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61. William E. Lang Brigham young University. Contact information. http://www.math.byu.edu/People/Faculty/Lang_William.html | |
62. A History Of Photography, By Robert Leggat: YOUNG, William D. A hypertext history of photography from its earliest times up to the 1920s. Intended both for students and general interest. http://www.rleggat.com/photohistory/history/young.htm | |
63. Blue's Story Life story of william Duncan (Blue) young. Illustrated with photos of Ireland and aircraft flown during WW2. http://home.iprimus.com.au/graceandblue/index.htm | |
64. YOUNG, William Singleton - Biographical Information young, william Singleton, (brother of Bryan Rust young and uncle of John young Brown), a Representative from Kentucky; born near Bardstown, Nelson County, http://bioguide.congress.gov/scripts/biodisplay.pl?index=Y000057 |
65. William Warburton Scholarly study of this philosopher by Brian young, from the Thoemmes Dictionary of EighteenthCentury British Philosophers. http://www.thoemmes.com/404.asp?404;http://www.thoemmes.com/encyclopedia/warburt |
66. DBLP: William D. Young 18, william D. young, william R. Bevier Mathematical Modeling and Analysis 5, william D. young, John McHugh Coding for a Believable Specification to http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/y/Young:William_D=.htm | |
67. WILLIAM JAY, ARCHITECT The career of a young Regency architect in America. Illustrated biography by KellyDenslow and Associates. http://www.denslow.com/williamjay/ |
68. The Karting Kid Profiles young kart driver william Ferrier from Alberta, Canada. Includes videos, photos and links. http://members.shaw.ca/r-rf/ | |
69. Mukti.cn.st - Bill Ye Zhenghua's Works Online gallery for this young Chinese artist. Figurative. Includes exhibitions listing. http://mukti.cn.st/ | |
70. YOUNG, William Recipient award page from the Victoria Cross Reference. http://www.victoriacross.net/award.asp?vc=1348 |
71. William Olson young American opera baritone's biography, resume, photographs, sound clips, future engagements, and contact information. http://www.geocities.com/Vienna/Choir/3467 | |
72. William Young young, william, journalist, born in Deptford, England, in 1809; died in Paris, Start your search on william young. Other educational search engines http://www.famousamericans.net/williamyoung/ | |
73. Ociee Nash Official site concerns the story of a young spirited girl sent to learn how to be a lady. On her journey she meets Nellie Bly, Orville and Wilbur Wright, and the President of the United States, william McKinley. http://www.ociee.com/ | |
74. William Henry Harrison Hutchinson Young young, william Henry Harrison Hutchinson, journalist, born in Amherst, Erie co.. New York, 4 May, 1819. He was educated at Fredonia academy, New York, http://www.famousamericans.net/williamhenryharrisonhutchinsonyoung/ | |
75. William Hogarth Abstract Son of a Latin teacher born in Smithfield, London, in 1697. By 1720 he had his own business engraving book plates and painting portraits. In 1726 he published The Punishments of Lemuel Gulliver, a satire on the prime minister, Robert Walpole. In 1735 Hogarth manages to persuade his friends in Parliament to pass the Engravers' Copyright Act. Later that year, Hogarth established St. Martin's Lane Academy, a guild for professional artists and a school for young artists. In July 1763 he had a paralytic seizure but recoverd. He died on 25th October, 1764. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/PRhogarth.htm | |
76. Young, William J [Lifestar Ambulance] (Sangamon/Iroquois) System, Springfield, I RadioReference.com is the world s largest scanner frequency and radio communications reference source, with complete conventional frequency assignments, http://www.radioreference.com/modules.php?name=TRSDB&sid=4101 |
77. William James Representative of Cumberland East in the House of Commons. Includes excerpt from his speech made on March 16, 1832 in which he defended employment of young children. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/IRjames.htm | |
78. Perkins Coie: Young, William Hartmann (Hartmann) young, william Hartmann (Hartmann) Partner · Washington, DC Phone (202) 4341682 Fax (202) 434-1690 Email Hyoung at perkinscoie.com http://www.perkinscoie.com/attorney.cfm?id=09089 |
79. William Sleator Links An exhaustive list of links related to william Sleator, author of science fiction and mystery books for young adults http://www.tycho.org/sleator.shtml | |
80. Mellen Author: Young , William Charles S. Kraszewski King s College. Mellen Books by william young. A Study of ActionAdventure Fiction the Executioner and Mack Bolan http://www.mellenpress.com/mellenpress.cfm?aid=2382&pc=10 |
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