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         Jorkyball:     more detail
  1. La vertiginosa moda del jorkyball.(deporte): An article from: Contenido by Gabriel Rello, 2004-07-01
  2. Sport de Ballon: Moto-Ball, Calcio Florentin, Ballon de Rugby à Xv, Korfball, Jorkyball, Ballon Au Poing, Goal-Ball, Fistball, Torball (French Edition)
  3. Sport Dérivé Du Football: Football à Trois Côtés, Baby-Foot, Subbuteo, Tennis-Ballon, Rollersoccer, Jorkyball, Football à 7, Foot à 5 (French Edition)

1. Jorkyball - Soccer 2 On 2 Official Web Site
Official jorkyball site covering the game. Also FIJA, the International Federation of jorkyball Association. Multilingual site (English, French,
//PopupCentrata('/fed/france/include/popup_Nike_home.html',260,400) Select country: select country Central-Northern Europe Eastern Europe Home History Rules Links ...
The Gold Rush

Become the #1 Jorker of your own Club, your Country, the World...... Competitions
Events Calendar, Results, Standings, News, Photos and more... E-shop
Official licensed products for you from our authorized dealers... World Licensed Clubs
Browse our database and look for the club nearest to where you leave... Archive
Pictures, Videos, Press Review, Reports and more... Official Suppliers
Companies authorised to sell Jorkyball products, equipments and serv... Add your mail to newsletter! select language Deutschland France Hungary Ireland Israel Italy Portugal Spain FIJA Sports' Season 2007-2008
The Official Calendar of the FIJA Sports' Season 2007-2008 / Calendrier officiel de la Saison Sportive de la FIJA, 2007-2008 Bienvenue Powerade®!
Powerade® est devenue, depuis le 1er juillet 2007, la boisson officielle pour le sport 2x2 Jorkyball® 56 Hours Guinness Record Jorkyball "I. Pest-Buda" Tournament

2. Jorkyball - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
jorkyball is a modified form of 2 on 2 soccer taking influence from squash. It is played in a 10m x 5m cage on artificial turf with the possibility of using
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Please help introduce links in articles on related topics (November 2006) Jorkyball is a modified form of 2 on 2 soccer taking influence from squash. It is played in a 10m x 5m cage on artificial turf with the possibility of using the walls to place the ball.
edit History
2 on 2 Jorkyball was invented by Gilles Paniez ( French ) in 1987. It started in a garage in Lyon, France. Jorkyball is now a trademark.
edit Game elements
The pitch of 2x2 Jorkyball is a parallelepiped . Dimensions are:
  • Length: 9,80 m Width: 4,80 m Height: 2,70 m
The ball is in hand-sewn felt. It weighs 200 grams.
edit External links
This game -related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it Retrieved from " Categories Orphaned articles from November 2006 All orphaned articles ... Game stubs Views Personal tools Navigation Interaction Search Toolbox Languages

A guide to the twoa-side version of football. Includes rules, history and details of where to play.
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Welcome to the website
This website is designed to give you as much information as possible about the new and exciting sport of jorkyball. You may not of heard about it before but it is steadily growing in popularity across Europe and America.
The sport is loosely based on the traditional game of football, but the major difference is that it is a two a side game as opposed to the normal eleven.
We have compiled a list of clubs and federations around the world so if you are interested in taking up the sport all the information you need to start playing should be contained in this website.
If you have any questions about the sport or if you have some additional information that we could add to the website please do not hesitate to contact us by using the E-mail link below.

4. 4 Man Soccer
Includes a description of the game, rules, and where to play.
Modified Soccer
You head to the gym hoping to find enough people to get a game of indoor soccer going. Upon arriving at the gym, you notice that its pretty empty. There are only 3 other guys in the soccer gym. Just as you are about go give up on the idea and head home, one of the guys runs up to you and asks if you up for a game of jorkyball, cause they need 4 players.
"Its just like soccer, only smaller." he exclaims. We can play in the racket ball room. Its really simple and quite a rush. You agree to give the game a chance. The next thing you know you there is a soccer ball ricocheting of the wall, flying towards your head. Your first reaction is to duck, but instead you jump up and block it with your body. Then you kick forward. The ball rushes towards the goal, past both opponents. Then you hear a clang, the clang of the ball hitting the goalpost. You see the goal's net moving. You have scored. Jorkyball is the 2-on-2 version of soccer. It's played on a smaller court, usually indoors. Jorkyball is a more relaxed game than traditional soccer, but it is very fast paced. It has become very popular because it is much easier to get a game going because you need only 4 people, not Soccer's 22. Jorkyball is a new twist on the world's favorite sport. It has been called "the sport of the new millennium." Its first big event was at the 1990 Football (soccer) World Championship in Italy. Its popularity has grown tremendously since then. Now clubs can be found in France, Italy, Spain, the UK, and the USA.

5. Video Jorkyball à Toulouse Avec Kassem, Auré, Rom Et Ju - Jorkyball, Foot,
Regarder jorkyball à Toulouse avec Kassem, Auré, Rom et Ju sur Dailymotion Partagez Vos Videos. Match de jorkyball ,le foot à 2, au centre Be Attitude à
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Jorkyball   Toulouse avec Kassem, Aur©, Rom et Ju
average rating: vote) vote ADD TO FAVORITES share this video add to blog add to playlist ... sports Duration: 07:06 Taken: 19 May 2007 Location: TOULOUSE, France Match de Jorkyball ,le foot   2, au centre Be Attitude   Colomiers (  c´t© de TOULOUSE) le 28 avril.
Le jorky c'est sympa mais faut se prot©ger les parties sensibles ... Permalink: Embeddable Player: player size: small medium large Preview display related videos : yes no
Would you like to comment? Create a free account! Choose a username: (Already a member? Log in 8 months ago by on Jorkyball   Toulouse avec Kassem, Aur©, Rom et Ju voted: Aur©, t'es un chacal. a d v e r t i s i n g mcType = "video_player"; mcContainer = "Middle"; Try our Beta videoplayer
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Owner of the jorkyball® intellectual property rights.
Design By Moviement Please choose your destination
France Italy Portugal

7. Jorkyball - Wikipédia
Translate this page Un article de l encyclopédie libre historique, extrait des règles, liens.
Un article de Wikip©dia, l'encyclop©die libre.
Aller   : Navigation Rechercher Cet article est une ©bauche concernant le football N’h©sitez pas   partager vos connaissances en l’am©liorant. Le 2x2 jorkyball est un sport peu connu m©langeant football et squash Comme pour le football squash , il se joue en salle sur un terrain de 10 m¨tres sur 5, dans lequel il est possible d'utiliser les parois pour marquer. Un match se dispute en trois manches gagnantes; il faut inscrire sept buts pour remporter une manche. Physiquement tr¨s intenses car il n'y a que tr¨s peu d'arrªts de jeu, les matches se jouent   2 contre 2.
modifier Histoire
Le 2x2 Jorkyball a ©t© invent© par Gilles Paniez en 1987 dans un garage   Lyon, et pendant 3 ans se jouait sur ce seul site, avant de trouver son essor lors du mondial en Italie en 1990, o¹ le jeu ©tait pr©sent© comme animation. Jorkyball est une marque d©pos©e.
modifier Espace et ©l©ments du jeu
L'espace de jeu du 2x2 Jorkyball a la forme d’un parall©l©pip¨de
  • les zones d’engagement (interdites aux adversaires) la zone centrale les lignes de p©nalit©
Le ballon est en feutrine cousue main, son poids est de 200gr.

8. Jorkyball

9. Jorkyball® Vs Pro Cergy - Accueil
Translate this page jorkyball® vs Pro - Cergy - Le Football en Salle 2 contre 2 - Tournois.Anniversaires.Enterrement de vie de garçon.01-30-31-06-91.
Accueil Photos et videos Règles Le club ... Votre publicité Login Password Se souvenir de moi
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Pas encore de compte ? Enregistrez-vous Jorkyball® Vs pro PRIX HEURES CREUSES /JOUEURS POUR 1 HEURE, VOIR TARIFS (hors vacs scolaires et jrs fériés) C'EST L'ANNIVERSAIRE DE VOTRE ENFANT? RENSEIGNEZ VOUS AU Le Jorkyball® est une discipline
sportive, ludique et dynamique
basée sur des principes moraux
comme le respect et surtout le fair-play "Pratiquer le JORKYBALL® c'est l'adopter" En mal de plaisir sportif, le moral dans les chaussettes, besoin de se refaire une santé, trouver une activité à part entière ou complémentaire, venez pratiquer dans un cadre chaleureux de façon régulière ou occasionnelle entre amis, collègues ou en famille.
Pour ce faire le JORKYBALL® VS PRO, vous accueille 7jrs/7
Annuaire francophone

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Accueil var oxy_TypeAppel = 0; var oxy_idPartenaire = '291'; var oxy_Transformation = 0; Tout pour votre sport

10. JORKYBALL :: Distributeur Officiel Du Jorkyball
Translate this page CDC SPORTS - jorkyball distributeur officiel du jorkyball.
  • NAF : 514 S SIRET : 428 902 027 00021
Depuis le 3 Mai 2001
Journes de FORMATION pour ouverture

voir les modeles de courts Pour un devis - pour une commande : contactez CDC Sport, M. Lionel Courtois au
C/C Carrefour 13110 PORT de BOUC / Fax E-mail : Pour recevoir notre documentation ou pour toute question concernant le Jorkyball :

11. Jorkyball® Parisien – Franconville, Distributeur Officiel Des Terrains Jorkyba
Translate this page Club de jorkyball® de la région parisienne proposant 4 terrains disponibles, réservez votre cours dès maintenant. Concessionnaire exclusif de la marque
Le Jorkyball Parisien est un club de jorkyball Paris Val d'Oise
Notre salle de jorkyball Paris
Le jorkyball est un sport collectif club de jorkyball
sport collectif
Notre salle de jorkyball de paris club de jorkyball parisien terrain de jorkyball document.write('');

12. Untitled Document
Translate this page Présente le club, actualités, plan d accès. Moselle (57).

13. Jorkyball
jorkyball summary from The Virtual Library of Sport.
home Jorkyball A new sport: two-a-side soccer in a cage invented in 1987 in a garage in Lyon, France, trademarked and brought to the attention of the public by Gilles Paniez and Pierfrancesco Iazeolla. The cage is of approximately 50 square meters. It is a fast game into which tactics and logic are important: three sets at stake, seven goals needed to win a set.
The goals are small. In order to ensure a well-balanced play in the small area, the back can invade the opposing centre field only to a limited degree. At the same time, the areas around the goals are protected. More The International controlling body is the Federation of International Jorkyball Associations - a multi-lingual site There are Associations in France, Italy, Spain and England.. It provides the Rules If you have any questions about the sport, then ask our jorkyball librarian Fortunatius
For more about the game:
Online Guide to the sport (history, rules, overview, world-wide clubs and associations).

14. Jorkyball : Site Pour Les Amoureux Du 2 X 2 Jorkyball
Translate this page 2x2 jorkyball est un site regroupant toutes les informations possibles sur le 2 x 2 jorkyball, le Football en salle des vidéos, des photos, des techniques
Bienvenue sur 2x2Jorkyball.
Illustration du terrain de Le est un sport qui interdit toute forme de contact.
Ce site a pour but de regrouper le maximum d'informations et de renseignements possibles au sujet de ce beau sport qu'est le FIJA et de la LFJB
Par ou commencer ?
de ce sport puis ses origines et les chercher la salle de jeu la plus proche de chez vous pour commencer a jouer le plus rapidment possible.
ou tout du moins en consulter les du
Si vous estimez que ce site vous a rendu service vous pourrez nous laisser un petit message d'encouragement sur le livre d'or
Du même auteur
Si le site vous a plu, n'hésitez pas à visiter mes autres créations.
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16. Alexa - Sites In: Jorkyball
Alexa Browse Sites Browse and search through sites by category or by most popular in category based on Alexa traffic rank.

17. Dave’s Football Blog » Jorkyball!
Well, we’ve got a football game just for you — jorkyball. It’s a twoon-two soccer game in a room roughly 10 meters long, 5 meters wide and 3 meters high,
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Published by Dave at 7:00 am under Association Football futsal , but the playing field is just way Jorkyball wallyball . Teams play a best-of-3-sets format, and 7 goals wins a set. The game was invented in France, which explains why most of the major tournaments are played there (Spotted on The Offside Share/Email This Trackback URI Comments RSS
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18. JorkyBall94 :: Foot En Salle 2 Contre 2 à Alfortville
Translate this page jorkyball94, situé en région parisienne à Alfortville, est le plus grand club de jorkyball de France Réservation au Le jorkyball,
Navigation Contacts Tarifs/Horaires Alfortville le site Règles du jeu ... Actualités
Chatillon Si tu habites dans le 92, tu trouveras 8 terrains de jorkyball à Chatillon. En savoir +. Bienvenue
Depuis 2001 , le jorkyball d' ALFORTVILLE dispose de 6 terrains de football en salle à 2 contre 2 avec vestiaires + club house + parking gratuit à 10 minutes de la Porte de Bercy Cet été, le centre a été ENTIEREMENT renové pour votre confort et bien être. Un club de qualité et une équipe réactive s'est mis en place afin de répondre favorablement à vos attentes. En attendant, vous pouvez naviguer sur le site et découvrir toutes nos possibilités et offres. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour tout autres renseignements, nous vous répondrons très rapidement.

Dans la Poule A , ALFORTVILLE 1 en tete à égalité avec ERAGNY 2.

Dans la poule B, ALFORTVILLE 2 termine 4ème et sera opposé à .....ALFORTVILLE 1 en play off le 9 FEVRIER 2008.
Complexe sportif idéal pour organiser des tournois d'entreprises et de partenaires. Jorkyball®94 - ZAC du Val de Seine Zone Techniparc 94140 ALFORTVILLE

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  • 20. Jorkyball Maia
    Translate this page Três campos de jorkyball à sua disposição para que possa desfrutar da fascinante modalidade de Futebol 2x2, caracterizada pela sua destreza, habilidade e
    jorkyball multimédia marcações competições Jorkyball® é uma marca comunitária nº 000814632 Jorkyball e Futsal Torneio Abertura/Clausura Jorkyball Maia no arraial d'engenharia Torneio de Regresso ... Torneio de Iniciação Porto 15 ºC

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