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Yunus Abu'l-hasan Ibn: more detail |
81. Fatwa In respect of the second view that the well known is the position of ibn alQasim in Tabsira al-Hukkam by ibn Farhun13 reports from Abu l-Hasan at-Tanji http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/ABewley/fatwa.html&e=42 | |
82. History Of Astronomy Persons (Y) Very short biography (Eric Weisstein s Treasure Trove). yunus, Abu lHasanibn (950-1009). Short biography and references (MacTutor Hist. Math.) http://www.astro.uni-bonn.de/~pbrosche/persons/pers_y.html&e=42 |
83. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders Sufism S Many Paths yunus Emre (link fixed, Dec. 04, 2004) is the most significant Bektashi poet . It concluded with a pilgrimage to the tomb of Abu lHasan al-Shadhili and http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismorders.html&e=42 |
84. Bukhari42 Ubayy ibn Ka b used to ask me about it. The first of what was revealed was onthe wedding People asked, O Abu lHasan! How is the Messenger of Allah, http://bewley.virtualave.net/bukhari42.html&e=42 |
85. INTRODUCTION (ibn Nadim and others have acknowIedged that they were Shi as. Sharif Abu lHasan , Ali Alawin Jumani son of Sharif Muhammad ibnja far ibn Muhammad ibn http://home.swipnet.se/islam/books/Shia-origin/01.htm&e=42 |
86. Le Culte Des Saints Au Proche-orient (partie 1) (Oumma.com : L’Islam En Translate this page De même, le maqam du Nabi yunus (le prophète Jonas) couronne le plus haut sommetde la Cf. Abu l-Hasan Ali al-Harawi, Guide des lieux de pèlerinage, http://oumma.com/article.php3?id_article=513&e=42 |
87. Islamic And Arabic Word Definitions - Glossary Of Terms and the stories of Ilyas and yunus are recounted Searching for Knowledge See IbnBattuta; Ilm; Rihla; Talab Major sufi order named after Abu l-Hasan Ali al http://islamic-paths.org/Home/English/Glossary/STU.htm&e=42 |
88. Muhammadanism - Resources Selected Compiled by asSayyid Abu l-Hasan Muhammad ibn al-Husayn, Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, Reliance of the Traveller A Classic Manual of http://www.muhammadanism.org/Resources/default.htm&e=42 |
89. Full Alphabetical Index l-Hasan (1312) ibn Yusuf Ahmed (660) http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mm97106/math/alphalist.htm&e=42 |
90. Kitaabun Classical And Contemporary Muslim And Islamic Books by ibn Sa d The men of Madina I, II and the Women of Madina Muhammad ibn Sa d Abu l-Hasan al-Mawardi translated , Asadullah Yate. http://www.bysiness.co.uk/contents.htm&e=42 |
91. Shariah And Salaawat And Salaam Etc. The acceptance of the repentance of Ka ab ibn Maalik (radi allahu anhu) is related Also, Imam Nawawi, Imam Abu lHasan Ali as-Subki and Imam Muhammad http://www.ummah.net/Al_adaab/muhammad/shariahs_permissibility_of_salawat_and_sa |
92. SUFISKA VISDOMSORD Gud talar ur mystikerns innersta väsen när han är tyst. . Abu Sa îd IbnAbi`lKhayr. De gör. . Abu l Hasan Shadhili. kom! . yunus Emre. http://sidratul-muntaha.org/texter/txt-sufiska_visdomsord.htm&e=42 |
93. The Doctrine Of The Imamate In this group, mention should first be made of Abu lHasan b. A yan b. yunus and Khalid b. Bajali. (99) A detailed account of the http://www.balagh.net/english/shia/shia_islam/11.htm&e=42 |
94. Author At Oldpoetry.com alHusri, Abu l-Hasan Born 1095, 1 poems A court poet of the Samanids, AbuMansur Muhammad ibn Ahmad Daqiqi was an important figures in early Persian http://oldpoetry.com/Author/Asian&e=42 | |
95. The Origins And Early Development Of Shi`a Islam In this group, mention should first be made of Abu lHasan b. A`yan b. yunus and Khalid b. Bajall. 99 A detailed account of the http://www.karbala-najaf.org/shiaism/289-316.htm&e=42 |
96. Title yunus, Abu l-Hasan ibnyunus Born 950 in Egypt Died 1009 in Fustat, Egypt http://www.mathnet.or.kr/API/?MIval=people_seek_great&init=Y&e=42 |
97. ORGANIZACIÓN ISLÁMICA ARGENTINA ibn al-Arabi and the Problems of Religious Diversity, Nueva York, 1994; http://www.organizacionislam.org.ar/civilizacion/sufismo.htm&e=42 |
98. Lebensdaten Von Mathematikern l-Hasan ibn (950 - 1009). Zada, al Rumi Qadi (1364 - 1436) Zarankiewicz,Kazimierz (2.5.1902 - 5.9.1959) Zaremba, Stanislaw (1863 - 1942) http://www.mathe.tu-freiberg.de/~hebisch/cafe/lebensdaten.html&e=42 |
99. YAMA´A ISLAMICA DE AL-ANDALUS ISLAM Y AL-ANDALUS Estudio del «sufismo» a través de las obras de ibn Arabi de Murcia, Hiperión, http://www.islamyal-andalus.org/sept03/sufismo.htm&e=42 |
100. Alevilik Bunu degerlendiren Abu l Hasan Ahmed bin Muhammed (Hasan in (W.Madelung, agy,IV, s.210, ibn Fadlan, Voyage Chez les Bulgares de la Volga, 1983Paris, http://www.t-k-p.org/alevilik/artf-7.htm&e=42 |
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