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61. Archdiocese ROBERT wishart, BISHOP OF GLASGOW 12711316 But in Lent 1305, wishart alongwith Robert Bruce and john Moubray were commanded to advise King Edward on http://www.rcag.org.uk/history_H3_wishart.htm | |
62. John Bain/Mary Agnes Wishart Husband john Bain Wife Mary Agnes wishart. Born at Died at FatherArchibaldwishart Mother Other Spouses http://www.myrasplace.net/capey/fam00069.htm |
63. Lawrence & Wishart Independent Publishers john Crump Encounters with Marx Before and After Communism. Michael Levin TheLegacy of Paul john Crump Gender, Sexuality and Anarchism. Judy Greenway http://www.lwbooks.co.uk/journals/anarchiststudies/archive.html | |
64. College Of Wooster: Alumni Relations Its war, john, wishart said. The world will never be the same again. john hadcome to Wooster a year earlier, following in the footsteps of his http://alumni.wooster.edu/daa/smeltz.php | |
65. East Carolina University john wishart Jr. Class of 1967. Image P2248 , original image 2 1/4 x 3 1/4,call ECU/03/SA/W/. Return to ECU Memories http://www.lib.ecu.edu/SpclColl/photos/p2248.html | |
66. Wishart, George -- Encyclopædia Britannica wishart, George an early martyr of the Reformation in Scotland. 570 web sites,chosen by Britannica editors for our Internet Guide. john wishart http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9077267 | |
67. 20. John Knox And Presbyterian Polity (mid 1500s) - By Miles Hodges One of those who became closely involved in wishart s preaching and teaching wasa young Catholic priest named john Knox. When in 1546 the Catholic Cardinal http://www.newgenevacenter.org/our-story/20_Knox.htm | |
68. Canadaeast.com - TT John Wishart Please enter your User ID and Password. User ID Password (case sensitive).Please note that browser cookies must be turned on to log in. http://canadaeast.com/apps/pbcs.dll/loginprompt?Category=TTCOLUMNIST06&AboType=S |
69. Wis - Wiz - New General Catalog Of Old Books & Authors 18) john wishart (M 1898 Nov 28 1956 Jul 14) Michael wishart (M ? - ?)Dr, William wishart (M c1692 - 1753) Five Sermons Preached Before And After. http://www.kingkong.demon.co.uk/ngcoba/wi4.htm | |
70. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: John Knox wishart was arrested in January, 1546, and burned at St. Andrews on 1 March; The Catholic earls sent Bishop john Lesley to invite the widowed queen to http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08680a.htm | |
71. OZB - Index9 wishart, john Henderson wishart, Robert WITHERINGTON, Laurence Hernstead WITHERS,Robert WITHERS, James WITHERS, G WITHERS, EA WITHERS, George M http://www.pcug.org.au/~croe/ozb/ozb_idx9.htm | |
72. Scotsman.com Heritage & Culture - Timeline - John Knox john Knox s house, a popular attraction in Edinburgh. wisharts death precipitateda riot as Protestants stormed St Andrews Castle, the Cardinals refuge, http://heritage.scotsman.com/timelines.cfm?cid=1&id=40872005 |
73. Scran - Knox [John Knox (c 1513 - 1572)] john Knox. john Knox Open. When wishart was burned at the stake, Knox joinedthe group of murderers of Cardinal David Beaton who was much hated among the http://www.scran.ac.uk/database/record.php?usi=000-000-000-105-L |
74. Miata Differential by john wishart john.wishart@compaq.com. Stuff needed. Large flat bladescrewdriver or pry Take a short test drive and check for leaks. john wishart http://www.miata.net/garage/miata_differential.html | |
75. [S] Wishart Distribution From john Castelloe jcaste@stat.uiowa.edu Subject S wishart simulation? realizations from a twodimensional wishart distribution? Thanks, john http://www.biostat.wustl.edu/archives/html/s-news/1998-03/msg00281.html | |
76. New Zealand Herald - Tamihere sick Of Holocaust - Sunday 10, April 2005 09: Labour MP john Tamihere says he is sick and tired of hearing how many Jews In the interview, Mr Tamihere is asked by Mr wishart about how a society can http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?c_id=2&ObjectID=10119675 |
77. John Tongs In Chapter 14 of Captain Swing by EJ Hobsbawm and George RudÈ Published byLawrence and wishart 1969, john Tongs is mentioned as being a convict who http://ariel.unimelb.edu.au/~graham/john tongs.html | |
78. Chapter X Of "Psalms In Human Life" Progress of the Reformation in ScotlandGeorge wishart, john Knox, James Melville;the Solemn League and Covenant (1638); the restoration of Episcopacy http://hub.dataline.net.au/~kendall/articles/psalms/chap10.html | |
79. Reviews Of John Scott Cree's Recordings, Performances And Writing Clearly addictive john wishart, Record Mirror. Not bad Tim Rice. Laugh ofthe week hilarious Anne Nightingale, Daily Express http://pages.britishlibrary.net/johnscottcree/REVIEWS.html | |
80. 175 john Foote b. 17 JAN 1860 Old Machar, ABD, SCT Martha Marr Foote Back to MainPage. Helen **** Family. Spouse john wishart Children. Margaret wishart http://www.phlomis.plus.com/f_ae.htm | |
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