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         Science And Technology Studies:     more books (100)
  1. This Rough Magic: Technology in Latin American Fiction (Worcester Polytechnic Institute Studies in Science, Technology, and Culture, Vol 13) by Jane Robinett, 1994-12
  2. Times of the Trinity: A Proposal for Theistic Cosmology (Worcester Polytechnic Institute Studies in Science, Technology and Culture, Vol 17) by Duane H. Larson, 1995-12

141. Department Of Science & Technology Studies - Program
The Graduate Field of science technology studies (S TS) at Cornell University is devoted to training students to conduct advanced research in one of the
Student Activities

Course Requirements

Applications/Financial Aid

The Ph.D Program New Graduate Training Grant Emerging Technologies Our aim is to bring together faculty and students with diverse backgrounds and interests in a shared effort to study science and technology with special tools for exploring distinctive questions. At the same time, these tools and questions are designed to facilitate conversations with colleagues in traditional disciplines. Our approach throughout is both descriptive (aimed at understanding how science and technology are done) and normative (for example, showing where actual practices and professed norms are in conflict). Site by

142. Naval Studies Board
Under the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.), it has conducted studies ranging from design and operation of satellites, through C4I systems, stealth technology, atmospheric and subsurface sensors, ship, submarine and aircraft architecture, weapons development, pollution control, human factors, and education/training.
Jump to Top News Jump to Science in the Headlines Search: Subscribe to our FREE e-newsletter! NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE ... Charles F. Draper, Director
NSB Mission
The mission of the Naval Studies Board, created in 1974 at the request of the Chief of Naval Operations , is to be a source of independent, long-range, scientific and technical planning advice for the Navy and Marine Corps team. The Naval Studies Board charter also was endorsed by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research and Development) , and accepted without modification by the president of the National Academy of Sciences and chair of the National Research Council.
About NSB
The Naval Studies Board (NSB) is an operating unit of the National Academies , which operate under a charter granted by the United States Congress to provide independent scientific and technical advice to the government upon request. The NSB operates under the auspices of the NRC's Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
During its 29 years of operation, the NSB has accepted tasks involving virtually all of the scientific and engineering disciplines supported by the

143. Karel De Grote-Hogeschool - Op Het Voorplan
Offers about seventy courses and has six departments arts, commercial sciences and business administration, industrial engineering and technology, teacher training, applied social studies and health care. Antwerp.
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English visitor

(Campus Hoboken) Departementen Gezondheidszorg
Handelswetenschappen en Bedrijfskunde

Industriële Wetenschappen en Technologie
Alle opleidingen

(Campus Zuid) Gezocht: de Grootste Karel meer Word industrieel ingenieur, net als Katleen Meersman "Deze opleiding is veel praktischer"
Katleen Meersman, industrieel ingenieur (KdG-IWT), werd laureaat van de Cera Foundation Award. In haar eindwerk maakte ze de productie en opslag in het Arbeidscentrum van het Fabioladorp efficiënter. Katleen is blij met haar studiekeuze en de hulp vanuit haar opleiding.
meer INFO Een informatiemoment is de beste kennismaking met een opleiding en de mensen erachter. Elk jaar zijn er infodagen van maart tot september, nu eens 's morgens, dan 's middags of 's avonds. Opgepast: niet alle opleidingen geven informatie op dezelfde dagen en uren. Kijk goed na of je in de opleiding van je keuze terecht kunt. Op dinsdag 6 september 2005 had de laatste infoavond plaats, voorafgaand aan academisch jaar 2005-2006. Raadpleeg de rubriek ' Inschrijven Kijk voor specifieke informatiemomenten voor brugopleidingen en voorgezette opleidingen op de pagina's van de departementen en opleidingen.

144. Overview [UK-Aachen]
Interdisciplinary course of studies in engineering, medical, and natural sciences at the Aachen University of technology (RheinischWestf¤lische Technische Hochschule, RWTH). Taught in English.
Sie sind hier: Unsere Einrichtungen Medizinische Fakult¤t Dekanat Master Programme Biomedical Engineering Overview Suche IHR FEEDBACK Ihr Feedback zu unserer Website AKTUELLES Aktuelles Aktuelle Computerviren Veranstaltungen Aktuelle Meldungen ALLGEMEINES œbersicht Ihre Anreise Infos von A bis Z Wir ¼ber uns Medizinische Gesellschaft Im Notfall Aktuelle Meldungen zum UKA Veranstaltungs¼bersicht Tipps f¼r eine gesunde Ern¤hrung Rund ums Universit¤tsklinikum Impressum Kontakt Webteam INFORMATIONEN FœR ... œbersicht Patienten Besucher „rzte Wissenschaft und Forschung Studierende Gesch¤ftspartner Presse UNSERE EINRICHTUNGEN œbersicht Vorstand Gesch¤ftsbereiche Logistikcenter Interdisziplin¤re Medizinische Schwerpunkte (IMS) Fachkliniken mit Lehr- und Forschungsgebieten Institute mit Lehr- und Forschungsgebieten Funktionskliniken Interdisziplin¤re Forschungsbereiche Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete Medizinische Fakult¤t Call Center Blutspenden am Klinikum Weitere Funktionen, Dienste und Schulen STELLENMARKT Alle Stellen Sonstige Bereiche TELEFONBUCH Elektronisches Telefonbuch Ihr Feedback Aktuelles Allgemeines Informationen f¼r ...

145. Colby | STS
The Colby science technology and Society Program includes . STS is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study for students from all majors.

Faculty STS Requirements Course Catalogue ... STS 215 Projects Science, Technology, and Society (STS) examines the social and cultural implications of discoveries, theories, and inventions "of natural knowledge and material culture" both in America and globally. The field has deep intellectual roots in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science and technology. STS is an exciting interdisciplinary field of study for students from all majors. It constitutes a fundamental aspect of a liberal arts education. Science and technology have become increasingly important components of our world, changing the ways we live, work, and think. The well-being of individuals, nations, and, ultimately, our Earth depends in part on technoscientific developments that are part of the process shaping both the social fabric and the natural environment. By choosing from a variety of electives, students in the STS Program are introduced to critical and interdisciplinary perspectives on the interactions of science, technology, and society. Students gain an understanding of the historical and social dimensions of science and technology; they also become better-informed citizens of our high-tech society.
SPEAKER SERIES Fall 05 TBA Spring 05
National Weather Service

Unisys Weather

Huge List of Weather Links
... Science, Technology and Society

146. Society For Social Studies Of Science
Submit manuscripts to science, technology, Human Values through the new STHV web site. The Society for Social studies of science (4S) is a nonprofit,
the profession the society scholarly resources annual meeting ... for students Refresh your browser to see additional randomly selected images submitted by 4S members.
4S News
Annual Meeting in Pasadena , 20-22 October, 2005
Member site launched!
Join or renew online in the new 4S Member Community
4S co-sponsors event at the World Summit on the Information Society, Nov 13-15 in Tunis.
Submit manuscripts to through the new STHV web site
Graduate Student Essay competition The Society for Social Studies of Science (4S) is a nonprofit, professional association. It was founded in 1975 and now has an international membership of about 1000. The main purpose of 4S is to bring together those interested in understanding science, technology, and medicine, including the way they develop and interact with their social contexts.
web design by Chaos Abatement

147. Vermont State Colleges | Home Page
Information about the system of five small colleges located throughout Vermont that offer two and four-year programs in technology, liberal arts and sciences and professional studies.
Contact Us Search
Welcome to the Vermont State Colleges! Go directly to each college's Web site through the links below. Check out our academic calendars and current list of majors . Or visit one of our 60 locations around Vermont.
Future Students
Current Students Visitors ...
Castleton State College.

Engaging Minds... Creating Futures.
Read more
or visit
Community College of Vermont.

Go Places! Start Here.
Community College of Vermont offers more than 1,000 courses and 19 degree programs at 12 locations and online. Read more or visit
Johnson State College.

Change YOUR Mind. Read more or visit Lyndon State College. The Experiences Make the Education. Just a few of Lyndon's diverse programs include meteorology, environmental science, television studies, interactive digital media, graphic design and recreation management. Read more or visit Vermont Technical College. Technology Driven. Results Proven. Read more or visit Vermont State Colleges P.O. Box 359 Waterbury, VT 05676 - 802.241.2520 - 800.VSC.2205 FAX:802.241.3369

148. SOEST | School Of Ocean And Earth Science And Technology
School of Ocean and Earth science and technology Logo SOEST researchers study sea floor for catastrophic events. Gary McMurtry and Lloyd French will be

  • SOEST Home On all other pages, this link brings you back to this page.
    Search the entire SOEST web site, powered by ... Contact information for major divisions and support facilities.
  • New at SOEST
    2005 SOEST Open House
    on Friday and Saturday, October 14 and 15
    We are pleased to announce that the 8th Biennial SOEST Open House will be held on Friday, October 14 (from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm) and Saturday, October 15 (from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm). The SOEST Open House For more information, or to make arrangements for a group, please contact Tara Hicks Johnson at 808-956-3151; email: . The SOEST Open House is only offered every two years. We hope that you will be able to join us for this great event! Note to SOEST Personnel: Volunteers are needed on both days. Plase contact Leona for more information about helping.)
    SOEST in the News
    Grant to Evaluate the Social Effectiveness of
    Tsunami Warning Methods
    Scientists from the University of Hawaii have been awarded a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation ( NSF The group will be led by Bruce Houghton , Gordon A. MacDonald Professor of Volcanology, Department of

    149. Drexel University College Of Information Science And Technology
    Offers a Master of science, Library and Information science, Master of science in Information Systems, and a dual degree option. Describes undergraduate


    ... Non-IST Funding University Links Colleges/Schools
    Co-op Education

    Health Sciences

    Apply to Drexel
    News and Headlines
    IST Receives IMLS Grant Read Full-Length
    Toward a Model Curriculum for the Management of Digital Information posted on 8/31/2005 IST Fall Graduate Open Houses Read Full-Length
    IST Ph.D. Open House, October 13, 2005
    IST Fall Graduate Open House, November 5, 2005 posted on 8/18/2005 IMPORTANT CHANGES FOR STUDENTS IN IST GRADUATE PROGRAMS Read Full-Length Please read this critical information. posted on 8/17/2005 Click here for more news... Click here for events calendar... IST Home FAQ ... Site Map

    150. Stevens Institute | Department Of History - Workshop Of Science And Technology
    ISSA Home » Division of Humanities » Dept of History » science Workshop. The 2nd Stevens Institute Workshop On science technology studies
    Admissions Search People Finder



    Contact Us

    History Literature Philosophy Social Sciences Programs Courses People Events Announcements Resources WIT ... Contact Us Departments Programs Undergraduate Degrees Core Requirements English Requirement Graduate Certificate Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Turkish Studies Courses People Events Announcements Resources WIT ... Contact Us Departments Programs Courses 100-Level History Literature Philosophy ... Social Sciences People Events Announcements Resources WIT ... Contact Us Departments Programs Courses People Full-Time Faculty Adjunct Faculty Emeritus Faculty Staff By Department History Literature Philosophy SocialSciences ... Program The Applied-Science Problem A Workshop May 6-8, 2005 Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, NJ 07030 Science-based technologies largely define industrial civilization today. Communication systems, electric and nuclear power generation, pharmaceuticals and health care, genetically-modified foods, military technologies, transportation systems, and entertainment industries are just a few domains of contemporary technology that grew out of and depend on the useful application of scientific knowledge and discovery. Where would the world be today without computers? The centrality of science-based technologies begs the question of what we mean by "applied science." How is it that knowledge of nature is somehow transformed into the tools and techniques that underpin modern life? A priori it seems self-evident that there are many routes by which science becomes transmuted into technology, but what are they? Directly tapping the forefront of theory and research? The mundane translation of off-the-shelf textbook knowledge into engineering novelty? Scientific discovery and technological invention emerging simultaneously in a burst of creativity? What else besides insight into nature is required for the creation of a new science-based technology? Who does the "applying," and what sociological and institutional factors are at play? Is the scientific enterprise today, or technoscience as it is sometimes known, with its dependence on instruments that are themselves the products of theory, a convoluted special case of applied science?

    151. ESST - European Programme In Society,Science And Technology

    152. CT Community Colleges
    Consists of courses which provide for a Bacherlor of science degree from Charter Oak College with a concentration in technology or from Central Connecticut State University.

    Capital Gateway Housatonic ... Arts/Sciences/
    General Programs Business/Commerce/
    Office Technology Public/Human Services Health Services/
    Paramedical Technology Transfer Opportunities College of Technology NSF Regional Center
    for Next Generation
    Manufacturing Engineering Science
    Pathway/Degree Program Technological Studies
    Pathway/Degree Program College of Technology
    Coordinators Special Services for
    State In-Service Training
    Program Career Programs Continuing Education CT Charts a Course On-campus or On-line Technological Studies Pathway Degree Program The Technological Studies Pathway program consists of three Pathway options: Industrial Technology, Technology Education, or Engineering Technology. All three options provide for a bachelor of science degree from Central Connecticut State University or Charter Oak State College 1. Industrial Technology Curriculum Curriculum Arts/HumanitiesSocial Science/Behavioral Science/Communication Subtotal 27 credits Credits
    • English Language (Freshman Composition) Public Speaking English Literature Philosophy or Fine Arts or English Literature History and Economics 201 Geography or Pol. Science

    153. Science, Technology & Society Program
    science, technology, and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to explore and understand the many ways that science and technology
    Science, Technology, and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field of study that seeks to explore and understand the many ways that science and technology shape culture, values, and institutions, and how such factors shape science and technology. We all depend heavily upon science and technology, and STS examines how science and technology emerge, how they enter society, how they change through social processes, and how society changes, as well. The STS Program sponsors several interrelated activities:
    • The B.A. and B.S. majors in STS, including 30 credit hours of course work in the major: STS 214 - Introduction to STS; STS 403 - Seminar in STS; a four-course breadth requirement consisting of courses chosen from: I-History, II-Philosophy of Science and Ethics, III-Assessment and Policy, and IV-Other STS Courses; and a four-course STS Specialty that addresses a coherent theme related to science, technology, and society. The Minor in STS , consisting of 15 hours of course work including STS 214 - Introduction to STS.

    154. H-Sci-Med-Tech
    HNet discussion group dedicated to humanities and social science scholars who study the interrelationship of these disciplines. Features subject overview
    about search site map editors ...

    is a discussion list intended for the growing number of scholars who study science, medicine and technology across a wide variety of periods and regions of the world. While rooted in history, ours is truly an interdisciplinary field, bringing together complementary theories and methodologies from across the humanities and the social sciences. From this web site, visitors may learn about the list and its policies, read through past and current messages see book reviews commissioned by our list, check for open jobs in our field, search for recent announcements in our field (by subfield, below), or search the message logs for particular keywords. Remember, please follow correct electronic citation format if you use a reference from any H-Net list.

    155. CEST: Aktuell
    technology studies, 3003 Bern Tel. ++41 (0)31 324 33 44, Fax ++41 (0)31 322 80 70
    Scientometrie Evaluation Prospektivstudien Dokumentation ... Archiv Mandat des SWTR an das CEST
    Mehr (PDF)
    Kommentar zu Champions League Studien
    Mehr (PDF)
    Leitung CEST ad interim
    Mehr (PDF)

    Monatliche Neuanschaffungen der Dokumentationsstelle
    Neuanschaffungen August 2005 (PDF)

    Last update 7.9.2005 CSST
    The Center for Science and Technology Studies is affiliated with the Swiss Science and Technology Council
    Tel. ++41 (0)31 324 33 44, Fax ++41 (0)31 322 80 70

    156. STS@Ed: Science And Technology Studies At Edinburgh
    Social Sciences/technology studies (Research Centre for)Social Sciences/technology studies (Research Centre for)
    Viewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames. Please click here for STS home page without frames

    157. Coombsweb: National Institute For Asia And The Pacific Server
    The Coombsweb is the world s oldest and most prominent Asian studies online research facility. AsiaPacific Newsfeeds (from Moreover Technologies)
    National Institute for Asia and the Pacific

    Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies

    Canberra ACT 0200, Australia
    11 Years+ online.
    47,040,000 page views since this site was launched in January 1994.
    The Coombsweb
    'The pioneer site for Asia-Pacific research and electronic publishing.' The home of ASWWWVL with Google rank among the asian studies pages world-wide (Sep 2005).
    The home of PSWWWVL with Google rank among the pacific studies pages world-wide (Sep 2005). At the time of its launch (25 Jan 1994) Coombsweb was
    the nd WWW site at the ANU , the th site in Australia and the th site in the world.
    Currently the Internet comprises over 70 million Web servers. Edited by Dr T.Matthew Ciolek
    Welcome to the Coombsweb
    Site est. 25 Jan 1994. Last updated: 16 Sep 2005. The Coombsweb is the world's oldest and most prominent Asian Studies online research facility. Its Web pages are designed for transmission speed, not fancy looks. Search Tools E-Journals Online Research Facilities Scholarly Mailing Lists ...
    Asian Studies Association of Australia
    Search Tools
    Search the ANU ANU Web Phone List Staff Email Student Email
    Search the GOOGLE search engine
    Search WWW Search Coombsweb site Search Asian Studies Search Engines [over 90 databases.]

    158. National Nanotechnology Initiative
    “This is the first study to demonstrate a nanoparticletargeted drug actually Emory University and the Georgia Institute of technology will together
    Nano Coalition Unveils Environmental, Health and Safety Database
    clicking here . This environmental health and safety database marks the first effort to integrate the vast and diverse scientific literature on the impacts of nanoparticles, which are tiny pieces of matter with dimensions measuring between 1-100 nanometers and containing between tens and thousands of atoms. The database is the result of the collected efforts of Rice researchers, the chemical industry and the U.S. Department of Energy. Read more Upcoming Meetings
    Nanoscience Research for Energy Needs Report Now Available
    Read complete report
    Nano Currents
    NNI Workshop Report on Nanobiotechnology Now Available
    The report of an interagency workshop convened to solicit input from the research community on the NNI research agenda at the intersection of nanoscale science and technology and biology, with a particular focus on research for biomedical applications of nanotechnology, is now available. "Nanobiotechnology: Report of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Workshop" concludes that nanotechnology is in the process of driving a new wave of medical innovation. The report focuses on topics in which major progress is expected from advanced nanotechnologies, including molecular imaging technologies, quantitative analytical tools, quantitative integration of information, physical models of the cell as a machine, better

    159. - IST Studies - Greek Version
    The summary for this English page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.

    160. The University Of Manchester
    Official site with general information and links to the various institutions that make up the university.
    @import url(""); This website will look much better in a web browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. Go to main content contact the university help sitemap Search Dr Phil Manning Curator of Palaeontology - The Manchester Museum "The Manchester Museum is one of the cultural faces of the University. It uniquely combines the natural and the human sciences. " Open Days Undergraduate Open Day
    8 October 2005.
    Visit the University
    Research excellence Research is at the heart of The University of Manchester. See highlights of our internationally recognised research activities, facilities and staff.
    The University of Manchester has been created by bringing together The Victoria University of Manchester and UMIST, two of Britain's most distinguished universities, to create a powerful new force in British Higher Education. The University's vision is to create a 21st century university that will become the preferred destination for the best students, teachers, researchers and scholars in the world.

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