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21. Singapore Inline - Singapore Primier Inline Skating School Promotes inline skating as a sport. Has online shop and lesson registration. http://www.singaporeinline.com.sg/ | |
22. Skating Web Sites By Kathie Fry Meet skaters from your area and around the world in the 12 skating forums at SkateLogForum.com. Our forum visitors talk about all types of inline skating http://www.skategrrl.com/ | |
23. Davis Inline Skating--the Information Resource For Davis Inline Skaters Davis inline skating news and information, including information about the weekly Davis Wednesday Night Skate. http://davisskate.tripod.com/ | |
24. UK Inline Skating Association (UKISA) An independent organisation offering instructor development programmes. Includes tips for promoting responsible skating and details of the May National http://www.ukisa.org/ | |
25. Columbus Inline Skating Club A club for all levels and types of skaters. Includes schedule, photo gallery, a mailing list, and contacts. http://www.columbusinline.com/ |
26. Citiskate London - Inline Skating Professionals For Lessons, Trips And UK Instru London skating inline lessons and tuition, events paris and barcleona trips and UK instructor training. http://www.citiskate.co.uk/ | |
27. Ottawa Inline Skating Club The Ottawa inline skating Club was founded by a dedicated group of skaters as a nonprofit club established to meet the needs of recreational, http://inlineottawa.com/ |
28. Inline Skating Chicago, Illinois Rollerblading In Chicago, Speed Skating, Chicag Information about Chicago Rollerblading, Inline street and speed skating inline skating newsletter concerning skating events in and around Chicago. http://www.thirstydog.net/ | |
29. Grindside.com - Aggressive Inline Skating Grindside.com is the site for aggressive inline skating. We have a beginners guide, a trick guide, a history page, some photos, and a forum. http://www.grindside.com/ | |
30. ISCA Copyright © 2007 inline skating Club of America All rights reserved. 330 PM to 600 PM Sunday 100 PM to 330 PM Admission $7.00 Skate Rental $3.00. http://www.iscahockey.com/ | |
31. Robichon's, InLine Skating And Rollerblading Instruction A fantastic World Leading Inline skating school and rollerblading school providing the best professional inline skate instruction, camps and workshops for http://www.robichons.com/ | |
32. The Toronto Inline Skating Club And Inline Skating Mississauga Holds practices in Mississauga, Etobicoke and Toronto, Ontario. Includes news, membership details, program information, photos, calendar, and related links. http://www.torontoinlinespeed.com/ | |
33. Aggressive.com - Inline Skating A place for booters to hang, swap stories, pics, videos, and share random skating stuff. Set up a profile, post a pic or video, and just hang http://www.aggressive.com/ | |
34. Inline Club Of Boston Organizes and hosts inline skating events. http://www.sk8net.com/ | |
35. Inline Skating In The UK Features skating tips, movement analysis, FAQs, events and links to activities across the UK. http://inlineskate.co.uk/ | |
36. Inline Skating Lessons - Toronto Skating school owned by IISA certified instructor Stephen Fisher of Toronto, Ontario. Includes class descriptions, skate rental information, http://www.geocities.com/fisherxc/ | |
37. AZ Inline: Arizona Inline Skating Association Arizona Inline Skate Association. Please update your bookmark to this page. for more information about this road skate see the Local Skating page. http://www.predatorspeed.org/azinline.php | |
38. Australian Rollerblading / Inline Skating Online Magazine Australian inline skating news, profiles, articles, photos, video clips, competitions coverage such as the Australian inline skating Championships, http://www.rollerblading.com.au/ | |
39. Park And Rec Skate Parks These parks can also be used for inline skating (Rollerblades). Grayson SkatePark 750 Beal Street Charlotte, NC 28211 704365-1265 Methodist Home SkatePark http://www.charmeck.org/Departments/Park and Rec/Parks/Skate Parks/ | |
40. Rollerdome Homepage inline skating At The HHH Metrodome. Another Rollerblade innovation was to bring inline skating to the buttery smooth concrete concourses of http://www.roller-dome.com/ | |
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