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         Kendo:     more books (101)
  1. Kendo (Blazers) by O'Shei, Tim, 2008-09-01
  2. Zen Combat: A Complete Guide to the Oriental Arts of Attack and Defense: Karate, Kendo, Zen Archery, Aiki by Jay Gluck, 1974
  3. Kendo No Kata: Forms of Japanese Kendo by Michael Finn, 1986-06
  4. Personal Growth Through Martial Arts: Studies in Kendo, Fencing, and Indian Swordsmanship
  5. Kendo (Martial Arts in Action) by Carole Ellis, 2010-11
  6. Anatomische Studien Uber Wichtige Faserpflanzen Japans Mit Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Bastzellen (1901) (German Edition) by Kendo Saito, 2010-09-10
  7. A Poet Working in the Supermarket by Tristan Kendo, 2004-09-28
  8. Red Sox: A Retrospective of Boston Baseball, 1901 to Today
  9. The Grapple Manual: Heroes and Villains from the Golden Age of World Wrestling by Kendo Nagasaki, 2005-10-28
  10. Nba Basketball Offense Basics by Kendo Nagasaki, 1996-12-31
  11. Kendo by Kotaro Oshima, 2004-10-31
  12. Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei Iaido
  13. Fundamental Kendo by All Japan Kendo Federation, 1974-10-01
  14. The Martial Arts : Swordsmanship Kendo Aikido Judo Karate by Michael Random, 1978

21. OSU Kendo Club
Describes dojo and provides information about Iaido and kendo classes, equipment, and news. Also features picture gallery of past events.

22. Welcome To Chicago Kendo Dojo!
and concepts of kendo. Includes dojo directory and links.......
Event Info 2006 MWKF Tournament
Click Here For More Information
Practice Schedule
Tuesday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Friday, 8:00PM - 10:00PM
Click here for the Map
* Parking Available!
Any Questions?
Send an E-mail to:
Links Other Dojos in Chicago Area
Choyokan Kendo Dojo

University of Chicago Kendo Club

Kendo Federations
Midwest Kendo Federation
All United States Kendo Federation All Japan Kendo Federation (Japanese) All Japan Kendo Federation (English) ... International Kendo Federation Kendo Equipment Shop Eguchi USA, Inc. THE CHICAGO KENDO DOJO

23. Dartmouth Kendo Club
Located in Hanover, New Hampshire. Club information, pictures, kendo basics, practice times, and resources.
Welcome to the Dartmouth Kendo Club We are at the beginning of a new term. Please join us in practicing kendo! We always welcome beginners. Home About Kendo Events Practices People Contact: Blitz 'kendo.'

24. MSU Kendo
The Official kendo Club of Michigan State University, founded in 1972. kendo is Japanese Fencing, the way of the sword
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MSU Kendo club is sponsored in part by:
Current Practice Times (Fall 07):
Sunday: noon-2pm, IM Circle 2nd floor gym
Wednesday: 6-8pm, IM West (1hr Shinai, 1 hr Kata members wearing bogu only)
Friday: 6-8pm, IM Circle Rm. 218 If you have any questions, please contact Fox Sensei
See map to... IM Circle IM West
MSU Kendo Club News:
Posted by Ron Fox on 8-11-07
Ron Fox, Wendy Chen, and Mathew Palmer travelled to Madison Wisconsin August August 3-5 for the MWKF summer camp. The summer camp was taught by Yamanaka Shigeki sensei, and Saito Shigeki sensei. Both sensei are 8-dan Kyoshi, with Yamanaka sensei the winner of the 2005 All Japan 8-dan Championships. Camp was very instructive and difficult. All had chances to practice with both senseis, as well as opportunities for basic and waza practices. Pictures for the camp are available on the Battle Creek Kendo Club Website Posted by Ron Fox on 12-31-07
First I want to wish you all a Happy New Year. Second please join me in congratulating the U.S. National Kendo team on its performance at the 13'th World Kendo Championships in Taipei. They achieved an historic first victory ever over the Japanese team, to finish 2'nd place behind Korea. These historical matches have been posted on youtube:
Senpo match

Jiho match

Chuken match

Fukusho match
... Taisho match The Match between U.S. and Korea is also available:

Canadian kendo Federation contacts, news, information and announcements.
3571 Stouffville Rd., Stouffville, Ontario. L4A 7X5
Telephone/ Fax: (905) 887- 0937
2007 Kendo, Iaido and Jodo Grading Information
(Updated October 27, 2007) CKF Development Fund Information ...
Team Canada
E-Bogu, Official Sponsor to Team Canada 2006
Leave a message on the Guestbook
Click to subscribe to the kendo-canada email list
Roy Asa
Richard Tizzard
Stephen Cruise
Gary Nakashima
Claude Brisson Christian d'Orangeville Akira Hayashi Hirokazu Okusa Yoshiaki Taguchi
Thomas Yamashita
Chief Examiner: Morito Tsumura
Webpage Editor: Kim Taylor
Here's a good online kendo equipment manual Last Updated May 16, 2007 by Richard Tizzard

26. UTKA - University Of Texas Kendo Association, Mk IV
Origins of kendo, class times, armor, news, links and general information. Austin, TX
Introduction More about Kendo and UTKA News Class Times ... Contact us
The University of Texas Kendo Association
sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin Division of Recreational Sports The University of Texas Kendo Association and the Austin Kendo Doshikai were created to teach and study Kendo. As mentioned by the International Kendo Federation, the concept of Kendo is to discipline the human character through the application of the principles of the katana: The purpose of practicing Kendo is; To mold the mind and the body, To cultivate a vigorous spirit, And through correct and rigid training, To strive for improvement in the art of Kendo To hold in esteem human courtesy and honor To associate with others with sincerity, And to forever pursue the cultivation of oneself. Thus will one be able to love his country and society, To contribute to the development of culture And to promote peace and prosperity among all peoples. Kendo originated from Kenjitsu, the actual form of sword fighting used by the samurai until the Meiji period. Over the years, wooden swords replaced real swords to reduce injury during training. By the later half of the 18th century, the samurai class started to disappear and the study of the sword became more of a mental discipline rather than a practical fighting form. It was around this time that modern kendo took form: the use of protective armour and a bamboo sword (the shinai) were introduced to further reduce injury to the participants and standard regulations for matches and practice were established. Click

27. Spokane Kendo Club
kendo developed from the many schools of swordsmanship that have existed in Japan during the last several hundred years. Modern kendo is a traditional
Home Benefits of Kendo Registration Form Seminar Schedule Tournament Schedule ... Links Home Page
What is Kendo?
Kendo is Japanese fencing and swordplay. In Japanese, the two characters for the word Kendo mean "The Way of the Sword." Kendo developed from the many schools of swordsmanship that have existed in Japan during the last several hundred years. Modern Kendo is a traditional martial art, a way of personal development and discipline, and a very exciting sport.
About Spokane Kendo Club
Spokane Kendo Club is an official branch school of the Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation and the All United States Kendo Federation, which are affiliated with the All Japan Kendo Federation and International Kendo Federation. Close affiliation with these governing bodies insures the best quality instruction for our students and allows them to attend all Kendo events:
  • Promotional Exams Seminars Free visits to other Kendo schools (23 in the Northwest, hundreds around the country)

28. Kendo, Jodo En Iaido In Nederland, Welkom Bij De Nederlandse Kendo Renmei
Translate this page kendo in Nederland, de Nederlandse kendo Renmei is het officiële orgaan voor kendo, Jodo en Iaido in Nederland.
Kendo in Nederland, welkom bij de Nederlandse Kendo Renmei
Kendo is een moderne Japanse vechtkunst die in Japan de grootste Budosport is met naar schatting 5 miljoen beoefenaars. (Budo is de verzamelnaam voor de Japanse vechtkunsten). Ook buiten Japan heeft Kendo grote bekendheid gekregen. In Nederland bijvoorbeeld wordt het al ruim 25 jaar beoefend en zijn er in de meeste grote steden wel Dojo (oefenzalen) te vinden.
Lichaam en geest
Al vele eeuwen is het zwaard in Japan een zeer geducht wapen gebleken. Het gaat in Kendo vanzelfsprekend niet meer om de praktische toepassing van de zwaardtechnieken. Het accent is al sinds de 17e eeuw verlegd naar de training van het lichaam en de geest door middel van het zwaard. Wat betekent dat concreet? Het beoefenen van de Kendosport is een explosief en uiterst geconcentreerd gebeuren.
Het Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo werd ruim 300 jaar geleden gesticht door Muso Gonnosuke. Hij combineerde de belangrijkste technieken van het Kenjutsu (zwaardkunst), Sojutsu (speerkunst) en naginatajutsu (hellebaardkunst) en gebruikte daarvoor een hardhouten stok van 128 cm lang en 2,4 cm doorsnede. De strategie en technieken van de school waren erg moeilijk om te leren en gedurende vele jaren werd in het geheim les gegeven. Het beoefenen van jodo heeft vele positieve kanten. Daarom besloot men in Japan, onder leiding van de 25ste hoofdmeester Takaji Shimizi Dai Sensei, om het Jodo voor meer mensen toegankelijk te maken.

29. Columbia University Kendo Club
Columbia University kendo Club at Cornell Tournament November 11, 2005. For information on our organization and how to join, please email Oscar Loui at
Columbia University Kendo Club links main

30. BKA Online | Main / HomePage Browse
Organizational website of kendo and Iaido in the United Kingdom with news, dojo addresses and forthcoming events.
Search Disciplines News and Events Clubs Gradings National Squad General Info Downloads Links Supported by Welcome to the new BKA Online The British Kendo Association (BKA) was founded in 1964 as a non-profit making organisation to foster and develop the practise and spirit of Kendo, Iaido, and Jodo along traditional lines. For more information, please read our Mission Statment Events and Announcements
Please don't forget to check the BKA Calendar and BKA Announcements pages. How to use this site You can navigate around this site by using the menu bar to the left of the page. This site is new as of January 2007 and is still in the development process. Some pages have already been converted to the new look-and-feel, but many will remain (especially the event reports) in the older format for some time at least.

31. SCKF Home Page
Member dojos, fees, calendar, references, links and general information.
Southern California
Kendo Federation
About the SCKF
Member Dojo


Email Announcements

Deadline reminders:
Kubota Memorial Tournament
Steveston Tournament
New Year's Party
FIK Brazil Shinpan Seminar
application News and Upcoming Events New Year's Party 11am 1/20/08, Ports O'Call Restaurant, San Pedro Kubota Memorial Tournament 1/27/08, Wilson Park Steveston Tournament 2/9/08, Steveston Canada Team USA 2nd Tryouts 3/2/08, Cabrillo High School FIK America Zone Shinpan Seminar 3/29-30/08, Sao Paolo, Brazil All United States Kendo Championships 7/3-6/08, Las Vegas (includes Team SCKF info and trip info Recent Events Happy Holidays! see keiko schedule (includes Gedatsu Dojo's 12/29 kodansha keiko) NCIA/SCIA Iaido Seminar and Shinsa 11/30/07, Berkeley Salinas Dojo 37th Anniversary Tournament 11/18/07, Salinas PNKF 33rd Annual Tournament 11/17/07, Kent WA Furukawa Kazuo Sensei visit 11/17/07, Covina Dojo, 5-9pm

32. || Choyokan Kendo Dojo || Chicago - Des Plaines, IL
Choyokan kendo Dojo has two locations in the Chicagoland area. Practices are held on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Dojo News Saturday, January 5, 2008 Sunday Practice at UIC is open again from noon to 2pm. The location is:
UIC Sports and Fitness Center
828 S. Wolcott Avenue
(South of Polk near Damen)
Chicago, IL Other practice information:
Wednesdays and Fridays 8pm - 10pm:
Ravenswood Fellowship United Methodist Church
4511 N Hermitage
Chicago, IL Saturdays 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm:
Dee Park Recreation Center
Golf Maine Park District 9229 Emerson Des Plaines, IL More info... Choyokan Kendo Dojo Information Images Movies Links ... Contact

33. Seattle Kendo Kai - Home Page
Teaches traditional Japanese kendo. Lists class times and offers gallery of sparring.
Seattle Kendo Kai (SKK) is the oldest dojo in the Pacific Northwest and is the only one remaining from the early, PreWWII establishment of kendo in the Pacific Northwest region. We strive to perpetuate and teach traditional Japanese kendo along the guidelines established by the All Japan Kendo Federation (AJKF) and International Kendo Federation (IKF). At SKK, we feel it is important to offer all the aspects available to kendo practitioners including education (both in kendo and cultural exchanges) as well as spiritual and physical development. It is with these efforts in mind that we offer instruction in both Japanese and English languages. SKK practices take place at the Seattle Kendo Club Gym in St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 1610 S. King Street, Seattle, WA. Please check the Schedule page of this web site for details and practice times. If this is the first time you have visited our website, please sign our guestbook Upcoming Events:

34. Boston Kendo Kyokai Home Page
Boston kendo Kyokai. Boston kendo Kyokai. Shiai kendo Kata Mokuso Boston kendo 1980s Boston kendo Flag Yipsan Sisitsky-sensei Men Ippon!
January 2008 S M T W Th F S Boston Kendo Kyokai All Japan Kendo Federation All US Kendo Federation All Eastern US Kendo Federation Kendo in Massachusetts ... Beginner’s Guide to Kendo Boston Kendo Kyokai eMail List
Sign up to receive news regarding
Boston Kendo Kyokai Powered by Home Kendo About BKK ... Events

35. GKA | Georgia Kendo Alliance
which translates as the way of the sword . kendo represents a path in life that is followed through the training of kendo.
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Primary links

36. Welcome To Northwest Kendo Club
Offers practice schedule among with school news and events.

37. Kendo Club At University Of Washington
IMA (Studio 216) 700pm 900pm (Iaido on Wednesdays 900pm - 945pm) Where s the IMA? Why it s here! Advanced kendo Match Kirikaeshi
@import "./includes/style.css";
Winter Schedule
January 9th through March 14th
Exceptions will be announced during practice and posted to the mailing list.
IMA (Studio 216)
(Iaido on Wednesdays 9:00pm - 9:45pm)
Where's the IMA? Why it's here
(Video courtesy of Willis Wall Multimedia
Site Best Viewed in 1024x768 or above.

Questions? Comments? Bugs on the page? Contact Us

38. Kendo - Definition From The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
Definition of kendo from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.
Home Visit Our Sites Unabridged Dictionary Learner's Dictionary ... Contact Us
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One entry found.
Main Entry: Pronunciation:
Japanese from ken sword + art
 a Japanese sport of fencing usually with bamboo swords Learn more about "kendo" and related topics at See a map of "kendo" in the Visual Thesaurus Pronunciation Symbols

39. Martial Arts Info - Kendo
Martial Arts explained kendo. Summarizes the characteristics and origin of kendo. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons,
A resource for all styles of martial arts
    Martial Arts: Kendo
    Kendo is the Japanese sport of sword fighting where Shinai (bamboo swords), along with protective armour are used. This equipment is used for training in place of the razor-sharp metal swords that Japanese martial arts are famous for. A very popular sport in Japan, Kendo developed from the fighting art of Kenjutsu, which dates back to the 11th century and was the most important martial art of the samurai. Kenjutsu was practised by many famous swordsmen, such as Miyamoto Musashi, author of The Book of Five Rings. Of all martial arts currently practiced in the West, Kendo retains the most traditional image, not at least because of their traditional-looking protective armour and face mask and the typical Kendo-swords (Shinai). Origin of Kendo: Japan
    Brenden Says:
    February 17th, 2006 at 12:42 pm

40. Australian Kendo Dojos
Information about kendo and Iaido training at several locations in the Melbourne area. Includes style summaries, training times, locations,

The art of Japanes e swordsmanship wearing traditional protective equipment, training with vigour and skill as in the days of the Samurai. IAIDO The art of drawing the sword. Learning Iaido Iaido uniforms Iaitos ( swords ) Iaido accessories CATALOGUE Kendo and Iaido equipment, Kendo uniforms Bogu ( armour) Shinais ( bamboo sword ) Iaitos ( swords ) Books Club products Accessories

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