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61. Basingstoke Bulls Korfball Club Basingstoke Bulls korfball Club without doubt the best korfball club in Basingstoke. http://www.basingstokekorfball.co.uk/ | |
62. Club Sandwich Korfball Club Sandwich korfball Club. We train every Tuesday from 8.1510pm in the Body Mind Leisure Centre in Canterbury. New members are welcome at any training http://www.clubsandwichkorfball.co.uk/ | |
63. Lancaster University Korfball Club Combination of netball and basketball with a few extra rules. Site contains information on the sport, a diary, a reports page and the training schedule, http://www.lancs.ac.uk/socs/lukc/ | |
64. Magyar Korfball Szövetség A Magyar korfball Szövetség Honlapja. Friss hírek, cikkek, képek hazai és nemzetközi korfball eseményekr l. http://www.korfball.hu/ | |
65. Milton Keynes Korfball - MK City Korfball Club Milton Keynes City korfball Club great sport where men and women play in same team, come and try for free at Monday training at Woughton Leisure Centre in http://www.mkcity.org.uk/ | |
66. Korfball - Wiktionary similar to netball, where players attempt to throw a ball into a basket atop a pole. Retrieved from http//en.wiktionary.org/wiki/korfball http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/korfball | |
67. Cambridge City Korfball Club Cambridge City korfball Club is the oldest and one of the biggest Clubs in Cambridge. We cater for players of all ages and abilities, and welcome all new http://www.camcitykorf.co.uk/ | |
68. Domestic Sport - BUSA WELCOME TO THE korfball PAGES. Please click on the links on the left hand side for more information on BUSA korfball. BUSA 2024 King s Bench Street http://www.busa.org.uk/page.asp?section=00010001000200010001&sport=0001000100020 |
69. BBC - South East Wales Sport - Korfball korfball is a mixed sport played by people of all ages and abilities, with three teams in Cardiff. Combining elements of netball and basketball, korfball is http://www.bbc.co.uk/wales/southeast/sites/sport/pages/korfball.shtml | |
70. Redirecting Features general information on the sport, news, committee information, and photos. http://www.su.nottingham.ac.uk/~korf/ |
71. University Of Bristol Korfball Club Welcome to the University of Bristol korfball Club. The club s website is being completely remodelled and is still undergoing construction http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Union/Korfball/ | |
72. Abingdon Korfball Club Abingdon korfball Club. Abingdon korfball Club. http//abingdonkorfball.co.uk/ http://www.abingdonkorfball.co.uk/ | |
73. University Of Bristol Korfball Club - Welcome To The Home Of The Bristol Badgers korfball is a Dutch sport that shares similarities with Basketball and Netball. It is the only truly mixed sport, with 4 boys and 4 girls needed to make up http://www.korfbristol.com/ | |
74. Home This is the homepage for the University Of Sheffield korfball Club. http://sukc.co.uk/ | |
75. Bec Korfball Club Bec korfball Club Web Site Created and maintained by Liam Clarke. http://bec.korfball.com/ | |
76. Birmingham University Korfball Club Includes news, events, photos, message board, club information, player profiles, and related links for this UK club. http://www.shankypants.co.uk/korfball/ | |
77. Korfball.org.au For All Australian Korfball korfball.org.au The home of Australian korfball on the web. SA State League News and Results, National Team Results, BMMKA News Melbourne korfball News http://www.korfball.org.au/ | |
78. Scorpions Korfball Club - UK - Home Home of the scoripons korfball club, this site contains all the information regarding the scorpions. The scorpions is a kids korfball club bringing team http://www.scorpions-kc.co.uk/ | |
79. North Downs Korfball Club Located in Surrey, England with recruiting information, history of the team, description of the sport and news items. http://www.northdownskorfball.co.uk/ | |
80. Korfball - Wikipedia, Wolna Encyklopedia korfball dostrze ony zosta przez nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego, instruktorów oraz trenerów jako dyscyplina b d ca doskona ym uzupe nieniem zaj z http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korfball | |
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