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41. Atlantis Synchro Atlantis Synchro synchronized swimming in Halifax Nova Scotia. http://www.atlantis-synchro.ns.ca/ | |
42. Area Competitors Know Synchronized Swimming Is A Challenge | Lohud.com | The Jou Area competitors know synchronized swimming is a challenge lohud.com The Journal News. http://www.lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080109/SPORTS05/801090366/0/NE |
43. WashingtonPost.com: Synchronized Swimming U.S. Synchronized Swim Team The U.S. synchronized swimming team continues to rule the pool in the Olympic. The U.S. won the gold medal Friday with a http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/synchro/front.htm | |
44. Synchronized Swimming - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of synchronized swimming from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/synchronized swimming | |
45. Shop PBS - Shop By Topic: Home & How To: Hobbies & Pets: Synchronized Swimming: Shop PBS synchronized swimming The Pursuit of Excellence DVD - where every purchase supports your local PBS station. http://www.shoppbs.org/sm-pbs-synchronized-swimming-the-pursuit-of-excellence-dv | |
46. Synchronized Swimming | Little. Yellow. Different. Yesterday, I went to see Stephen at a fundraiser for the San Francisco Tsunami, the gay synchronized swimming team. (The term gay synchronized swimming http://www.littleyellowdifferent.com/synchronized-swimming/ | |
47. Synchronized Swimming : Backyard Games - What Works synchronized swimming is a fun and difficult water sport that requires the execution of a routine to music. The goal of the performance is to interpret the http://www.familyeducation.com/whatworks/item/front/1,2551,1-16406-4631,00.html | |
48. APS Swim School Singapore www.apsswim.com/ 6k - Cached - Similar pages Japanese Man Trains synchronized swimming Goldfish - One Mans Blogsynchronized swimming Trained Goldfish Ok, this seems truly unbelievable - as in, Im not sure I believe it. But if its a fake I cant detect it either! http://www.apsswim.com/ | |
49. Search Search! Homepage Athletes Sports Canada Games Dreams synchronized swimming Table Tennis Wheelchair Basketball Summary of Changes 2007 Technical Packages ATHLETES, , SPORTS, , CANADA GAMES http://www.canadagames.ca/Content/Sports/2007 Technical Packages.asp?langid=1 |
50. OCEANEARS Underwater Loudspeakers, Underwater Speakers, Synchronized Swimming So Manufactures underwater loudspeakers, hydrophones, diver recall systems, diver signaling devices and synchronized swimming sound systems . http://www.oceanears.com/ | |
51. UAB Official Athletic Site Contains pictures, roster, statistics, past results and coaching staff. http://uabsports.cstv.com/sports/c-syncs/albr-c-syncs-body.html | |
52. Northern Virginia Nereids Synchronized Swimming Home page of the Northern Virginia Nereids, NVN, a synchronized swimming team. http://www.nvnsynchro.com/ | |
53. PBS Previews | THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE From the strength and grace of synchronized swimming to the glamour and synchronized swimming follows two teams of ambitious and athletic girls and http://www.pbs.org/previews/pursuitofexcellence/ | |
54. Synchronized Swimming | EDUCAUSE CONNECT synchronized swimming. Created by Theresa Rowe (Oakland University) on November 26, 2007. I m swimming in synchronizing challenges maybe better said as http://connect.educause.edu/blog/rowe/synchronizedswimming/45653 | |
55. Synchronized Swimmers, Synchronized Swimming Meetups, Events, Clubs And Groups I Meet other local Synchronized Swimmers. synchronized swimming is a precision dance done underwater by teams or by an individual. There are many synchronized http://synchroswim.meetup.com/ | |
56. MIT Synchronized Swimming Welcome to MIT synchronized swimming! Established 2003. Want to join? Contact us at synchroexec@mit.edu. Upcoming Events. East Regionals, 3/3/07, http://web.mit.edu/synchro/www/ |
57. Oregon Assn Of Synchro Includes Oregon club list and contacts, meet results, competition schedule, news, photos, and related links. http://oass.freeservers.com/ | |
58. Oregon Sports Authority Synchronized Swimming synchronized swimming. MAC Synchro Oregon Association of synchronized swimming Tualatin Hills synchronized swimming Club http://www.oregonsports.org/sports-directory/synchronized-swimming/ | |
59. Synchronized Swimming By ImprovEvery -- Revver Online Video Sharing Network A video by ImprovEvery Classic prank from 2004. www.improveverywhere.com. http://revver.com/video/255430/synchronized-swimming/ | |
60. Glumbert - Synchronized Swimming synchronized swimming. Send to a Friend. Digg This! Stumble It. Share on Facebook. Link Embed. More sharing options. AOL IM. Reddit. Save to Del.icio.us http://www.glumbert.com/media/synchro | |
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