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         Railbiking:     more detail
  1. Railbike: Cycling on Abandoned Railroads by Bob Mellin, 1996-03

21. Railbiking Anyone?
A few months ago while internet surfing, I discovered the sport of railbiking. If you ve never heard of it, I m not terribly surprised. I certainly hadn t.
Railbiking anyone?
Google sponsored links
document.write(''); Deamer A few months ago while internet surfing, I discovered the sport of railbiking. If you've never heard of it, I'm not terribly surprised. I certainly hadn't.
I'd describe it, but I think this picture describes it much better.
Almost all of the websites I could find were either terribly out of date or were hocking some bizarre 4 wheeled contraption.
So have any of you ever done this before? Live near abandoned railroad track? Know where some are?
I'd really love to try this out, (maybe even build one) except all the tracks around here are very much in use, and as one of the only websites about it I could find states, "It only takes one train to ruin your whole day."
(Mods, if you think this totally doesn't belong here, go ahead and move it. I would have put it in alt/culture, only no one would ever see it.)
The BikeForums Team -adv- This is an archived thread, you can find the full version of this thread, with images, links and more content here
Ready to buy?

22. Top Racewalking, Racquetball, Railbiking, Rallying, Ranggeln,
Der Webkatalog enthält viele Links zu interessanten und nützlichen InternetseitenWeb katalog, Webverzeichniss Linktipps. Providing World Wide Web access
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  • 23. Railbiking In The 1980's
    railbiking in the State of Wisconsin in the 1980 s was rewarding and hazardous at the same time. There was plenty of abandoned or about to be abandoned,1269824

    24. Lbw Tue Railbiking
    left arrow, up arrow, right arrow, Lbw Tue railbiking, 28 Aug 2001. Larger picture 86.5 kB. Larger picture 82.9 kB. Latest update
    Lbw Tue Railbiking 28 Aug 2001
    Latest update:

    25. - Magazine Article
    Without a railbike, you will never see the desiccated majesty of Carriso Gorge San Smart has done for railbiking what Thoreau did for pondgazing,
    The call of the open track
    The other night I sat awake in bed, too excited to sleep, intently studying the maps of abandoned railroads spread all around me. "Look, honey, look!" I said to my sleeping wife. "According to this, there's 210 miles of the Colorado midland abandoned east of Glenwood Springs. We could railbike up and over the Continental Divide! Or here, look Nevada! there's 60 miles abandoned between Flanigan and Fernley. We could breakfast in Flanigan and have lunch in Fernley. We could . . . [flipping pages] . . . pedal clear across Nebraska!" That got her. A bilious eye opened. "Why?" she asked.
    For the sheer sport of it, that's why. For the thrill of being out in God's good creation all alone, pedaling down a line of steel to some of America's most scenic vistas places you will never see from any highway because no highway can reach them.
    No cars can enter here. From railway to the dried-up stream below is a drop of 1,000 feet. To negotiate the gorge the builders added 17 tunnels and a wooden trestle 633 feet long and 185 feet high. It is a railbiker's paradise, and missing it would be a crying shame. That's what I would have told my wife if she hadn't fallen back to sleep.
    A railbike is basically a conventional bicycle with magnetic or mechanical guides added to the wheels to keep them steady; an outrigger extends from your seat over to a roller resting on the other rail to keep you from toppling over.

    26. Adirondack
    The letter titled Adirondack railbiking, came from a Dick Bentley of Tupper Lake, We went on a thirty something mile railbike ride on the Adirondack
    By Tom Walz
    Twenty minutes out and I knew I was in Railbike Heaven!
    Only on the rails for a few minutes and I was treated with the sight of Buck Pond (left).
    Below, the bridge over the River Beaver.
    I carried my sleeping bag, clothes for any kind of weather, food, toiletries, tools, camera, binoculars, three bottles of water and two bottles of my favorite beer.
    Here come Sudjai and Dick Bentley to greet me mid-ride.
    Heading home, southbound beauty!
    M y curiosity was piqued when I saw an article/letter in the 2nd quarter 1996 issue of the "Railbike International Messenger."  The letter titled "Adirondack Railbiking," came from a Dick Bentley of Tupper Lake, New York.  The Adirondacks were where my family went camping almost every year when I was a child.  I just remembered the smell of the pines and the beautiful mountains as I rode in the back of my dad's '56 Chevy station wagon.
             Driving to Big Moose, which basically is a railroad station surrounded by a bunch of summer cottages, I asked the manager of the restaurant in the station if I could park for a few days in his lot to go on a "bike tour".  He said  "No, but there's a parking lot for a trail head right around the corner."  I parked "Wally",  my big green van, in this lot, unloaded  the railbike and gear and pushed the bike to the rails. I wanted to be as discreet as possible and got the bike ready out of view of the station.

    27. Ball State Daily News
    While it may sound like a cycling version of the gokart track at Disney World, railbiking is slightly more entertaining.
    var story_id = 1303206; var sectionname = 'Sports'; var sectioncategory = 'Sports'; var isectioncategoryid = '1,';
    The Ball State Daily News Online
    DN Links
    Do you think Miss Indiana will win the Miss America Competition? Yes No Submit Vote View Results
    WILL'S WILD WORLD OF SPORTS: Railbike cycling has yet to hit big in Indiana
    Will O'Hargan Section: Sports
    Originally published: 2/3/04 at 12:00 AM EST
    Last update: 1/4/06 at 5:15 PM EST Will O'Hargan is a sophomore telecommunications major and writes 'Will's Wild World of Sports' for the Daily News . His views do not necessarily agree with those of the newspaper.
    In Indiana, railroads are everywhere. That's how a state more known for auto racing got the nickname "Crossroads of America." It may keep the name from the highways, but it originated from trains.

    28. ATL Trail + Rail: 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
    For more than 100 years people worldwide have been enjoying the sport of railbiking. The 1908 Sears catalog offered a railbike attachment for $5.45.
    @import url(""); @import url(""); var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "5614007";
    ATL Trail + Rail
    A journal on alternative transportation worldwide and trail- and transit-oriented real estate and development in Atlanta, Georgia
    Sunday, March 28, 2004
    According to a Mar. 14th Denver Post article, "Homeowners are beginning to emerge from their cocoons. Lifestyle guru Faith Popcorn coined the term 'cocooning' in the 1980s to describe the American need to retreat from the realities of life. Cocooning was considered a way to protect oneself and disconnect from the outside world. Now American homeowners are acting like a whole different type of insect.
    "'Shortly after 9/11 there was a lot of discussion about a new return to home, about the 'new cocooning,'' said J. Walker Smith, president of Yankelovich, a Chapel Hill, N.C.-based marketing consulting group that tracks consumer attitudes. 'But this return is actually quite different.' Yankelovich trend-watchers began seeing signs of this new return home in 1998 and coined the term "hiving" in 2001. Like a beehive, a hive home represents engagement, interaction and connection with the outside environment. It has larger, open gathering areas. Hive homes are also often on smaller lots, encouraging use of community centers and parks that are an integral part of a hiving community..."

    29. M.WF´s Schienenfahrzeuge... Schinenroller / Schienenfahrrad
    Translate this page Homepages über railbiking. RONS RIDERS http// Railbike von T.Koegel mit grosser Linksammlung http//
    M.WF´s Schienenfahrzeuge...
    Schienenroller / Schienenfahrrad
    Wie kann man am besten Photographie und den Reiz von stillgelegten Eisenbahnstrecken verbinden?
    Nach ca. einer Stunde hat man den Schwellenschritt notgedrungen erlernt. ;-)
      ...Ein Schienenfahrrad oder eine Draisine!

    Ich fing mit einem Schieneroller an.
    Der Fahrkomfort ist allerdings bescheiden!
    Daher baue ich gerade an einem leicht zerlegbaren Schienenfahrrad.
    Hier zwei Bilder vom Prototype
    Die Entwicklung geht weiter... Um die kleinen Problemchen noch zu loesen.
    Railbike von T.Koegel mit grosser Linksammlung The Amazing Bentley Railbike Hinweis aller Links auf dieser Homepage und machen uns diese Inhalte nicht zu eigen. zu ** fremden Inhalten.
    Home Mail Links Trix Express ... Photos III

    30. Mariann Es Norbi BXLben: Szabiek BXLben - Railbiking
    After longlong time of unsuccessful trials, we managed to do the famous railbiking activity close to Namur - although the weather did not look promising
    Mariann es Norbi BXLben
    vas¡rnap, jºlius 29, 2007
    Szabiek BXLben - Railbiking
    Bar elegge rossz ido van Belgiumban, a Villa Norbert azert mukodik! Sot ez az esos-huvos nyar ugy latom egyre jobban felertekelodik az otthoni melegrekordok tukreben. Szabi es Reka szegenyek azert neha eleg esos idoben neztek meg a BXLi nevezetessegeket, ugyhogy eleg ambiciozusnak tunt, amikor kitalaltam, hogy menjunk el railbike-olni szombat du. A penteki esi bulibol meg szakado esoben jottunk haza, reggel 8kor meg mindig esett az eso, es 12ig teljesen felhos volt az eg. De mivel mar majdnem 1 eve szerettem volna railbike-olni de sosem jott ossze vmiert, most nem engedtem: ha torik, ha szakad megyunk :)
    es csodak csodajara, du 1tol elkezdett kisutni a nap, es egesz du ragyogo napsutes volt, igaz 20-23foknal alig tobb, dehat ha nem esik az eso, az fantasztikus idojaras itt! :)
    Szoval megszerveztuk a csapatot: Natasa, Balazs, Gabor, Anna (Mariann unokatesoja), Reka es Szabi, es elindultunk Namur fele . 8 ember mindosszesen 2 railbike, ugyanis 2en mindig pihennek, 2en pedig hajtanak.
    kb. 4kmet kell tekerni, aztan termeszetesen (hiszen Belgiumban vagyunk) felerunk egy apatsagba, ezuttal

    31. NetVisits Web Directory - Railbiking
    railbiking railbiking. NetVisits Web Directory » Sports Recreation » Sports » Cycling » railbiking. railbiking. No listings found in railbiking
    Web Directory Add Your Url Guidelines NetVisits Web Directory ... Cycling Railbiking
    No listings found in Railbiking

    32. Riding The Rails By Bike
    Okay, if you re like me always on the lookout for a new thrill then railbiking sounds just loopy enough to demand it be tried. But you re thinking,

    Show and Features

    Culture Watch
    Question of the Week Letters of the Week ... Host's View Here's a new one for the athletically inclined tourist: in the foothills of Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington State, you can now literally ride the rails through forests and valleys by pumping the pedals of a jerry-rigged bicycle. It travels, like a rollercoaster car down OR like a highwire act, on top of the tracks. It's called "railbiking." The Savvy Traveler's Tom Banse was game and sent these impressions. Ride the Rails by Bike
    by Tom Banse Listen with RealAudio Need audio help? Okay, if you're like me always on the lookout for a new thrill then railbiking sounds just loopy enough to demand it be tried. But you're thinking, what about the trains? A good question, because as railbike entrepeneur Michael Rohde acknowledges, "One train can ruin your whole day." Michael: "The Mt. Rainier Scenic Railroad has two routes that they run. During the day, we can run groups on the opposite piece of rail that they're using. We're always in contact with the conductor and with the shop. We have cell phones, all kinds of things to make sure the communication is there." Rohde has handcrafted a fleet of railbikes by buying eight department store mountain bikes and bolting on guidewheels and outriggers. The front wheel rolls securely in place over one rail with the outrigger attached to the other. The safety lecture for newcomers like me is short.

    33. YouTube - Railbiking -- Collision Pt.2
    Translate this page railbiking collision pt.2. JavaScript Adobe Flash Player , railbike collision botsing fietsen. URL. ,

    34. Adventure Cycling Association
    Railbike Cycling On Abandoned Railroads Reviews the 100year history of Ron s Book About railbiking Illustrates and explains how to build simple

    35. - Cycling - Railbikes
    An association of railbike enthusiasts organized to promote safe and legal railbiking on abandoned rails. Provides newsletter, Railbike......
    You are here: Home Cycling / Railbikes Subcategories
  • Antique and Collectible Bikes BMx Bike Shops Chats and Forums ... Women
  • Websites
  • Rons Riders

  • Description: Manufacturers of railbikes, railriders and railroad wheels, advocacy for railbikes for the disabled and blind.
  • Air Line Rail Trail

  • Description: Located in eastern Connecticut and built in 1869 to 1874, the trail stretches more than 50 miles from near the Connecticut River to the Massachusetts border. News, history, maps and general information provided.
  • Railbike International

  • Description: An association of railbike enthusiasts organized to promote safe and legal railbiking on abandoned rails. Provides newsletter, Railbike International Messenger (RIM), publications and maps.
  • Railbike Tours, Inc.

  • Description: Fun, safe and authorized railbike tours. Railbike scenic Ohop Valley and Lake Kapowsin near Eatonville, Washington Enjoy a truly unique experience.

    36. StumbleUpon - Andreas2's Web Site Reviews And Blog
    railbiking in France. There is also a good where you can do it list at .
    var SERVERDOM = "";
    Discover new sites document.onkeydown = navigate_blog; var SERVERHTTP = '';
    Last login: 5 hours ago
    Andreas is a 50 year old guy from West of Stockholm Sodermanland Sweden Likes 2,589 pages, 12 videos 49 photos 121 fans 16 reviews Member since Dec 06, 2006
    Hi there.
    De Clarkes Transportation Alternatives Page
    Nov 27, 2007 2:12am 1 review bicycling economics environment ...
    "Life after, before, without and despite cars". Features a discussion of no-growth economics. The luscious graphic below is from
    Nov 22, 2007 9:43am 3 reviews bicycling travel
    Information on biking around the world.
    Nov 22, 2007 9:41am 2 reviews bicycling

    37. - Bentley RAILBIKE - Railbikes & Railbiking - Railbik
    Web Railbikes, Dick Bentley s Railbike Construction Plans, railbiking the Adirondacks, Railbike Stories, loads of Railbike pictures, and LINKS to Railbikes
    International web directory - register your domain now!
    search in the directory
    new/update entry information
    Homepage: Keywords:
    Railbike, Railbikes, Railbiking, Railbikers, Railcycle, Railcycles, Plans, Sports, Adventure, Bentley, Adirondacks, Rail, Rails, Bicycle, Bicycles
    Description: Railbikes, Dick Bentley's Railbike Construction Plans, Railbiking the Adirondacks, Railbike Stories, loads of Railbike pictures, and LINKS to Railbikes and Railbiking around the world More entries in the international web directory:
    Rochester Rowing Club of Minnesota

    Rosebud River Curly Horses

    (bashkir, curly, horse, curly horse, allergies, Calgary, hypo...)
    Under Construction

    Robertsbridge Rugby Football Club

    Round Rock Martial Arts

    (Round Rock, Austin, Martial Arts, Judo, Matl, Aikido, Tae Kw...)

    38. MAKE: Blog: Bicycles Archives
    Krazmo writes This guy has well thought-out railbike plans for sale, as well as some interesting stories of his railbiking adventures - Link.
    var federated_media_section = ''; Subscribe Renew Give a Gift Customer Care ...
    Technology on Your Time Archive: Bicycles Page 10 of 10 July 29, 2006
    Homebuilt recumbents
    Xddorox writes - "These are two homebuilt recumbent bikes that I built from old bicycles. The one with the red seat is mine and the other one is my son's. Check out my photostream for close up detail shots of my son's pocket rocket. " Link.
    Transportation Permalink ... Comments July 15, 2006
    Chopper bike gallery
    Nothing compares - *the* chopper gallery - [ via Link.
    Transportation ... Comments June 15, 2006
    Radically modified bicycles - SCUL
    We've been posting a lot of bicycle mods, hacks and projects from the MAKE photo pool (we're going to give away a few prizes, so keep them coming) - and last week we visited SCUL, a gang that likes to ride strange vessels called choppers, the most exotic bikes, here are a few photos from the secret underground workshop - Link. Related: - Link.

    39. - Railbiking
    Mer information om railbiking. Skåne » Östra Göinge » railbiking. Dressin på Österlen Skåne » Tomelilla » railbiking. Dressinuthyrning BjörntorpVeberöd

    40. What Do You Do Once Your Fwc Gets You There? [Archive] - Wander The West Forums
    called railbiking we do it only on unused tracks never on main lines.great railbiking looks interesting and fun. I could imagine going a long way before

    Wander the West Forums
    Wander the West WTW Lounge PDA View Full Version : what do you do once your fwc gets you there? lqhikers 07-11-2007, 07:48 PM thought i would start this discussion with one of our hobbies once we set up camp(of course you have to be next to a railroad track!) called railbiking we do it only on unused tracks never on main lines.great way to see country that you cannot get to any other way,also great way to view wild life. would love to hear about fellow fwc&atc campers hobbies! drive slow and enjoy "its the journey" erod 07-11-2007, 08:17 PM railbiking, never heard of that one...we climb (leaving in 1 hour), mtn bike and ski. sometimes we just chill, go for a swim and/or have a few beers. cool thread! 07-11-2007, 10:49 PM Hike, swim, Jeep, eat, drink, talk, walk the dogs, sightsee. Sometimes all of that, sometimes just one or two. While I've walked rails I've never ever seen it done with a setup like that. EdoHart 07-12-2007, 01:04 AM Hike, mtn. bike, explore, base for back packing, cook, swim, amateur astronomy, soak in hot springs, jet ski/water ski, the occasional air show. I've started using the dogs to pull me on a skate board and I've seen off road skate boards, but their pretty expensive, so I'll have to see how well they adapt to on road before dishing out that kind of money.
    Railbiking looks interesting and fun. I could imagine going a long way before realizing it.

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