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41. The New Yorker: Fact wolfowitz has been a major architect of President Bushs Iraq policy and, even though his father, jacob wolfowitz, had been born in Warsaw. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?041101fa_fact |
42. Jewish Economists Joseph Stiglitz; Lawrence Summers; Frank Taussig 17; Amos Tversky; jacob Viner; Abraham Wald; Henry Wallich; Murray Weidenbaum; jacob wolfowitz http://www.jinfo.org/Economists.html | |
43. Jewish Computer & Information Scientists Norbert Wiener; Avi Wigderson; jacob wolfowitz; Stephen Wolfram 12. COMPREHENSIVE LIST. Harold Abelson; Norman Abramson; Leonard Adleman; Berni Alder 1 http://www.jinfo.org/Computer_Scientists.html | |
44. THE 1997 THOMAS L. SAATY AND JACOB WOLFOWITZ PRIZES THE 1997 THOMAS L. SAATY AND jacob wolfowitz PRIZES. http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/imsbull/mirror/ims/bulletin/IMSBulletinMar_Apr_1998/node | |
45. Wolfowitz Paul wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense. Dec 22, 1943 Born in New York City to statistician/information theorist jacob wolfowitz. http://www.michaelstewartfineart.com/wolfowitz.html | |
46. The Independent wolfowitz s future stewardship than the invective of his foes. A LIFE IN BRIEF. Born 22 December 1943 in New York City to jacob and Lillian wolfowitz. http://www.infid.be/wb_wolfie.htm | |
47. The Guardian But it remains to be seen whether wolfowitz can overcome the derision and Son of jacob wolfowitz, a leading Polish mathematician who emigrated in 1920 http://www.infid.be/wb_wolf_profile.htm | |
48. Hamelitz Liba Zusmanovitz30 kopeks; Chana Zusmanovitz, Sarah Beila wolfowitz -25 kopeks For the wedding of jacob Yafshitz from Loikeve with his bride Bracha http://www.shtetlinks.jewishgen.org/Gargzdai/hamelitz.html | |
49. Famous Jews Gilbert jacob Hecht jacob Henry Schiff jacob Javits jacob Neusner jacob Rabinow jacob Schiff jacob Sverdlov jacob Sverdlov jacob Viner jacob wolfowitz http://www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_jews.html | |
50. Paul Wolfowitz : Qui A Peur Du « Loup » ? Translate this page La nomination de Paul wolfowitz, lex-n° 2 du Pentagone à la présidence de la Banque deuxième enfant et premier fils de Lilian et jacob wolfowitz, http://www.algerie-dz.com/article2236.html | |
51. Red Voltaire Translate this page Paul wolfowitz es hijo de jacob wolfowitz, judío polaco nacido en Varsovia y Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, jacob wolfowitz cursa estudios en el http://www.redvoltaire.net/article3982.html | |
52. Jacob's Ladder - Definition Of Jacob's Ladder By The Free Online Dictionary, The Meaning of jacob s ladder. What does jacob s ladder mean? jacob s ladder synonyms, jacob s jacob Wetterling Foundation jacob Whitmer jacob wolfowitz http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Jacob's ladder | |
53. Wolfowitz 'takes Hat Off' To Mbeki : Mail & Guardian Online World Bank president Paul wolfowitz took his hat off to President Thabo Mbeki fired his deputy jacob Zuma on Tuesday after the Durban High found that http://www.mg.co.za/articlePage.aspx?articleid=243435&area=/breaking_news/breaki |
54. Paul Wolfowitz Paul wolfowitz other than a quick stopover, this was his first trip to Poland, even though his father, jacob wolfowitz, had been born in Warsaw. http://clublet.com/c/c/why?PaulWolfowitz |
55. School Of Industrial And Systems Engineering ::School Of Industrial And Systems Honors Awards. Georgia Tech Fellow 1994; jacob wolfowitz Prize 1989; Presidential Young Investigator, National Science Foundation 1985 http://www.isye.gatech.edu/faculty/Craig_Tovey/ | |
56. Ess2602 Strata Chart Ess2602b STRATEGY See DECISION THEORY; GAME ess2951, wolfowitz Inequality. ess2952, wolfowitz, jacob. ess2953, Woodbury Model. ess2954, Woolhouse s Formula. ess2955, WorkingHotellingScheff\ {e} http://www.isye.gatech.edu/~brani/ess2/ess9.htm | |
57. Jacob Wolfowitz Biography .ms In the mid 1930s, wolfowitz began his career as highschool mathematics teacher and continued jacob wolfowitz Selected Papers. Springer-Verlag, 1980. http://jacob-wolfowitz.biography.ms/ | |
58. Paul Wolfowitz Removing Saddam Will Be So Liberating For The There is a symmetry to wolfowitz looking to Eastern Europe for a model. His father, statistician jacob wolfowitz, fled Poland in 1920 at the age of 10 to http://www.agitprop.org.au/nowar/20030413_hendren_us_liberation.php |
59. Jacob Weisberg, "Doctrine, Heal Thyself," Slate, Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2001, At 2:2 jacob Weisberg, Doctrine, Heal Thyself, Slate, Tuesday, Sept. At the hawkish end of things is Paul wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of defense, http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/bush/powelldoctrine.htm | |
60. . Africa Online . New World Bank President Paul wolfowitz, wrapping up a fournation African tour, President Thabo Mbeki, who last week fired Deputy President jacob Zuma. http://www.africaonline.com/business.php?mode=getarticle&itemNo=9018989 |
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