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         Korfball:     more detail
  1. National Korfball Teams: Netherlands National Korfball Team, Belgium National Korfball Team, Chinese Taipei National Korfball Team
  2. Ball Games: Association Football, Netball, Australian Rules Football, Field Hockey, Bandy, Rugby Union, Team Handball, Korfball, Juggling
  3. Korfball: International Korfball Federation, Mitcham Korfball Club, Ikf World Korfball Ranking, Beach Korfball
  4. National Sports Teams of Armenia: Armenia National Ice Hockey Team, Armenia National Korfball Team
  5. Sport de Ballon: Moto-Ball, Calcio Florentin, Ballon de Rugby à Xv, Korfball, Jorkyball, Ballon Au Poing, Goal-Ball, Fistball, Torball (French Edition)
  6. Korfball in Catalonia: Catalonia Korfball Team, Korfbal Club Barcelona, Unió Korfbalera Sant Adrià de Besòs, Club Korfbal Vacarisses
  7. Variations of Basketball: Basketball, Six-on-Six Basketball, High School, Association of College Unions International, Korfball, Netball
  8. Armenian Sports Teams: National Sports Teams of Armenia, Armenia National Ice Hockey Team, Armenia National Korfball Team
  9. World Games 2009: Korfball at the 2009 World Games, Roller Sports Inline Hockey at 2009 World Games, Fistball at the 2009 World Games
  10. Korfball Competitions: 2010 Korfball Europa Cup
  11. Korfball Teams: Trojans Korfball Club, Highbury Korfball Club, Korfbal Club Barcelona, Unió Korfbalera Sant Adrià de Besòs

41. Castle Korfball Club's Home Page
Includes contact details, directions, links to fixtures and results, and information about taking up the sport.
[ Home ] Picture Gallery Information for Visiting Teams Links Contacts ...
Discussion Forum
Welcome to Castle Korfball Club
Indoor training sessions
every WEDNESDAY evening, 8-10pm
at Keele University Leisure Centre.
See below, or contact for more information.
About us
What is Korfball? Korfball is a ball sport played by mixed teams (four men and four women per team). If you imagine crossing basketball and netball you've got a fair idea of what korfball looks like, but it's quite distinct from both. It's fast moving, skilful, non-contact and very much dependent on teamwork. Click here for a short introduction from the English Korfball Association , or here for a neat one- page summary courtesy of our friends at Korfball New Zealand. Put simply, Korfball is great. Castle Korfball Club Castle Korfball Club was founded in 1996, and is based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, in sunny Staffordshire.

42. Exeter Korfball Club
Latest news and training times for the club, and a description of the sport. Based in Exeter, England.
Exeter Korfball Club

43. Korfball - Wikipédia
A korfball (hollandul a korfbal szó kosárlabdát jelent) egy csapatban játszott labdajáték. Legtöbben Hollandiában és Belgiumban zik, de egyre inkább terjed
A Wikip©di¡b³l, a szabad lexikonb³l.
Ugr¡s: A korfball (hollandul a korfbal sz³ kos¡rlabd¡t jelent) egy csapatban j¡tszott labdaj¡t©k. Legt¶bben Hollandi¡ban ©s Belgiumban űzik, de egyre ink¡bb terjed a vil¡g m¡s orsz¡gaiban is. A korfball a t¶bbi csapatj¡t©kt³l abban k¼l¶nb¶zik, hogy mindenk©ppen koeduk¡lt, vagyis fiºk ©s l¡nyok egy¼tt j¡tssz¡k, ennek megfelelően egy csapat n©gy l¡nyb³l ©s n©gy fiºb³l ¡ll.
szerkeszt©s Hogyan j¡tssz¡k?
A korfballt mind szabadt©ren, mind teremben szokt¡k j¡tszani egy k©t t©rf©lre osztott p¡ly¡n. Mindk©t t©rf©len tal¡lhat³ egy ¡llvany (felnőttekn©l 3,5 m magas, fiatalabb koroszt¡lyokn¡l alacsonyabb is lehet), tetej©n egy kos¡rral. Ez az ¡llv¡ny a p¡lya v©g©től a t©rf©l harmad¡n¡l van fel¡ll­tva. A j¡t©khoz haszn¡lt labda nagyon hasonl­t a focilabd¡hoz. Egyszerre k©t, nyolcfős csapat j¡tszik, amelyek c©lja, hogy az ellenf©l korfj¡ba (kosar¡ba) juttass¡k a labd¡t. A k©t csapat a k©t t©rf©len (t¡mad³ ©s v©dekező t©rf©l) el van osztva, ­gy csapatonk©nt egy t©rf©len k©t l¡ny ©s k©t fiº tal¡lhat³. Pontot a labda kos¡ron fentről-lefel© t¶rt©nő ¡tjuttat¡s¡val lehet szerezni. Fontos szab¡ly, hogy a labd¡val sem futni, sem azt pattogtatva vezetni nem szabad, valamint, hogy a fiºk csak a fiºk, a l¡nyok pedig csak a l¡nyok ellen v©dekezhetnek. Minden m¡sodik g³l ut¡n a j¡t©kosok t©rfelet v¡ltanak, ­gy a kor¡bbi v©dők t¡mad³k lesznek, a t¡mad³k pedig v©dők. F©lidőben – sok m¡s sporthoz hasonl³an – a korfballban is a szerepek helyett a t©rfelek cser©lődnek.

44. :: Supernova Korfball Club - Home
This is the homepage for Supernova korfball Club, a mixed team sports club based in South West London. Come and try korfball out!


What's korfball

Rules of korfball

Join the club!
:: feedback

What's korfball It's the only truly mixed team sport: (a bit) like basketball, and (a bit) like netball ...find out more
Supernova Korfball Club
was formed in 1996 and are one of the few korfball clubs that train and play in London (see maps page for details).
Supernova has 3 teams. Supernova 1 play in the EKA National League First Division; Supernova 2 play in the LDKA Premier league; and Supernova 3 play in LDKA Division One.
Last season (2006/07) was another successful one for the club - our three teams finished third in each of their leagues. Supernova 2 conceded the (joint) lowest number of goals in their division, while Supernova 3 had the second best goal difference in their division.
The new 2007/08 season has just started, and new players are always welcome , regardless of experience. We train at the London Nautical School, close to Waterloo, on Wednesdays, and outdoors on Clapham Common in the summer months (see join the club ). Drop us an

45. Photo And Video Gallery - Home
International TournamentsMajor international competitions. e.g. European Championships, Europa Cup. To request a new category, please email gav@korfball. Photo and Video Gallery
Share your korfball photos and videos!
Home Register FAQ Login ... Search Choose your language Basque (Euskera) Dutch (Nederlands) English(US)* English(British) Galician (Galego) German (Deutsch) Italian (Italiano) Norwegian (Norsk) Polish (Polski) Slovak (Slovensky) Slovenian (Slovensko) Swedish (Svenska) Default language
Last additions
Cardiff tournament video 287 views 1 comments Sep 20, 2007
Supernova Companies Tournament 2007 Video 369 views 1 comments Jul 31, 2007
BKA Inter-area: BSKS v Wales 517 views 1 comments May 19, 2007
BKA Inter-area: BSKS v Wales 620 views 1 comments May 19, 2007
BKA Inter-area: North West v West Mids 609 views 1 comments May 19, 2007
BKA Inter-area: Kent v Yorkshir 692 views May 19, 2007
BKA Inter-area: North West v West Mids 730 views May 19, 2007
BKA Inter-area: Kent v Yorkshire 754 views May 19, 2007
Category Albums Files Korfball Selected Images For Media Excellent, high-resolution korfball photos or graphics which are ideal for media use. Promotional Videos Coaching and Education International Tournaments Major international competitions. e.g. European Championships, Europa Cup. To request a new category, please e-mail Commonwealth Championships The British Commonwealth and Friends Championships.

46. Milton Keynes Korfball Club
Milton Keynes korfball Club fun mixed sport similar to netball and basketball, guys and girls welcome every Thursday to come and give it a go for free.
Click here for the MK Korfball home page and find out about the world's best mixed sport (We are also the nearest team to Northampton, Buckingham, Bedford, Luton and Leighton Buzzard) Click here for the MK Korfball home page and find out about the world's best mixed sport (We are also the nearest team to Northampton, Buckingham, Bedford, Luton and Leighton Buzzard)

47. Nottingham Korfball Club
Includes player information, teams, calendar, tournaments, photos, and related links. Also features information about the Trent University korfball Club.
Being redirected to the Nottingham Korfball Club

48. OUKoC - Home
All about Oxford University korfball Club, including fixtures and results.
Page Navigation
  • Site navigation Currently in korfball...
    Site Navigation
    Currently in Korfball...
    Good afternoon, and welcome to OUKoC
    Yes, that's right, we are a friendly bunch, we korfballers! And we'd just love you to come along, experience just how good a sport korfball is and join us for a drink. Training is on Sunday mornings , from 11 till 12:30, and Wednesday nights , from 8:30 till 10:30, which is often followed by a trip to the pub!
    Go on, you know you wanna! This site is designed to tell you pretty much everything you need to know about the club, but there are email links to all the committee members in case you have any questions.
    Another Varsity Double...?
    On Saturday, 16th February, we're having the Tabs over to our place for the annual Varsity match. It promises to be great late-morning entertainment , and Cambridge might even have learnt enough from the last two Varsity Korfball Lessons to avoid another double defeat . But I wouldn't put my money on it.
    Oxford University Korfball Club is one of the best korfball clubs around. Really!

49. Korfball Club - Korfball, Europe, Uk, England, Britain, Club, Biography, Player,
The ultimate web resource for korfball clubs in Europe. Team biographies and information on techniques, Match schedules, Submit Your Site!
Korfball Club The ultimate web resource for Korfball clubs in Europe. Team biographies and information on techniques, Match schedules Submit Your Site! New Web Sites
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50. LUU Korfball Club | Korfball Always Wins
Includes news, fixtures, gallery, contacts, message board and related links.
Latest News Next League Snakebite 1 (H)
Sun, 10 Feb 2008 Next Tournament Edinburgh
Sat, 26 Jan 2008 Fixtures Now Updated Training Times - Weds 5PM - 7PM (Everyone Welcome) and Thurs 7PM - 8PM
Fixtures Results Gallery ... Forum The following paragraph is required by LUU Online . The views and opinions expressed in these web pages are not necessarily those held by Leeds University Union; they are those of LUU Korfball Club unless stated otherwise.

51. Auckland Korfball Club
Details about the sport, training, games, socials and clubs in the Auckland area of New Zealand.

52. Cardiff City Korfball Club
The home of Cardiff City korfball Club, Wales, UK. Fun, mixed team sport. Visit us for club news, fixtures, results, socials and photos.
@import url( );
3 victories for Cardiff City
Filed under: Match Reports 1st Team City-Chiefs City Cane Toads Saturday saw all 3 Cardiff City teams in action against Cardiff Uni at Howells school, the results were as follows Chiefs (City 2)   v  Uni 2
Cane toads (City 3)   v  Uni 3
City 1  v  Uni 1
Full match reports will be posted shortly. Comments Off
Korfball TV
Filed under: News has videos of the recent World Championships  from the Czech Republic. The site also has video examples Comments Off
WKL fixture dates
Filed under: News The fixture dates for the first half of the Welsh Korfball league are now available here .  Venue and match times will be posted shortly. Comments Off
Filed under: Fun Photos Socials By Max Lloyd  Meeting in the Prince of Wales everyone gathered with their hats in tow for the start of the mystery social (however, the biggest mystery is why our chairman managed to start at the Gate Keeper!) With no one knowing what was going to happen Elaine dished out the wonderful home made maps to start the intrigue! With many people not obviously passing GSCE Geography this caused more bemusement about where we were going and what the committee had in store for the evening. Led to believe only one person guessed where we were going was Holly (you clever thing!)

53. Cambridge Tigers Korfball Club
Featuring club news and fixtures, and also the overall fixture list for the Cambridgeshire league.

54. Baltickorfball
Provides information and links about the game basics, rules, competition structure, organizations and events. English, Lithuanian, Polish
Lithuania Lietuviu Polski English

55. Birmingham City Korfball Club - Home
Website for this fun and exciting sport now being played in Birmingham (UK), which takes the basics of basketball, netball and handball and combines them to
Home January 2008 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Main Menu Home Beginners/New Members What's Korfball Newsroom ... Korfball Programme 07/08 **NEW** September Edition 2 Click here to download What's on at Birmingham City... Taking applications for the 2008 edition.. see banner for more info
Deadline closes on the 15th January
**NEW** Latest Events Birmingham Tournament
February 23, 2008
Tournament BUSA Nationals
March 01, 2008 - March 02, 2008
General MRL Round 2
March 30, 2008
General MRL Round 3
April 20, 2008
General View Full Calendar WMKA News Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.

56. Stockholm Korfball Klubb
Please browse through the site to learn something of korfball and the Stockholm korfball Klubb. Fancy keeping fit and having fun?
Home Admin Welcome to the SKK website! Please browse through the site to learn something of korfball and the Stockholm Korfball Klubb. Fancy keeping fit and having fun? Come and join us at our next training Read about our Stockholm korfball tournament 2008 Latest... Training
First practice of the year on sunday Read on... Stockholm corporate korfball cup
On Sunday December 2, Stockholm Korfballklubb will host the annual corporate Korfball cup Read on... It's 18:08 CET in Stockholm On the web


Ten Hove ICT- Tournament
Around the world Korfbal International
United Kingdom



57. Welly Korfball - Home Of The Best Mixed Sport In The World!
Features club news and photo gallery. Based in Wellington, New Zealand.
home korfball? learning korfball schools ... members only web design and
hosting sponsored by
Different Ideas
welcome to korfball!
Congratulations, you've just stumbled across the home of korfball in Wellington. What's korfball, you ask? The answer is simple - korfball is quite simply the best mixed sport on the planet. It combines skill, speed, agility and teamwork - and is great for people of all physical abilities!
On this site you'll find everything you need to know to get started in this great game. Use the links at left to find your way around and if there's anything you need to know, contact us and we'll be happy to share the awesome sport with you!
Local players going hard at a Monday
training session - this could be you! latest news WKC defend their NPC title in Auckland this weekend (10-11 Nov) at the Auckland Indoor Netball Centre. Come support our teams and watch us bring home the trophy!
Beach Korf starts Mon 12th Nov - contact Rae now to get involved more beach korf!

58. West London Korfball Club
Features news, matches, results, details of club socials, and related links.

59. Stingers Korfball Club
Stingers korfball Club Norwich korfball club based at Blyth-Jex School, who play in the Norfolk korfball Association indoor league ,
Welcome to Stingers Korfball Club Welcome to the home of Stingers Korfball Club The site has been split into sections to help you find your way around - these are accessed using the links to the top of the page. If you ever want to return to this page, click on Home
League Games Friday, 14 September 2007
The indoor league kicks off on 23rd September with Stingers 2 playing Dragons 2 - the following week is then Stingers 1 vs Stingers 2.
For the latest fixtures please check the Norfolk website
Tournament 2007 Results Wednesday, 09 May 2007
Many thanks to those clubs that came, luckily the weather held out for us yet again and I hope everytime had a great time. The results are as follows: 1. Cambridge City
2. Knights
3. Phoenix
Remember: No Latest Events
Birthdays: 6th February - Sarah Papworth
13th February - Tracy Minns 19th February - Peter Woodhouse Login: Username Password Remember me Forgotten your password Thursday, 24 January 2008

60. The Open Press - Free Press Release News Wire
Sports Fishing Sports Football Sports Golf Sports Hockey Sports Hunting Sports korfball Sports Martial Arts Sports Outdoors

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