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         Hapkido:     more books (99)
  1. Roundhouse Kick (Achieving Kicking Excellence, Vol. 9) by Shawn Kovacich, 2007-02-14
  2. Back Kick (Achieving Kicking Excellence, Vol. 1) by Shawn Kovacich, 2005-05-01
  3. Hapkido: The Korean Art of Self-Defense by Jae M. Lee, David H. Wayt, 1976-08
  4. Hapkido: Essays on Self Defense by Scott Shaw, 2007-06-22
  5. Hatchet Kick (Achieving Kicking Excellence, Vol. 8) by Shawn Kovacich, 2007-02-14
  6. The 120 Kicks Original Hapkido Kicks by Kwang Sik Myung, 1997
  7. Dochang Journal - Level One by Bruce W. Sims, 1996-01-01
  8. Hapkido: Die koreanische Kampfkunst by Christian Bülow,
  9. Encounter the Warrior's Heart: Shinsei Hapkido : Grandmasters Speak of Life, Teaching, and Martial Arts by Joseph Lumpkin, Daryl Covington, 2003-08
  10. Hapkido Practitioners by Nationality: American Hapkido Practitioners, British Hapkido Practitioners, Finnish Hapkido Practitioners
  11. Hapkido Text Book 1 (Text Book series 1, Basic Chun Ki Part - Hapkido 10th & 9th Gup Courses Beginer)
  12. Dochang Journal - Level Two by Bruce W. Sims, 1996-01-01
  13. Hapkido Weapons The Knife Techniques Dan Kum Sul by Kwang Sik Myung, 1988
  14. The Cane: Techniques (Jang Sul) (Korean Hapkido Weapons, Vol. 2) by Kwang Sik Myung, 1988

21. Dakin\Homepages\Playful Tiger Homepage\hapkido
Based on research by Dakin Burdick at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
Hapkido Lineages This lineage comes from my own research and from that of He-young Kimm. I'm sure it still needs a lot of work but I put it out here for people to take a look at anyways. Send comments to me at . Each listing begins with the person's name, then the systems they taught (and the year that system was founded), followed by the organizations they founded. "Hwe" can also be spelled Hui, and means "Association." Mu-hyun Kim is also known as Moo-woong Kim. The box under his name are students who went to In-hyuk Suh after Kim was drafted into the military. Click here to Return to Playful Tiger Martial Arts

22. Grand Master Bong Soo Han
Under Grandmaster Bong Soo Han, 9th Dan in hapkido. Includes instructor biography, magazine gallery, history, membership, seminars and merchandise.

clothing accessories

Welcome to Grand Master Bong Soo Han's official Web site. This site offers a window into Grand Master Han's life-long dedication to the powerful art of Hapkido. Access to this site will provide you with detailed information about Grand Master Han, the art of Hapkido and the International Hapkido Federation. Known as the Father of Hapkido in the United States, Grand Master Han was known as the one of the most quintessential martial artists in the world. Within the pages of this Web site, you will find his biography as well as a definition and history of his chosen art. You will gain familiarity with the International Hapkido Federation (IHF), of which Grand Master Han was the Founder, including information regarding federation objectives, the IHF headquarters, and IHF membership. Finally, this official Web site will serve as a gateway to your own personal journey along the same path Grand Master Han traveled, towards the study and mastery of Hapkido. You will be provided with the means to begin or continue your study of this compelling, traditional Korean martial art, either at Grand Master Bong Soo Han's Hapkido Studio in Santa Monica, California or at your own school in affiliation with the International Hapkido Federation. Thank you for visiting the official Web site of Grand Master Bong Soo Han.

23. Welcome To Atlanta Hapkido
Atlanta hapkido Korean Battle field martial art designed for real world self defense. Find out about this school in Georgia, including photos, videos,
Last Updated: September 15 , 2007
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In The World Of Compromise... We Don't! Hapkido is a discipline of coordination, a way of strengthening the mind and body, of fusing the individuals physical and mental powers so that he or she will emerge as a more fully integrated human being.
The word in fact means; Method or Way (DO) for the coordination Harmony (HAP) of mental Energy or spirit (KI). One should always try to avoid violence, but if someone grabs you, attempts to strike you, or physically assaults you in any way, it has escalated beyond words, and you are left with the only option which is to defend.
The Korean Art of Self Defense, Hapkido is considered a "soft" style of Martial Art, as opposed to "hard" styles that practice the use of force against force, making the outcome a simple matter of size and strength. The Hapkido practitioner diverts or suppresses an attacker's flow of energy peacefully, this diversion allows him to use the attackers power against himself leading to the attackers defeat. Through the use of pressure on certain skeletal joints and pressure points, very little strength is needed to overcome an opponent.
Hap Ki Do not only redirects the attack, but turns it back against the attacker and follows through with offensive techniques which may control his violence or render him incapable of further antagonistic actions. The Hapkido practitioner is in complete control of the confrontation defusing the aggression without the need for uncontrolled damage as seen in many "hard" styles.

24. Hapkido - Wikipedia, La Enciclopedia Libre
Translate this page hapkido es el nombre de un arte marcial coreano. El término se puede interpretar como la senda de la coordinación de la energía .
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Saltar a navegaci³n bºsqueda Hapkido Hangul Hanja Romanizaci³n revisada HabGiDo McCune-Reischauer Hapkido Hapkido es el nombre de un arte marcial coreano . El t©rmino se puede interpretar como "la senda de la coordinaci³n de la energ­a". Los ideogramas que representan al Hapkido son los mismos del Aikido Tal como ocurre con la mayor­a de las Artes Marciales, la historia del Hapkido se cubre de misterio y controversia. La carencia de expedientes originales, rumores, an©cdotas, pol­ticas, egos y los destrozos de todos los tiempos no hacen sino asegurar los relatos incompletos y la polarizaci³n negativa del origen de este Arte Marcial. En los ºltimos 2000 a±os la sociedad coreana ha desarrollado varios sistemas de lucha y disciplinas marciales que se han desarrollado en el Taekwondo, Tang Su Do, Hapkido, Kuk Sul, Hwa Rang Do, etc. Centenares de a±os de comercio, guerra, ocupaci³n e intercambio entre Corea y sus vecinos, China y Jap³n, ha dado lugar a la influencia mutua y la mezcla de estilos y t©cnicas. As­ pues, resulta virtualmente imposible ahora indicar con certeza que t©cnicas son verdaderamente coreanas, chinas o japonesas en origen. Estudiantes de Hapkido El Hapkido fue fundado por Choi Yong Sul (1904-1986). Al parecer, ©l desarroll³ el sistema combinando m©todos de lucha coreanos nativos con el japon©s Daito Ryu Aiki-Ju Jitsu. Choi hab­a aprendido ese sistema de su Maestro Sogaku Takeda mientras vivi³ en Jap³n, desde 1915 a 1945. Despu©s de su regreso a Corea, Choi comenz³ a ense±ar Defensa Personal (Yawara) en la ciudad de DaeGu. Inicialmente llam³ a su sistema Yu Kwon Sul. Uno de los alumnos veteranos de Choi, Ji Han Jae, reclama haber sido el primero en introducir el nombre "Hapkido" en Seºl en 1957. Sin embargo, esto es fuertemente discutido por el primer alumno de Choi, el Profesor Suh Bok Sup, el cual reclama que ©l y Choi utilizaban ya la palabra "Hapkido" cuando ©l abri³ su primer dojang (escuela) en 1951.

25. Shinsei Hapkido 2k - Cached - Similar pages ISU hapkido ClubThe online home of the Iowa State University hapkido Club.

26. US Hapkido Association - Home
U.S. hapkido Asscociation After School Karate FREE PICK UP hapkido, Hankido Hankumdo hapkido Hankumdo Hankido Federation Training Center
 Marshall Gagne's
Call to schedule a private
Birthday Party
Spanish Site

"Kick Off The New Year"
2008 Resolution Special
One Karate Uniform
Two Weeks of Lessons
One Belt Test
All For Only $10.00 For the first 25 callers. Offer good until January 31, 2008 Click below on Mapquest for Directions to our School Mapquest U.S. Hapkido Asscociation After School Karate FREE PICK UP 1310 E. Garlington Road Greenville, South Carolina 29615 Garlington is the first road East of I-85, then go south off Pelham Road Exit 54. School: 864-213-9903 International Hapkido Hankumdo Hankido Federation Training Center USA News: Presidents Day Friday 18th Feb 08 FREE CAMP Friday 21st Mar 08 Teachers Work Day FREE CAMP Camp Week Sign up now. M-F March 08 Spring Break. Click below for information: Life Extension Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Biofeedback for ADD Click below for Dr. Sanjay Gupta's report on America's Killer Diet

27. :::: K.S. Hyun's Hapkido Schools ::::
Under Grandmaster KS Hyun, 9th dan hapkido. Affiliated with Dae Han (Hap) KIDOHAE, Seoul, Korea. Includes master profile, staff, history, schools and
[Your user agent does not support frames or is currently configured not to display frames.] Grandmaster Hyun would like to welcome you to the site and the school Click here to read more about K.S. Hyun Hapkido and Taekwondo Schools of Martial Arts and Self Defense in Chicago. Join our Mailing List and get a One Week FREE Trial Lesson. Click HERE. Site designed an maintained by

28. Martial Arts San Francisco, San Francisco California - Hapkido, Judo, Ju Jitsu,
Try a free martial arts class at San Francisco s hapkido Institute. hapkido, Judo, Aikido, JiuJitsu, Self Defense Classes.
martial arts training center
2125 Powell Street - San Francisco - 94133 - USA - 415.956.0566

who we are and what we do
schedule/getting started contact us/directions ... aikido of north beach
Site last updated: Tuesday September 30th, 2007 The Hapkido Institute
No portion of this website may be reproduced without the permission of The Hapkido Institute

29. Martial Arts Info - Hapkido
Martial Arts explained hapkido. Summarizes the characteristics and origin of hapkido. Where applicable, additional info such as founder, weapons,
A resource for all styles of martial arts
    Martial Arts: Hapkido
    Hapkido is a Korean martial art, and combines techniques from Karate, Aikido and Judo. It also draws influence from other native Korean martial arts. Characteristic for Hapkido are the wrist locks and throws that can look quite spectacular. Hapkido uniforms are available in white and black and have a characteristic diamond pattern. Developed in the 1940s and 50s, its founder Grandmaster Choi had learned martial arts first in Japan, in a school of Daito-Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu, an ancient form of Jujutsu that was practiced mostly by Samurai. During this time Ji Han Jae met Bruce Lee, who was very impressed with the techniques of Hapkido. Ji Han Jae coached Bruce Lee, who then went on and incorporated certain aspects of Hapkido into the development of his own emerging style, Jeet Kune Do Origin of Hapkido: Korea Founder of Hapkido: Yong Shui Choi (also known as Choi Yong Sul)
    K. Scott Roberts

30. Kukjae Hapkido Federation
Website for the Kukjae hapkido Federation of New Zealand.
Kukjae Hapkido Federation of New Zealand
Teaching and Promoting Traditional Hapkido
Latest News
14 January 2008
Kingsland Martial Arts
The Kingsland club have moved to a permanent martial arts facility!
What is Hapkido?
Hapkido is a Korean martial art of self defence descending from Daito-Ryu Aiki JuJutsu. Hapkido teaches you to defend yourself and others against a variety of attacks. It combines hand strikes and powerful kicking with joint locks, pressure points, holds, takedowns and throws. Hapkido includes the use of everyday items, such as coins, pens, magazines, and bags as defensive weapons. It also offers very good all round physical training - improving your aerobic capability, strength, stamina and flexibility. The emphasis is not on hurting other people, but on being able to protect yourself and others around you with reasonable force. Hapkido's techniques are based on an opponents attack, meeting that attack, turning it back on the attacker, and following through with offensive finishing techniques if required.
Kukjae Hapkido Federation of New Zealand
The Kukjae Hapkido Federation of New Zealand (KHFNZ) are the governing body of traditional hapkido in New Zealand.

31. Iowa Hapkido
Under Master Brian Hayes, 4th dan hapkido. Includes history, class information, instructors, korea terminology, technique list and photos.

32. Alaska Martial Arts - Homepage
Christian teaching WTF Taekwondo. Has school information, gallery and articles.
AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','770','height','293','align','middle','title','ABT Banner','src','../flash/index','quality','high','pluginspage','','movie','../flash/index' ); //end AC code I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 NKJV A Special Thank You to
All of our Sponsors
Great Alaska Pizza Co.
(6311 DeBarr Road)
Affordable Transmission
Our martial arts program is so much
more than kicking and punching. Physical Benefits
  • Muscle Tone Weight Loss Flexibility
Character Development
  • Self Confidence Self Discipline Positive Attitude Patience Perseverance Respect
We teach students the values and morals to be the best they can be in life. With our variety of programs and professionally trained instructors, it' not only children who love our classes, it's parents as well. Interested in our
Watch the movie
Cognitive Benefits
  • Improved Concentration Increased Awareness Knowledge of Human Anatomy Survival Skills Defensive Strategies Self Defense Technique
Bible verse of the week
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  (NIV)

33. Global Hapkido Federation
The GHF is proud to welcome Master Luis Manuel Portillo Cuevas, the The hapkido Institutefrom in Zapopan Jalisco , Mexico as member and also as the new
Home News About GHF Gallery ... Home Menu Home Downloads Gallery Guestbook ... Topics GHF Related How to apply
Membership Info
GHF Kodanjas
GHF Founder
GHF Members
Contact the GHF
Choi, Yong Sul
Community Registration Your Account Open the GHF HQ. News Open the GHF HQ. Dojang(School) February 2 nd , we finally have the great opening of our GHF HQ main Dojang(school). I really thank you for all of you waiting and looking forward to it with your assistance. Especially, at the HQ dojang, we can provide you members not only a place to practice and feel various and unique traditional martial arts, but also a place to experience Korean traditional culture as well as modern one. Moreover, we also give you members an opportunity to share your own countries’ traditional culture and so forth. From now on, in various cities of the world, I’d like to set up and found branch offices of MAC (Martial Arts Alliance Corea) for welcoming coming multicultural era. I’d like to invite all of you members, especially representatives of each country, to the opening ceremony of GHF HQ Dojang. Place: Global Hapkido Federation. 302 Poongsan Plaza B/D

34. Red River Hapkido
Martial Arts and Self Defense in Fargo, North Dakota. Red River hapkido provides hapkido classes in the Fargo, Moorhead Area.
WELCOME to red river hapkido
discover the art and techniques of self-defense
The Dojang
How to Begin Class Schedule Contact Us ... Site Map Adult Classes Only Member
United States Korean Martial Arts Federation (
Daehan Kidowhe (Korea Hapkido Association) Seoul, Korea Our Instructors have spent 54 years devoted to training in the art of hapkido and other martial arts, and have attained a certain level of expertise to qualify them as teachers and mentors and now enjoy sharing their skills and passing it on to their students.
Visitors are always welcome Free Trial Class No hidden fees of any kind No membership fees No mat fees No contracts Low Monthly Dues No joining fees Fargo Weather Revised 01.17.08 February 22 - 24, 2008


Hapkido Apparel The Winter 2007/2008 Hapkido Newsletter

35. Hapkidô - Wikipédia
Translate this page O Hapkidô ou hapkido engloba técnicas com armas diversa como bastões, Existem linhas divergentes quando se pergunta quem foi o fundador do hapkido.
Origem: Wikip©dia, a enciclop©dia livre.
(Redirecionado de Hapkido Ir para: navega§£o pesquisa Artes Marciais Chinesas ... Sanshou Japonesas Aikido Bojutsu Bujutsu Caratª ... Sum´ Tailandesas Muay Thai Krabi Krabong Coreanas Hapkido Haidong Gumdo Taekwondo Tangsudo Vietnamitas Viet vo dao Qwan Ki Do Filipinas Eskrima Ocidentais ArtDo Boxe Capoeira Esgrima ... Vale-tudo Relacionados Samurai Shihan Katana Wakizashi ... Ninja Listas Lista de armas de artes marciais Lista de desportos ol­mpicos Lista de desportos
O Hapkid´ ou Hapkido engloba t©cnicas com armas diversa como bastµes, espadas, bengalas, facas, leques, al©m de ensinar seus praticantes a auto defesa com praticamente qualquer objeto. Campeonato de hapkid´
editar Hist³ria
No in­cio dos tempos as artes marciais j¡ eram praticadas n£o s³ pelo exerc­cio f­sico dos monges, mas para que determinados povos lutassem por seus objetivos. Dessa mesma forma, numa ©poca passada, o pa­s que hoje conhecemos por Cor©ia , era dividido em trªs reinos: Silla Koguryo e Paekche Dentro dos conflitos decorrentes destes trªs reinos, todos tinham em comum a pr¡tica das Artes Marciais. Essas Artes continuaram sendo treinadas e desenvolvidas at© os dias de hoje, sofrendo grande influªncia de pa­ses vizinhos como China e Jap£o.

36. Korean Martial Arts HapKiDo, Self-Defense, Kumdo School Battle Creek, Michigan
Korean Martial Arts provides premier Martial Art Instruction in the Self Defense art of hapkido in one of the finest schools in Battle Creek, Michigan.
Home Site map Links
Korean Martial Arts
Hee Kwan Lee's Hap Ki Do
What's New Hap Ki Do About Us Instructors Media ...
KMA on You Tube
Welcome to the Korean Martial Arts Hap Ki Do School
NEW HOURS We Provide Premier Martial Arts Instruction in the Self-Defense art of HapKiDo. We are one of the finest schools in Battle Creek, Michigan. HapKiDo or Hap Ki Do is a Korean Martial Art of Self-Defense. Which uses many different techniques such as the redirection of force like Aikido, Throwing and grappling like in Judo, joint locks similar to Jujitsu, blocking and striking as in Karate, kicking more advanced then Tae Kwon Do, along with pressure point striking, weapon techniques, and breathing techniques. Making It the Perfect Martial Art for Men, Women and children of all ages. Hap Ki Do gives its students many benefits. It develops self-confidence, self-discipline, self-improvement, self-control, and self-defense. It is a Martial Art that disciplines the mind, body, and spirit. To learn more about Hap Ki Do and our School and the classes we provide, click on the links located on the top of this page. Please feel free to stop by our school to observe our classes, and speak with us.
We are Proud Members of these organizations.

37. A W New Hapkido Academy
Under Master Anthony New, 4th dan hapkido. Affiliated with the USKMAF under Master JR West. Includes programs and location. Based in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Fort Wayne Martial Arts Click to Enter

38. Welcome To Seattle Hapkido Association
Under the direction of Master Hark Hume. Affiliated with the Korean hapkido Association. Includes class schedule, instructors, history, photos and videos.
var sc_project=231694; Seattle Hapkido Association

Class Schedule

Personal Protection
Instructors ...
Photo Gallery

Video Gallery Purchase Videos "The Way of Coordinated Power"
Hapkido provides its practitioners with a highly effective means of self defense. Known for the broad diversity of its techniques, Hapkido teaches "hard and soft" techniques emphasizing circular and linear movement. Instruction will cover such fundamentals as proper breathing, grappling, joint locks, pressure points, circular throws, strikes, kicks and scenario training.
We like to refer to Hapkido as the "No Non-Sense Self Defense." Specific Hapkido training drills and movements promote strength, enhanced flexibility, endurance, spatial awareness and confidence. Hapkido is a highly effective means of self protection for men, women and children of all ages.
Seattle Hapkido Association 709 South 219th Street Des Moines, WA 98198

KARATE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL is a world wide outreach teaching Christian martial arts, Karate, judo, jujitsu, aikido, kido, hapkido, shotokan, Yoshikai,
                          KARATE FOR CHRIST AND MARTIAL ARTS FOR CHRIST Click the above image or here to enter the site. Serving Christian Martial Artists of all styles. KFCI now has over 20,000 total members, and has seen over 423,000 people saved through our ministries since 1955. To GOD BE THE GLORY! KARATE FOR CHRIST INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTERS Dr. Daryl R. Covington, President, karateforchristinternational
Phone: (334) - 239 - 2786 (Korea and U.S. #)
Mailing address: P.O. Box 12, Sanford, MI, 48657
Field Address: Seoul, South Korea
Alternate Contact
Michael Lewis, U.S. Operations President
Headquarters: Tabernacle Church of Norfolk, 7000 Granby Street, Norfolk VA 23505
In Care of: Karate For Christ Ministry Attention: Mike Lewis Karate for Christ International Foreign Missions Branch is:
Asia Reach Ministries. ( Asia Reach Ministries is listed as a religious/charitable non-profit 501-C-3 organization with the IRS

The Korea hapkido Federation is the world s largest and most prestigious wholly hapkido Organization in the world.
Korea Hapkido Federation - USA
We welcome you to the Korea Hapkido Federation - USA homepage. Hapkido is a traditional martial art that focuses on practical self defense, martial expertise and the development of true martial spirit in its practitioners. Hapkido has been lauded not only in Korea but worldwide for the quality of its techniques and the practical application of its methods. We believe that in the information age, the rapid advancement of the Internet allows us the chance to spread Hapkido to a great number of people in a constructive manner. Furthermore, we hope that it will serve to be a useful way for people who already practice Hapkido to share ideas and grow closer together so that Hapkido can continue to grow. The Korea Hapkido Federation promises to uphold the meaning of our martial art, and to always strive to be in harmony with all the Hapkido practitioners in the world. Finally, we wish all Hapkido practitioners showing interest and love for our martial art; good health and luck. Thank you.
Oh, Se-Lim

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