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61. Human Powered Vehicle (West Coast) Challenge : TreeHugger When a bike costs around $10000 USD youd want it to go fast, and thats what some of the bikes at the recent human powered Vehicle Challenge aimed to do. http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/04/human_powered_v.php | |
62. Accrete.com : Human Powered Vehicle (HPV) Index Page. small HPV logo I bought my first recumbent way back in 1968 a long wheelbase lowrider made from several hacked up bike frames. Love at first sight. http://www.accrete.com/hpv/ | |
63. Decavitator At that time they decided to build a humanpowered vehicle (HPV) that an armchair athlete could operate. Marc initiated a student-run project (under MIT s http://lancet.mit.edu/decavitator/ | |
64. UCDavis Human Powered Vehicle The UCDavis human powered Vehicle Team (HPV) is a student engineering group whose goal is to design an aerodynamic and highly engineering land vehicle. http://hpv.ucdavis.edu/ | |
65. New Human Powered Vehicle Records On Land And Water - Gizmag Article Its been a good few weeks for human powered Vehicle fans with Sam Whittingham reclaiming the fastest human record from Fast Freddy Markham by p http://www.gizmag.com/go/7402/ | |
66. RIT Human Powered Vehicle Team This is the website for Rochester Institute of Technology s human powered Vehicle Team. This team uses engineering skills to design and build a moonbuggy http://www.rit.edu/~hpvteam/ | |
67. Human Powered Vehicle Project Of Michigan Tech Web Page for the human powered Vehicle Project at Michigan Technological University. http://www.me.mtu.edu/Teams/HPV_Human_powered_Vehicle.htm | |
68. Chico State Human Powered Vehicle Project ACT HPV Challenge Dutch HPV archive International human powered Vehicle Archive Cal Poly SLO HPV UC Berkeley human powered Vehicle Project http://www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~akpalmer/hpv.html | |
69. [Video] Part Making - Instructables - DIY, How To, Tech, Art This is the next phase of the University of Central Florida 2007 ASME human powered Vehicle Team s fairing construction. We will be using the negative http://www.instructables.com/id/[Video]-Part-Making/ | |
70. Pedal Powered Vehicles Workshop The Pedal powered vehicles Workshop is an activity of the Cultural Transports Unit pedalling from RMIT University in Melbourne. http://pedalpvw.blogspot.com/ | |
71. Consider The Velomobile - Human Powered Vehicle | Greatgreengadgets.com Aerorider Velomobile Next to walking, the Velomobile may be the greenest form of personal transportation available. This bicycle car is designed with a. http://greatgreengadgets.com/gadgets/2007/04/18/velomobile-human-powered-vehicle | |
72. UCF Human Powered Vehicle We competed in the ASME human powered Vehicle Challenge East Coast. As such we were required to have at least (or equivalent) roll over protection of 1.5 http://supersoda.com/detail.php?id=00000000089 |
73. Human Powered Machines Long Haul As A Family Vehicle The Long Haul by human powered Machines is equally suited to the proverbial load of bricks or the most precious cargoyour kids. http://www.catoregon.org/hpm/longhaul4kids.htm | |
74. NASA Ames Research Center » Blog Archive » Ready, Set, Go! Human Powered Vehic The West Coast Challenge of the human powered Vehicle Challenge will be held ASME sponsors the human powered Vehicle Competition in hopes of finding a http://center.arc.nasa.gov/2007/04/10/ready-set-go-human-powered-vehicle-challen | |
75. Experiencethis.umr.edu: Human-Powered Vehicle Archives Members of UMR s World Speed Challenge Team, an offshoot of UMR s championship human-powered Vehicle Team, are leaving for Nevada today on a quest to break http://experiencethis.mst.edu/humanpowered_vehicle/ | |
76. Human-powered-vehicle » SOME RANDOM DUDE Tag Results for human powered vehicle eco bottle, economical, fumi masuda, fundamentalism, good, human powered vehicle, judgment, landmines, links, http://www.somerandomdude.net/tag/human-powered-vehicle | |
77. NASA Ames To Host Human-Powered Vehicle Challenge | SpaceRef - Your Space Refere NASA Ames to Host humanpowered Vehicle Challenge - SpaceRef. http://www.spaceref.com/news/viewpr.html?pid=22356 |
78. HPV - Human Powered Vehicle Or Cool Bike We Say | Zedomax.com - A Blog About DIY Zedomax DIYS, hacks(wii hacks, iphone hacks), and satiric opinions on gadgets and technology today and of course everything Web2.0. http://zedomax.com/blog/2007/05/23/hpv-human-powered-vehicle-or-cool-bike-we-say | |
79. CSU Newsline - Engineering Students Win Human Powered Vehicle Competition This is a tremendous achievement for our engineering students because it is truly their project, said Nick Repanich, advisor to the human powered vehicle http://www.calstate.edu/newsline/2006/n20060502chi1.shtml | |
80. OSU Human Powered Vehicle Team ASME human powered Vehicle Challenge. News. 10/30/2006 Formal sponsor packet designed and distributed to potential sponsors. 9/25/2006 http://groups.engr.oregonstate.edu/hpv/ | |
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