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1. Korfball - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the rules, history and philosophy of the basketballlike sport invented in the Netherlands. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korfball | |
2. Home - International Korfball Federation This is the official site of the International korfball Federation. http://www.korfball.org/ | |
3. Korfball.com Information about the game internationally and world championships. http://www.korfball.com/ | |
4. Korfball.tv Michiel Gerritsen, Rick Voorneveld and Jos Roseboom trick it up in this showcase of some amazing korfball showtime moves. http://www.korfball.tv/ | |
5. Korfball World korfball World. We re coming back We are inviting you to send your ideas about what you d love this site to contain to the webmaster. http://www.korfballworld.com/ | |
6. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - ORGANISATION - STRUCTURES Recognised International Sports Federations, Air sports, Bandy, Billiard Sports, Boules, Bowling, Bridge, Chess, Dance sport, Golf, Karate, korfball http://www.olympic.org/uk/organisation/if/fi_uk.asp?id_federation=47 |
7. Korfball WebRing Korfbal! The only sport in the world where women and men play on the same team. Korbal was invented by a Dutchman and is played in many countrys around the http://f.webring.com/hub?ring=korfball |
8. Untitled Document General information on the new body in charge of the sport in Wales (UK). http://www.welshkorfball.org/ | |
9. English Korfball Association - Home The English korfball Association, governing body of korfball in England. http://www.englandkorfball.co.uk/ | |
10. Croydon Korfball Club Includes news, photographs, match reports, player profiles and statistics. http://www.croydonkorfball.com/ | |
11. KorfballNet - The Number One Korfball News Site From AFM Sports Provides news and results for European korfball leagues. http://www.btinternet.com/~afm.sports/ | |
12. Korfball - Wikipedia Translate this page Il korfball, parola in inglese che si riferisce all olandese korfbal che in italiano si traduce pallacesto, è uno sport di squadra originario dei Paesi http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korfball | |
13. Highbury Korfball News and information about this friendly and sociable North London (England) club, formerly known as Arsenal. http://www.highburykorfball.co.uk/ | |
14. Abingdon Korfball Club, UK Features club information including an event calendar, results, match reports, photo gallery and related links. http://www.geocities.com/abingdonkorfball/ | |
15. Korfball Victoria Information about korfball in Victoria. Includes BacchusMarsh and Melbourne. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~korfball/ | |
16. Korfbal - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre Translate this page El korfball mantiene ciertas similitudes con el baloncesto, El korfball llegó en 1969 a Marbella (Málaga) y se expandió a regiones como Madrid, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korfbal | |
17. Korfball New Zealand - Home The Official site for KNZ and all information about korfball in New Zealand. http://www.korfball.org.nz/ | |
18. The Oxford Korfball Association The Oxford korfball Association news, events and information covering all of Oxfordshire (UK) and also Milton Keynes. http://www.oxfordshirekorfball.org.uk/ | |
19. Korfball.pl - Wiadomo¶ci korfball.pl serwis o korfballu w Polsce i na wiecie. http://www.korfball.pl/ | |
20. Korfball - Wikipedia Translate this page Die Sportart korfball wurde durch den Niederländer Nico Broekhuysen im Jahre 1902 publik gemacht. Nico Broekhuysen nannte die bis dahin wahrscheinlich http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korfball | |
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