.html | |
79. BBC - Ouch! - Features - Disability Bitch Vs The Countryside We re not supposed to think of it as a wheelchair apparently, more a fourwheeled mountain bike. That s all well and good, but I m seriously concerned. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/features/b1tch/190707.shtml | |
80. Charity Ride For Wraith's Wheelchair Wraith had his current wheelchair 8 years ago and it is no longer suitable of sleepless in the saddle 24 hour mountain bike race this year; he came, http://www.unicycle.uk.com/wraith.htm | |
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