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81. DC MetaData For Preprint Nr. 881 by wolfowitz, jacob. MSC not available. Abstract no abstract available. Keywords no keywords available. Source Preprint not available http://wwwbib.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/Math-Net/Preprints/Listen/shadow/pp881. | |
82. BBC NEWS | Business | Wolfowitz Hails Africa Turnaround New World Bank chief Paul wolfowitz praises Africa s new generation of leaders Last week, President Mbeki sacked his deputy jacob Zuma after his former http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/1/hi/programmes/moneybox/4108962.stm | |
83. IMS Awards wolfowitz, jacob Wolpert, Robert L. Wong, Wing Hung Woodbury, Max Woodroofe, Michael Woyczynski, Wojbor Wright, Farroll T. Wright, Sewall Wu, CF Jeff http://www.imstat.org/awards/honored_fellows.htm | |
84. Reuters AlertNet - Wolfowitz Applauds Africa S Anti-corruption Fight who last week fired his grafttainted deputy jacob Zuma. wolfowitz said there was increasing recognition that Africa s debt load was due to http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L18279607.htm |
85. LIBRIS Nyförvärvslista Selected papers / jacob wolfowitz ; ed. by J. Kiefer. New York ; Berlin Springer, cop. 1980. - 642 s. ISBN 0-387-90463-8 (New York) ISBN 3-540-90463-8 http://www.ub.uu.se/linne/ang/jul04a.htm | |
86. AKSÝYON - HAFTALIK HABER DERGÝSÝ wolfowitz, Bush yönetimindeki sahinlerin de ideologu kabul ediliyor ve güç olan arkadasi jacob wolfowitzin oglu oldugu için yakindan taniyordu. http://www.aksiyon.com.tr/detay.php?id=20734 |
87. AKSÝYON - HAFTALIK HABER DERGÝSÝ profesörü olan arkadasi jacob wolfowitz?in oglu oldugu için yakindan taniyordu. wolfowitz?in de yer aldigi Komite üyeleri ABM lobi çalismasinda, http://www.aksiyon.com.tr/yazdir.php?id=20734 |
88. AEGiS-Reuters Wolfowitz Applauds Africa S Anti-corruption Fight wolfowitz was speaking at a news conference standing beside South African President Thabo Mbeki who last week fired his grafttainted deputy jacob Zuma. http://www.aegis.com/news/re/2005/RE050639.html | |
89. Hoffmania!: The So-Called Liberal L.A. Times, Part II Paul wolfowitz s qualifications for the job, according to jacob Heilbrunn of the Los Angeles Times, is that he s a neocon. Period. http://www.hoffmania.com/blog/2005/03/the_socalled_li_1.html | |
90. Magyar Narancs Paul D. wolfowitz 1943ban született Brooklynban. Apja, jacob wolfowitz a kor egyik vezeto matematikusa volt, aki - mint lengyelországi zsidó emigráns http://www.mancs.hu/index.php?gcPage=/public/hirek/hir.php&id=11748 |
91. Beth Suryoyo Assyrian (Othuroyo) Written by jacob grair on 23 Jul 2005 192057 Perle s own protege is Douglas Feith, who is now wolfowitz s deputy for policy and is widely known for http://www.f21.parsimony.net/forum37811/messages/39344.htm | |
92. Jacob Wolfowitz Université Montpellier II Translate this page jacob wolfowitz (1910-1981). Cette image et la biographie complète en anglais résident sur le site de luniversité de St Andrews Écosse http://ens.math.univ-montp2.fr/SPIP/article.php3?id_article=2001 |
93. CUBA -LA JIRIBILLA Translate this page Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, jacob wolfowitz cursa estudios en el En 1957 la familia se muda a Israel, después que jacob wolfowitz aceptó un http://www.lajiribilla.cu/2005/n202_03/202_17.html | |
94. LEXPRESS.fr - L'Amérique De George W. Bush - Paul Wolfowitz: Qui A Peur Du «lo deuxième enfant et premier fils de Lilian et jacob wolfowitz, http://www.lexpress.fr/info/monde/dossier/bush/dossier.asp?ida=432706 |
95. Bush Sitúa A La Extrema Derecha Al Frente Del Banco Mundial Translate this page Paul wolfowitz es hijo de jacob wolfowitz, judío polaco nacido en Varsovia y cuyos padres Políticamente, jacob wolfowitz es un sionista convencido, http://www.cadtm.org/imprimer.php3?id_article=1248 |
96. Estados_unidos Translate this page Políticamente, jacob wolfowitz es un sionista convencido, comprometido con organizaciones que se oponen a la represión soviética de las minorías y los http://www.socialismo-o-barbarie.org/eeuu/050313_c_wolfowitz.htm | |
97. CAM Cover Story jacob and Lillian wolfowitz s two model kids were well known at Temple BethEl, where Baumann attended Hebrew school and, at ten years old, first met Paul http://cornell-magazine.cornell.edu/Archive/2004Julaug/features/Feature.html | |
98. Matematica - Rubriche - Lo Sapevate Che... Translate this page E infatti il figlio del grande matematico jacob wolfowitz, polacco naturalizzato americano, esperto di Analisi, ma anche di Statistica e di Teoria delle http://matematica.uni-bocconi.it/losapevateche/losapevatechePentagono.htm | |
99. CIAO Contributors Scott Van jacob, The Helen Kellogg Institute for International Studies. Paul wolfowitz is Dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International http://www.ciaonet.org/contrib.html | |
100. Www.otuken.org - ISLAMiYET RUHUMUZ, TÜRKLÜK BEDENiMiZDiR - Siyonizm Paul ün babasi jacob wolfowitz 19 Mart 1910 da Polonya Varsova da dogdu. 10 Yasinda ABD ye geldi ve 1934 te Lillian Dunds ile evlendi, http://www.otuken.org/modules.php?name=News&pagenum=90 |
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