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         Highland Games:     more books (100)
  1. Sketches in the Highlands: Deer stalking & highland games by R. F. B, 1874
  2. Highland Games by Unknown, 2009-01-01
  3. First (1st) Annual Southern Vermont Highland Games by George W. (Games Chieftain) MacGregor, 1994-01-01
  4. Highland Games
  5. THE HIGHLAND GAME: Life on Scottish Highland Sporting Estates by Glyn Satterley, 1999-01-01
  6. Massachusetts Highland Games
  7. The games: A guide to Scotland's highland games by Charlie Allan, 1974
  8. Highland Games Made Easy by L Boland Richardson, 2009-03-27
  9. Scottish Highland Games by Rh Value Publishing, 1988-12-12
  10. The sailor's hornpipe: Scottish version as danced at Highland Games by Scottish Official Board of Highland Dancing, 1964
  11. Maine 15th Annual Highland Games with Scottish Gathering
  12. 1st Annual Western Massachusetts Highland Games & Celtic Festival (Program)
  13. Some children's games collected in Highland Park, Michigan by Ellen C Hathaway, 1948
  14. The moor and the loch: Containing practical hints on most of the highland sports, and notices of the habits of the different creatures of game and prey ... in river, burn, and loch-fishing by John Colquhoun, 1841

81. The Council Of Scottish Clans And Associations, Inc. - COSCA
Our function is to assist in communication between the Scottish clans, promoting new membership in the clans through our attendance at highland games,
Home Organization History Services Links COSCA is a Proud Member of The Scottish Coalition: A Coalition of Autonomous Organizations Dedicated To The Preservation Of Our Celtic Heritage. Can we help you find your Clan, Society or Association
COSCA's Mission
Taken from the Bylaws: The purpose of COSCA shall be to preserve and promote the customs, traditions, and heritage of the Scottish people by educating the public as to Scottish history, literature, music, poetry, art, and culture. Additionally, COSCA shall, through a variety of means, provide service to the various clan and family associations of the Scottish community. Scottish, as used hereinafter, refers to those people of Scottish and Irish descent, commonly called Celtic. Last Update: July 8, 2007 COSCA Online Privacy Statement Web-Counter shows visitors since this page was created on April 1, 2002. Problems with this site? Comments or Suggestions? Contact the webmaster

82. Highland Games - Wikipedia
Translate this page Die highland games sind eine traditionelle Veranstaltung mit Wettkämpfen. Diese waren ursprünglich Bestandteil der Treffen (Gatherings) schottischer Clans
Highland Games
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklop¤die
Wechseln zu: Navigation Suche Highland Games in Stirling: Hammerwerfen Highland Games in Stirling: Dudelsack Wettbewerb Die Highland Games sind eine traditionelle Veranstaltung mit Wettk¤mpfen. Diese waren urspr¼nglich Bestandteil der Treffen ( Gatherings schottischer Clans in den schottischen Highlands . Dort sind sie auch heute noch zu Hause, finden sich aber auch ¼berall dort, wo sich Schotten angesiedelt haben, zum Beispiel in Amerika statt. In Schottland gibt es j¤hrlich bis zu 100 Highland Games. Sie sind organisiert in der Scottish Games Association . Die bekanntesten Spiele finden allj¤hrlich Anfang September in Braemar statt. Sie stehen traditionell unter der Schirmherrschaft von K¶nigin Elisabeth II., die meist pers¶nlich anwesend ist. Die Highland Games werden von traditioneller Musik, besonders dem Dudelsackspiel , und T¤nzen begleitet. Auch hierbei werden Wettk¤mpfe ausgetragen. Die Spiele sind ein Volksfest f¼r die ganze Gesellschaft, locken jedes Jahr aber auch hunderttausende Touristen an. Die Highland Games stammen aus der Zeit der keltischen K¶nige in Schottland. Sie wurden ausgetragen, um die st¤rksten und schnellsten M¤nner Schottlands zu finden, die dann oft f¼r den K¶nig Leibw¤chter und Boten wurden.

83. Wyoming Celtic Association Home
Home of the Wyoming Celtic Festival and highland games, Gillette is in the northeastern part of Wyoming, located in the Powder River Basin,
Wyoming Celtic Association
Gillette, WY
Home of the Wyoming Celtic Festival and Highland Games , Gillette is in the northeastern part of Wyoming, located in the Powder River Basin , between the Black Hills and the Big Horn Mountains . To learn more about Gillette, visit the Chamber of Commerce Webpage , or the Campbell County Economic Development Webpage For driving directions to the Festival, click on Devils Tower
The features exciting entertainment by Celtic bands, Bagpipers, Irish dancers and living historical groups. Our past performers have included such musical acts as Men of Worth The Indulgers Lalla Rookh The Muses , and Gobs O'Phun , historical reenactment by The Renaissance Scots , pipebands from Gillette, Miles City and Billings, MT and traditional folk dancers. Meet Celtic animals like Clydesdales Shetland ponies and more. Participate in the fun by entering the Haggis Toss or Wellie Toss . Children's area with activities for the kids. Fun for the whole family!

84. The Georgetown Highland Games
Games include Highland dancing (over 400 dancers), pipes and drums (over 20 pipe bands), athletics, and clans. Entry forms on site. Games are over 30 years
The 33rd Annual You'll Have a Ball! The Georgetown Highland Games Saturday June 9th, 2007 Admission: Adults...........................$15.00
Under 11 With Parent.......Free
Parking...........................$5.00 Maps Events Sponsors/Friends Special thanks to the The Town of Halton-Hills for their support. We are currently looking to recruit Directors for the Highland Games to fill various openings. Meetings are held once a month. It is a volunteer role that is rewarding and promises fun! Those interested can e-mail or write us: E-Mail or Our Address: Georgetown Highland Games
Box 16, (Halton Hills)
Georgetown, ON

85. Caledonian Club Of San Francisco
The highland Gathering and games features caber tossing, birds of prey, highland dancing, sheep dog trials, living history, bagpipe and drumming
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Caledonian Club of San Francisco
Our Club
Club News
Games Committee ...
Photo Gallery
2008 Officers and Trustees The Caledonian Club Of San Francisco presents:
143rd Annual Scottish Highland Games

Held Labor Day Weekend at the Alameda County Fairgrounds!
August 30th and 31st, 2008
Last updated May, 2007

86. Monterey Scottish Games Home Page
highland Dancing The Monterey Scottish games Celtic Festival will be held in the We are currently updating our website for the 2008 games.


Getting to the Games
Maps and Parking




Games Activities
Festival Schedule


Birds of Prey
Competition Results ... Vendors Other Links Games Contacts Photo Album Monterey Scottish Society Press Release ... Sponsors The Scottish Society of the Monterey Peninsula and the Salinas Jaycees present on We are currently updating our website for the 2008 games. Please check back again soon. Featured Pipe Band: Delta Police Pipe Band from British Columbia, Canada For Information Contact: Phone: Email: Mailing address: Monterey Scottish Games c/o Scottish Society of the Monterey Peninsula P.O. Box 51729 Pacific Grove, CA 93950 For Advertising, Sponsorship or Media Inquiries, please contact: Wendy Brickman Brickman Marketing Phone: 831-633-4444 Email Problems or questions about this site?

87. Charleston Scottish Games And Highland Gathering
Complete information about the Charleston, SC Scottish games and highland Gathering, schedule of events, links.
If your browser doesn't automatically redirect you, click here

88. Alma Highland Festival, Alma, MI
highland Festival road runners Check out these links for great videos/stories Alma highland Festival,110 W. Superior St., Alma, MI 48801 989463-8979
2007 Results
2004 to 06 Results Highland Festival road runners...Check out these links for great videos/stories of our races!! Alma Area Map
Festival Grounds Map Application
Vendor Application
Parade Application
Dry Good/Food Vendor Application
Pageant Poster Media Release 2008 Queen of Scots Pageant
7:00 p.m.
February 23, 2008
Alma College Heritage Center
Tickets: $5 at the door, or phone 463-8989 Scheduled to perform - Chelsea House Orchestra Attention young women aged 17 to 20 years old living in or attending school in Gratiot County... Candidates are now being sought for the 2008 pageant! Click here for pageant information contract and biography form . (Application deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, January 25, 2008.) O ur Corporate Sponsors... ALMA COLLEGE Dreamkeepers Limousine Looking for other festival and Scottish sites? Check out www.scottishancestor, ... Alma Highland Festival ,110 W. Superior St., Alma, MI 48801 989-463-8979 Site updated 1/08

89. McPherson Scottish Festival
Are you a piper, drummer, highland dancer, athlete, Clan or other participant? Want to volunteer or see how we put on the festival? Right this way!
September 27-28, 2008
Interested in attending? What is there to do? Here's what's happening. Just follow me.
Are you a piper, drummer, Highland dancer, athlete, Clan or other participant? Want to volunteer or see how we put on the festival? Right this way!
Press Releases Links of Interest

Thanks to everyone who came and took part in the Fourth Annual games on May 19 20. 2008 Livermore Scottish games scheduled for May 17 and 18th.
Home Activities Entertainment Media ... Help Welcome Tickets (Coming) Directions Parking Camping Schedules ... Ground Rules 2008 Livermore Scottish Games scheduled for May 17 and 18th. 2008 Hotels KING ROOMS DOUBLE ROOMS 2008 Forms Click [HERE] for the 2007 Photo Album

91. Dunsmuir Historic Estate | Oakland, California
2007 Special Events. Holidays at Dunsmuir Saturdays Sundays December 8, 9, 15, 16, 22, 23. Mansion visits, holiday teas, children’s teas,
Calendar of Events Grounds Rules Mailing List 2007 Special Events Holidays at Dunsmuir
More Info
Buy Tickets Now Join Dunsmiur's mailing list for announcements of upcoming events...
View our Interactive Grounds Map
... site credits

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