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161. Life Science Associates Publisher of instructional programs in Psychology along with assessment programs for cognitive rehabilitation. http://lifesciassoc.home.pipeline.com/ | |
162. Index Of /MSC Working Group making research recommendations concerning identification and measurement of neurological, cognitive, and performance effects associated with Motion Adaptation Syndrome. http://ait.nrl.navy.mil/MSC | |
163. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience - The MIT Press Investigates brainbehavior interaction and promotes lively interchange among the mind sciences. Contributions address both descriptions of function and underlying brain events and also reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the field covering developments in neuroscience, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, neurobiology, linguistics, computer science, and philosophy. http://mitpress.mit.edu/journal-home.tcl?issn=0898929X |
164. SRRI: Home An interdisciplinary research organization devoted to the study of learning and instruction in the sciences and mathematics. Researchers perform cognitive research and apply it to the development of curricula to teach science and mathematics concepts and problem solving skills. SRRI is located at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. http://www.umass.edu/srri/ | |
165. SpringerLink - Publication An interdisciplinary journal focusing on the interaction among various fields, such as linguistics, information processing, neuropsychology, cognitive psychology, speech and hearing science and education. Includes subscription information, aims and scope, indexing and abstracting. Online version available. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0922-4777/ | |
166. Informatics Center for multi disciplinary research and teaching in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Computer science, Linguistics, Philosophy and Psychology. http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/ | |
167. ScienceDirect - Cognitive Psychology - List Of Issues Empirical, theoretical, and tutorial papers, methodological articles, and critical reviews concerned with advances in the study of memory, language processing, perception, problem solving, and thinking. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00100285 | |
168. Sue Becker's Home Page Computational neuroscience, neural network models of perceptual and cognitive processes including cortical and hippocampal memory systems, spatial memory, semantic memory organization, frontal executive control of memory. http://www.science.mcmaster.ca/Psychology/sb.html | |
169. Department Of Cognitive And Linguistic Sciences: Brown University The Department of cognitive and Linguistic Sciences takes a multidisciplinary approach to questions on mind, brain, and language, and offers degrees in http://www.cog.brown.edu/ | |
170. BioMedNet Full text of the articles hosted on Elsevier s life science gateways is hosted The ultimate science and technology website, includes Daily News, Books, http://www.bmn.com/ | |
171. CNRS Info - N380a8 -- Ergonomie Des Interfaces Humain-machine Recherches sur les interfaces humainmachine du laboratoire d'informatique pour la m©canique et les sciences de l'ing©nieur du CNRS. http://www.cnrs.fr/Cnrspresse/n380a8.htm | |
172. Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, Cognition: Science, Philosophy & His The science, philosophy, and history of imagination and mental imagery, and their relevance to the understanding of consciousness and cognition. http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/nthomas/ | |
173. University Of Oregon, College Of Education : Coursework in the CDS program includes classes in speech, language, hearing sciences and disorders, as well as classes in counseling, cognitive rehabilitation, research methods, and service delivery. Program offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral level training in speech pathology. http://education.uoregon.edu/field.htm?id=45 |
174. RISC Relais D'information Sur Les Ciences Cognitives RISC. La r©f©rence pour les sciences cognitives en Ilede-France. S©minaires et agenda des ©v©nements, formation 2¨me et 3¨me cycle, annuaire des labos, bases de donn©es. Mailing list pour s'abonner aux informations. http://www.risc.cnrs.fr/ |
175. Menu ISCC. F©d¨re les chercheurs en sciences cognitives sur les campus d'Orsay, Bures, et Gifsur-Yvette. Son but est de favoriser la communication et la diffusion de travaux en Sciences Cognitives. Organise journ©es interdisciplinaires th©matiques aussi bien que les Journ©es Internationales d'Orsay en Sciences Cognitives. http://www.limsi.fr/WkG/ISCC/ | |
176. Redirection To AI, CogSci And Robotics Resource Page This page has moved to http//www.gmd.gr.jp/AI.CogSci.Robotics/. Please update your bookmarks or inform the owner of the referring page. http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/misc/ai/ | |
177. Estigma - Sciences Cognitives ESTIGMA. Diffusion d'informations, promotion des activit©s scientifiques des laboratoires, d©bouch©s professionnels pour les ©tudiants. http://www.estigma.fr/ | |
178. 404 Not Found http://www.ke.shinshu-u.ac.jp/psych/ |
179. GMW: Kunstmatige Intelligentie Informatie voor Studenten. Studiekiezers (bachelor). Studiekiezers (master). Medewerkers. Alumni. Algemeen Publiek. Informatie voor http://www.ai.rug.nl/ | |
180. Dan Sperber's Web Site Directeur de recherche au CNRS articulant sciences cognitives et sociales pertinence et contagion des id©es. Articles en fran§ais et en anglais. http://dan.sperber.com/ | |
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