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61. Travis Lutter's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Teaching jiujitsu and kickboxing. Instructor profiles, class schedule, links, directions and interviews. Ft. Worth, TX http://www.travislutter.com/ | |
62. Saunders BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-jitsu), Rochester, NY A Brazilian jiujitsu school located in Rochester, NY. http://saundersbjj.com/ | |
63. Carlos Machado Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu Return To Home Achievements Awards Class Schedule Technique of the Month Tournaments Seminars Lastest News Association http://www.carlosmachado.net/ | |
64. MassBJJ-Massachusetts Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu MassBJJ is a Massachusetts based Brazilian jiujitsu academy that will train anyone that desires to learn. http://www.massbjj.com/ | |
65. Colorado Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy And Mixed Martial Arts Denver, Colorado based BJJ school taught by Black Belt David Ruiz. http://www.coloradobjj.com/ | |
66. RELSON GRACIE JIU-JITSU AUSTIN ASSOCIATION Master Relson Gracie s Austin Association. http://www.austinjj.com/ | |
67. Australian Jiu-jitsu, Judo And Chinese Boxing Federation Of Instructors Profiles chief instructor, martial arts styles, affiliated schools and gallery of techniques. Branches throughout Greater Melbourne. http://www.jiujitsu.org.au/ | |
68. The Jiu-Jitsu Brotherhood For those of us who train in Brazilian jiujitsu we know it is not just a martial art - but rather a way of life. It transcends every barrier and unites us http://jiujitsubrotherhood.blogspot.com/ | |
69. Jiu-jitsu - Wikipédia Translate this page O jiu-jitsu, jujutsu ou ju-jutsu (do japonês arte versátil, suave) é uma arte marcial japonesa que utiliza golpes de articulação, como torções de braço, http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiu-jitsu | |
70. Paragon Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Thank You to all my students and friends who supported Paragon on being the most successful Brazilian jiujitsu School in Corpus Christi, Texas! http://www.ccparagonbjj.com/ | |
71. KOMBAT JIU-JITSU This web site is best viewed at 1024x768 resolution. http://www.kombatjiujitsu.com/ | |
72. Badgerland Jiu-Jitsu Center Learn selfdefense using Gracie and Brazillian jiu-jitsu. http://www.badgerlandjiujitsu.com/ | |
73. Indiana Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy - Martial Arts Instruction The Indiana Brazilian jiujitsu Academy delivers the highest level of martial arts instruction anywhere. The IBJJA is the only school with two locations in http://www.ibjja.com/ | |
74. TBJJ - Tim Burrill Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Thank you for visiting the website for Tim Burrill Brazilian jiujitsu. Answers to frequently asked questions are below for your convienance. http://www.timburrill.com/ | |
75. Bravado Jiu-Jitsu Academy School north of Toronto in Woodbridge, Ontario. Offers training in the arts of Brazilian jiujitsu,Thai-Kickboxing and Mixed Martial Arts. Includes FAQ, http://bravadojj.com/ | |
76. Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu BJJ Academy in Boston, MA. http://www.bbjiujitsu.com/ | |
77. Ultimate Jujitsu, Ju Jitsu Techniques, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Moves, Jujitsu Moves Jujitsu techniques and Brazilian jiujitsu (BJJ) moves. Pictures of fighting positions and the full jujitsu syllabus. Ju jitsu pictures and reviews. http://www.ultimatejujitsu.com/ | |
78. Welcome To NTMMA Offers instruction Brazilian jiujitsu, Muay Thai kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, vale tudo, and judo in Lewisville TX. http://www.academybjj.com/ | |
79. Joe Hurst Jiu-Jitsu Hurst jiujitsu is the Carolina s leading jiu-jitsu Academy. We do gi and no gi training for self-defense and physical fitness. http://www.hurstjiujitsu.com/ | |
80. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Essentials This helpful guide features information on the history and development of Brazilian jiujitsu, a handful of common terms, and tutorials and videos of some http://martialarts.about.com/b/2007/11/05/brazilian-jiu-jitsu-essentials.htm | |
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