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21. The Witt Design Computed By Ashay Dharwadker The unique Steiner system S(5, 8, 24) was discovered by ernst witt in 1938 andis known as the witt design. The set P consists of 24 points http://www.geocities.com/dharwadker/witt.html | |
22. Ernst Witt Collected Papers Gesammelte Abhandlungen Translate this page ernst witt Collected Papers Gesammelte Abhandlungen. http://www.u-m-l.de/Collected-PapersGesammelte-Abhandlungen-000000572100.html | |
23. PlanetMath: Witt Vectors The witt vectors are named after ernst witt. Theorem 1 Let $ p$ be a prime andlet $ \mathbb{K}$ be a perfect ring of characteristic $ p$ . http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/WittVectors.html | |
24. Research/Veronese Varieties Over Fields With Non-zero Characteristic GZ H. Havlicek Giuseppe Veronese and ernst witt Neighbours in PG(5,3), Aequat.Math. 58 (1999), 85-92. DVI not available PDF PS. http://www.geometrie.tuwien.ac.at/havlicek/proj307.html | |
25. Austrian Literature Online - Kataloge witt, ernst.Treffer pro Seite. UB Innsbruck. witt, ernst witt, ernst witt, ernst - 1934 http://webapp.uibk.ac.at/alo/cat/?id=5015655 |
26. Opstellingen Piet van der Deyl (René Kortekaas), Leander Cramer, ernst Schoneveld, MarcoZonneveld. Doelpunten Marco de witt 10, ernst Schoneveld 2-0. http://www.noordwijk6.nl/opstellingen.htm | |
27. Sonstiges Translate this page Eine Dokumentation, hrsg. von Dieter witt, ernst-Bernd Blümle, Reinbert Schauer,Helmut K. Anheier, Wiesbaden 1999, S. 95 - 122. http://www.weihenstephan.de/hww/svv2.htm |
28. SVV - Verzeichnis Der Veröffentlichungen Translate this page Eine Dokumentation, hrsg. von Dieter witt, ernst-Bernd Blümle, Reinbert Schauer,Helmut K. Anheier, Wiesbaden 1999, S. 95 - 122 (gemeinsam mit Beate Lakes). http://www.weihenstephan.de/hww/svv/publikationen/literatur.html | |
29. Campus Event Calendar: Prof. I. Kersten (02/16/2001 In 27.2 (Hörsaalgebäud ernst witt. Speaker. Prof. I. Kersten. From. Bielefeld. Event Type. Lecture.Visibility ernst witt 19111991 (ausführlicher Abstract) http://domino.mpi-sb.mpg.de/internet/events.nsf/0/6fc07daba5361a3ec12569b10069d9 |
30. Browse By Author: W - Project Gutenberg Wasserzieher, ernst. Von Haparanda bis San Francisco ReiseErinnerungen (German) witt, Madame de (Henriette Elizabeth) (1829-1908) http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/authors/w | |
31. Ernst & Young - Steuerberatung - Steuern Transparent - Home witt Leiterin der Steuerabteilung Berlin -Internationales Steuerrecht und Steuerrecht in den Neuen Bundesländern http://www.ey.com/global/content.nsf/Germany/Steuerberatung_-_Steuern_transparen | |
32. Christophe Bruno Casey Reas, Julian Rohrhuber, Annina Rüst, Mirko Schaefer, Alexei Shulgin,Ewan Steel, Janez Strehovec, Adrian Ward, ernst witt Simon Yuill http://www.christophebruno.com/ | |
33. Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Klinkerfues -- Facts, Info, And Encyclopedia Article Arno Arthur Wachmann Carl Gustav witt Emil ernst Alfred Bohrmann Leo AntonKarl de Ball Hermann Struve Anton Staus Gustav Spörer http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/encyclopedia/e/er/ernst_friedrich_wilhelm_klink | |
34. Additions1999 ernst De witt Burton, Syntax of the Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek (3rdEdition, 1898) HTML files are available for the following moods http://www.dabar.org/Additions-1999.htm | |
35. Mr. Terry Witt, Department Of Accounting Johnson, Pinson Co. Internal Revenue Service ernst ernst. Notes. Professor Wittserved at UTA for 32 years, including 25 as coordinator of the Student http://www2.uta.edu/accounting/faculty.and.staff/emeritus.pages/witt.htm | |
36. Davenport City Cemetery- "W" Surnames witt, Emma, d. 28 Aug 1887, 40 yrs, lot 144 S witt, ernst, d. 16 Feb 1903, 39yrs 3 mon 8 days, lot 258 N witt, George W., d. 13 Feb 1922, 41 yrs, lot 230 N http://www.celticcousins.net/scott/citycemw.htm | |
37. Lexikon Ernst Witt ernst witt Personendaten. NAME, witt,ernst. ALTERNATIVNAMEN. KURZBESCHREIBUNG, deutscher Mathematiker http://lexikon.freenet.de/Ernst_Witt | |
38. About The Ernst Bacon Society If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring a fundraiser, concert or recording,write to . The ernst Bacon Society, Inc. 8 Drovers Lane De witt NY 13214 http://www.ernstbacon.org/about_ebs.htm | |
39. The Works Of Ernst Bacon The Works of ernst Bacon To obtain scores and other information you can writeto Ellen Bacon, 8 Drovers Lane, De witt, NY 13214 or email to us here. http://www.ernstbacon.org/works.htm | |
40. Peter M Neumann ernst witt s work on the Mathieu groups and on Steiner systems. The collectedworks of ernst witt (Ed. Ina Kersten), SpringerVerlag, 1998, pp.299 - 304. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/~neumann/ | |
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