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Wheelchair Mountain Biking: more detail |
21. Wheelchair Downhill | Broadbandsports.com This guy just rocks wheelchair Downhill BroadbandSports.com. members interested in mountain biking more members interested in mountain biking http://www.broadbandsports.com/node/2151 | |
22. The Herald - Scotland's Leading Quality Daily Newspaper mountain biking has no place in natural areas. Anyone who wants to visit nature can already do so on foot (or via wheelchair). mountain biking drives out http://www.theherald.co.uk/news/news/display.var.1678674.0.0.php?act=complaint&c |
23. RailTrailsVT - JotSpot Wiki (shelburnepaths) Activities Walking, Horseback Riding, biking, Snowmobiles, Cross Country Skiing, mountain biking, wheelchair Accessible Length 3 miles http://shelburnepaths.jot.com/RailTrailsVT | |
24. Hardcore Sitting « Wheelchair Cartoons - Disability Humor - DizABLED He performs other tricks in his wheelchair including a 180 degree aerial. . UK Four Cross Downhill mountain biking. The primary reason for launching http://www.dizabled.com/hardcore-sitting/ | |
25. Jersey Biking - Biking Trails On The New Jersey Shore Activities Walking, biking, Inline Skating, wheelchair Accessible. Length 6 miles Activities Walking, biking, Cross Country Skiing, mountain biking http://www.newjerseyshore.com/bike-trails.shtml | |
26. Read About Sports, Cycling, Mountain Biking, Wheelchair From Thumbshots.net Free thumbnails for your website! Free Web thumbnail preview image. Visualize sites in directory, search engine. View visual screenshot picture link. http://www.thumbshots.net/webguide.aspx?cat=Sports/Cycling/Mountain_Biking/Wheel |
27. Disabled Sports - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia he organized a sports competition for wheelchair athletes at Stoke Mandeville. rock climbing, mountain biking, surfing, motox and kayaking. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disabled_sports | |
28. Disabled Sports USA wheelchair players find tennis a good match By Cynthia Marsh .. At 55, she also enjoys camping, downhill mountain biking and skydiving. http://www.dsusa.org/ChallMagarchive/Summer07/challmag-summer07-TennisAnyone.htm | |
29. CORD - Climbing Over Restriction And Disability Society The CORD Expedition was the first wheelchair expedition to make it up the rugged Brian Bell was injured in a mountain biking accident 7 years ago, http://www.cordclimbs.ca/ | |
30. Wheelchair Can’t Keep Couple From Cycling | Blue Collar Mountain Biking Home; How Tos; Reviews; Deals. Blue Collar mountain biking Thanks to Hunts inventiveness and persistence, Norburys wheelchair can be converted in http://bluecollarmtb.com/2006/04/11/wheelchair-cant-keep-couple-from-cycling/ | |
31. Alexa - Sites In: Wheelchair Top Sports Cycling mountain biking wheelchair Builder of monoskis and off-road mountain wheelchair. Bestselling Products in wheelchair http://www.alexa.com/browse/general/?&CategoryID=136363&mode=general |
32. Sports > Cycling > Mountain Biking > Wheelchair :: YFT :: Your Favorite Things Find links and information about Sports, Cycling, mountain biking, wheelchair, at your favorite things. http://www.yft.com/favorite-things/Sports/Cycling/Mountain_Biking/Wheelchair/ | |
33. Crip College - Innovating The Wheelchair I was fed up with the lack of innovation in the manual wheelchair world and so I set out to redesign wheelchairs. With backgrounds in mountain biking and http://www.cripcollege.com/innovating_wheelchair.asp | |
34. LEISURE AND OUTDOORS As Australia s most prominent male wheelchair athlete, prosthetic and mountain bike innovations and modifications as well as mountain biking and cycling http://www.d-ability.org/leisure.php?subcat_id=53 |
35. FinQoo Directory » Sports » Cycling » Mountain Biking » Wheelchair wheelchair. FinQoo Directory » Sports » Cycling » mountain biking » wheelchair. See also. Sports Cycling Disabled (6); Sports Disabled wheelchair (38) http://directory.finqoo.com/?Sports/Cycling/Mountain_Biking/Wheelchair/ |
36. Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park: Activities - Gateway To Alberta's Parks Crosscountry skiing mountain biking/cycling Hiking - front country not recommended for mountain biking. Diffculty Moderate, wheelchair Accessible No http://gateway.cd.gov.ab.ca/siteactivities.asp?id=29 |
37. Outdoors - Mountain Biking\Wheelchair World Travel Directory Includes Information, Listing of Hotels, Car Rentals, Restaurants, Cruises, Vacation Rentals, Outdoor Companies and Services. http://www.traveldir.com/outdoor/site/category/222 | |
38. Eniac : Sports : Cycling : Mountain Biking : Wheelchair : Searchable directory using the Open Directory Project. http://www.eniac.ws/?type=cat&path=/Sports/Cycling/Mountain_Biking/Wheelchair/ |
39. Coast & Ocean Autumn 2001 Wheelchair Adventures We described plenty of gentle trails, but also included some wheelchairriding adventures that resemble mountain biking. The book also describes the http://www.scc.ca.gov/coast&ocean/FALL2001/pages/two.htm | |
40. Hiking, Biking, And Horseback Riding Opportunities 3mile trail ~ easy to moderate ~ with 1/2 mile of wheelchair-accessible trail; Hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, fishing access http://www.larimer.org/parks/trails.htm | |
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