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Skibob: more detail |
1. FISB | Federation Internationale De Skibob - SKIBOB.org Translate this page FISB skibob.org - Federation Internationl de skibob - Informationen über den skibob Sport, Rennkalender, Termine, Ergebnisse, Fotos, Gechichte und http://www.skibob.org/ | |
2. Skibob.org.uk skibob Association of Great Britain the site for all resources and news for skibiking in the UK. http://www.skibob.org.uk/ | |
3. Gadgets: SkiBob Lets You Swim Like Superman skibob is like a miniature jet ski that can pull you along on the surface or under water It uses. http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/gadgets/skibob-lets-you-swim-like-superman-256780.php | |
4. Skibobbing - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Seven years later, the FISB (Fédération Internationale de skibob) was formed, which since 1967 has held an annual skibobbing World Championship. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skibob | |
5. Romuald Bonvin Speed Skiing - SkiBob, Extreme Snow Sport, Ski De Vitesse, Speeds Romuald Bonvin Speed Skiing skibob, Extreme Snow Sport, Ski de Vitesse, Speedski.com. http://www.speedski.com/romualdbonvin.htm | |
6. SNO-RAY - Skibob Origins Many people credit a Mr. J. Stevens, an American, for the invention of the skibob, as in 1892, he obtained a patent for an Ice Velocopide a Bicycle with http://www.snoray.com/skibob.html | |
7. The Third World Skibob Championships The Third World skibob Championships with 11 nations represented showed skibobbing had truly graduated into a major competitive activity worthy of Olympic http://www.ski-bike.org/championship3.html | |
8. Skibob-Snowbike-Schule In Oberstdorf / Allgaeu - Hans Buehler Translate this page skibob - Snowbike - Wintersport - Winterspass. Flitzen im Sitzen - gesunde Pistenfreude ohne Risiko. Kurse-Vermietung-Verkauf. Eine echte Alternative zum http://www.skibob-snowbike.de/ | |
9. Stalmach Group - Skibob, Snowbike, Skibikes, Schibob, Snow Bike, Ski-Bike, ... Translate this page Die Stalmach Group Austria - skibob produzent aus Österreich - Salzburg - Europa Wir beschäftigen uns mit hochwertigen Ski-Bob, Snowbike, Skibike, http://www.stalmach.com/htm/skibob/ | |
10. Fédération Internationale De Skibob, Or FISB (sports Organization) Fédération Internationale de skibob, or FISB (sports organization). Encyclopædia Britannica Related Articles. A selection of articles discussing this http://www.britannica.com/eb/topic-203594/Federation-Internationale-de-Skibob | |
11. Skibob-Online Translate this page Im Portal skibob-Online informiert der Verband über sich und seinen Sport. http://www.skibob-online.de/ | |
12. Skibob - Wikipedia Translate this page Im letzten Jahrhundert versuchten Erfinder in Amerika und Europa immer wieder Schneefahrzeuge zu entwickeln, die als Vorstufen zum heutigen skibob http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skibob | |
13. Folding Skibob - Patent 5863051 A foldable skibob includes a frame with a steering column journalled in a forward steering column bearing. A first pivot configuration is attached to the http://www.freepatentsonline.com/5863051.html | |
14. Skibob. The American Heritage® Dictionary Of The English Language: Fourth Editi skibob. The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language Fourth Edition. 2000. http://www.bartleby.com/61/86/S0448600.html | |
15. Exploring, Skibob - Instructables - DIY How To This will show you one way to build yourself a Ski Bike (aka Snow Bike, skibob, Skike, or Skicycle). It is a downhill only machine and if you like http://www.instructables.com/tag/type:id/keyword:Skibob | |
16. Human Powered Skibob - US Patent 5482302 Human powered skibob US Patent 5482302 from Patent Storm. A human powered skibob is described. http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/5482302-description.html | |
17. Skibob isporty sports page for skibob. Find other fans, read news etc. http://www.isporty.com/sport/Skibob | |
18. Skibob No direct anagrams for skibob found in this word list. Words formed by adding one letter before or after skibob (in bold), or to bbikos in any order http://www.morewords.com/word/skibob/ | |
19. MySnowSports - Going Downhill Fast » My Account » Personal Information » Skib My Account » Personal Information » skibob skibob s Last 10 Forum Topics. SnowRacers Team Talk » Raising the Bar FIS Find all posts by skibob http://mysnowsports.com/index.php?name=Your_Account&profile=586 |
20. Directory Of Skibob And Skibike Holidays And Courses skibobbing holidays, vacations, courses and training camps using snow bikes, skibikes and skibobs. http://www.travel-quest.co.uk/skibobs.htm | |
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