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1. Figure/Speed Skating @ Suite101: Long/short Track Speed Skating, Ice Dancing, La Figure Skating, Long short track speed skating, ice dancing, ladies mens singles pairs figure skating, skater profiles pictures, competition results http://figurespeedskating.suite101.com/ | |
2. Speed Skate, Speedskate, Speedskates, Speed Skates, Speed Skating, Speedskating, speed skate, speedskate, speedskates, speed skates, speed skating, speedskating, inline ice equipment by Special Equipment Co., Index of speed skating, http://www.specialequipment.com/home.htm | |
3. Ice Speed Skating Forums, news groups, and online discussion boards for ice speed skating athletes, Articles and tutorials explaining basic and advance ice speed skating http://www.skatelog.com/ice/speed/ | |
4. Bont Ice And Inline Speed Skates, World's Fastest Skates, Ice Inline Speed Skate Inline and ice boots, blades, frames and supplies. News of recent competitions and featured skaters. Online ordering. http://www.bont.com/ | |
5. Speed Skating - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Indeed, an athletics track covered with ice can function as a speed skating track, such as Bislett stadion in Oslo up to the 1980s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_skating | |
6. ISU : Home Single Pair Skating/ ice Dance. Synchronized Skating. speed Skating. Short Track Skating. ISU Communications. Press Releases. Committees / Internal http://www.isu.org/ | |
7. Ice Skating Including Singles Skating. Figure Skating, Speed Skating And Ice Dan ice Skating in the UK with Try My Sport including Singles skating, Pairs Skating, ice Dancing, Synchronized Skating, Short Track speed Skating and Figure http://www.trymysport.co.uk/ice_skating.htm | |
8. The Nordic Skater - Short Track & Long Track Ice Speed Skates ice speed Skates Inline speedskates. Which speedskates Do I Want? Do you skate on indoor rinks? Our Short Track, Long Track and Marathon speedskates http://www.nordicskater.com/speedsk8/index.html | |
9. Ice Speed Skating New Zealand ice speed Skating. Welcome to the ice speed Skating New Zealand website. speed skating appeals to those who enjoy being fit and appreciate a challenge. http://www.icesports.co.nz/speedskating/index.htm | |
10. Houston Short Track Speed Skating Club - Ice Skate Texas Houston speedskating club has a small, but dedicated group of Short Track speed skaters. For current schedule please contact Chuck at Hm 713726-0657, http://www.houstonspeedskating.org/ | |
11. Women Speed Skaters - Olympic Medalists - Female Ice Skating Women speed skaters of the Olympics medal winners and world champions in the sport of skating. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/speedskaters/Speed_Skaters.htm | |
12. Pittsburgh Speed Skating Club PSSC members may join US Speedskating online here which is required of all onice participants (except learn-to-speedskate only). http://www.pittsburghspeedskating.org/ |
13. Speedskating On Ice In Mexcio City - SkateLog Forum speedskating on ice in Mexcio City speed Skating Forum. http://www.skatelogforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6170 |
14. East Penn Ice Speed Skating Club We have skaters that have come out of our club and moved on to ice speed skate in the Olympics and Junior Olympic Training Camps. http://www.eastpennspeedskating.com/ | |
15. Home - Ice Speed Skating Association Of NSW Some history A brief history of ice speed skating ice speed Skating Sponsorship. Check out the FREE opportunities for you. http://www.iceracingnsw.org.au/ | |
16. Santa Clarita Speed Skating Club - Home For financial reasons, SOSC will no longer be classifying ice skating as an Official Sport, which means that SOSC will no longer be offering speed skating http://www.scssc.net/ | |
17. Ice Skating -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia Hockey, skate dancing, figure skating, and speed skating can be even more fun on ice skates. The blades of shoe skates are adapted to each of these http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9041968/ice-skating | |
18. Ice Skating After a long career that catapulted him to the top of both of the inline and ice speed skating worlds, Derek Parra is retiring. The 36year-old California http://inlineplanet.com/Departments/iceskating.html | |
19. Village History The village was a national, and indeed, world centre for ice speed skating championships. iceskating in the Fens seems to have been given a boost in http://www.welney.org.uk/history_files/Village History.htm | |
20. Ice Skating - MSN Encarta Figure skating blends athletic and artistic skills, requiring physical stamina and imagination. speed skating denotes racing on ice skates around an oval http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761561185/Ice_Skating.html | |
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