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21. HOUSTON CROQUET ASSOCIATION Houston, TX. American Rules. Event Calendar. Picture Gallery. {USCA} http://www.houstoncroquet.com/ | |
22. Honors Croquet League Seattle, Washington; USA University of Washington. Nine-Wicket Rules. Pictures, news. http://students.washington.edu/croquet/ | |
23. Chicago Croquet Club Chicago croquet Club, croquet, Chicago, Chicago Park District, USCA, United States croquet Assocaition, Wickets, Rover, chicagocroquet, Squirearchy, www. http://www.chicagocroquetclub.org/ | |
24. Index.htm Phoenix, Arizona; United States of America balls, mallets, and equipment. http://www.croquetequipment.com/ |
25. Croquet New Zealand Welcome to the croquet New Zealand web site. This website contains information on Association and Golf croquet, the organisation of the croquet New Zealand http://www.croquet.org.nz/ | |
26. Croquet Mark McCahill and I have been discussing the top priorities for croquet moving forward. Here is the list of the top six things that we will be doing for http://croqueteer.blogspot.com/ | |
27. The Oxford Croquet Site Covers all aspects of croquet including equipment, lawn care and construction, laws, refereeing, tournament, management, technical papers, health and safety http://www.oxfordcroquet.com/ |
28. Croquet Virtual Learning Environment - Digital Media Center - University Of Minn in online learning context, bibliography with links. Digital Media Center, University of Minnesota....... http://dmc.umn.edu/spotlight/croquet.shtml | |
29. Croquet Canada - Roquet, Triple Peel, Hoop, And Mallet News and information on clubs, members, tournaments and rules. Includes photos, learning how and equipment. Based in Toronto. http://www.croquet.ca/ | |
30. Lakewood Croquet Club Presents Champions Cup XII Seattle, WA. Extreme Rules. One of the premiere extreme croquet organizations. http://www.lakewoodcroquet.com/ | |
31. Clarkpoint Croquet Company Clarkpoint croquet Company established 1981. Manufacturer of handmade croquet equipment. Complete full size sets and accessories, made to official http://www.clarkpoint.com/ | |
32. Croquet Queensland Australian organization promoting, developing and encouraging the sport. Includes origin and games, club directory, events calendar, tournament results, http://www.croquetqld.org/ | |
33. Bath Croquet Club :: Main Association and golf croquet club provides news, photos and information about the club, its history, events and fixtures. Bath, England. http://www.bathcroquet.com/ | |
34. UBC Croquet Society - Home The croquet Society has new blood within the ranks, and with it, new competition for the Wile Cup. Four newcomers beat out a cocky group of veterans to make http://www.croqsoc.com/ | |
35. Croquet NSW, Australia croquet New South Wales How to Play croquet, croquet Clubs, croquet Tournaments, croquet Results, croquet Coaching, croquet Equipment, http://www.croquet-nsw.com/ | |
36. Croquet - Online Guide A croquetlike game is believed to have been played by thirteenth century French peasants who used crudely fashioned mallets to whack wooden balls balls http://www.tradgames.org.uk/games/Croquet.htm | |
37. Julian Lombardi's Blog: Croquet On A Smartboard The EduSim 3D Smartboard Application is a very cool croquetbased white board being developed by Rich White of the Greenbush Southeast Kansas Educational http://jlombardi.blogspot.com/2007/10/croquet-on-smartboard.html | |
38. FAQs - Croquet Consortium Answer croquet, as a software development environment, is more extensible than the proprietary technologies behind collaborative worlds such as Second Life http://croquetproject.org/index.php/FAQs | |
39. SQUEAK TUTORIAL www.dmu.com/croquet/ 1k - Cached - Similar pages World croquet Federation Home PageWorld governing body for croquet. Site includes past and future world croquet championships, news and directory of member associations. http://www.dmu.com/croquet/ |
40. Oxford University Croquet Club - Welcome! If you re interested in finding out a bit more about croquet, then come along to our Demonstration Match at 2pm on Sunday 22nd April 2007 (the start of 1st http://users.ox.ac.uk/~croquet/ | |
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