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61. INSTITUTO ARGENTINO DE MATEMÁTICA wintner, aurel. The analytical foundation of celestial mechanics. University Press.Princeton, NJMilford. London 1941. Wirth, Karl. Wirth, Karl http://www.iam.conicet.gov.ar/Biblioteca/BD-LIBROS-W.html | |
62. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1940 Fellows Page Christine Weston, Deceased. Fiction 1940. Raymond Louis Wilder, Deceased.Mathematics 1940. aurel (Friedrich) wintner, Deceased. Mathematics 1940. http://www.gf.org/40fellow.html | |
63. Revista De La UMA Translate this page wintner, aurel On the iteration of distribution functions in the calculus ofprobability - Sobre la iteración de funciones de distribución en el cálculo de http://inmabb.criba.edu.ar/revuma/revuma.php?p=toc/vol06 |
64. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s (PMC39) Indeed, one of them, aurel wintner of Johns Hopkins University, threatened tosue me and the Princeton University Press for not going ahead with the http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmc39 | |
65. The Princeton Mathematics Community In The 1930s (PMC14) aurel wintner was there, a very strange man. He was visiting, on leave from JohnsHopkins I think. He and his wife had had their first child. http://libweb.princeton.edu/libraries/firestone/rbsc/finding_aids/mathoral/pmc14 | |
66. FOM: [HM] "Theory Of Species" By Bergeron, Labelle And Leroux as superfluous , such as the late aurel wintner of Johns Hopkins, were eventuallywiped out, and their results are not even acknowledged today. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1998-October/002374.html | |
67. Erdos, Paul -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article He proved a classic theorem of number theory (1933), founded the study ofprobabilistic number theory with aurel wintner and Mark Kac, proved important http://www.britannica.com/ebc/article?tocId=9363839&query=approximation&ct= |
68. Phys. Rev. 71, 738 (1947): Bitter Et Al. - Nuclear Magnetic Resonances At... The Unboundedness of QuantumMechanical Matrices aurel wintner Department ofMathematics, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland April 9, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.71.738 | |
69. Phys. Rev. 73, 90 (1948): Mandeville And Scherb - On The Resolving Time... On the Solutions of Radial Wave Equations aurel wintner Department of Mathematics,Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland November 12, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRev.73.90 | |
70. MathBirthdays - Friday, April 8 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ».1903 Marshall Harvey Stone. 1903 aurel Friedrich wintner http://educationaltechnology.ca/dan/calendars/day.php?cal=mathBirthdays&getdate= |
71. Auteurs wintner,aurel Witkowski, Alfred WOLD,Herman OA Wolf, Joseph A. WOLF,JA WOLF,Joseph A. WolfGladrow, Dieter A. WOOD COCK,AER WOODCOCK,AER http://www.math.univ-rennes1.fr/bibli/catalogue/HelpAut.htm&Range=0081 | |
72. Historia Matematica Mailing List Archive: [HM] "Theory Of Species" By Bergeron, as superfluous , such as the late aurel wintner of Johns Hopkins, were eventuallywiped out, and their results are not even acknowledged today. http://sunsite.utk.edu/math_archives/.http/hypermail/historia/oct98/0095.html | |
73. Citebase - On The Local Hamiltonian Structure Of Vector Fields aurel wintner. Princeton University Press 1947. G/A, 7 Westenholz. DierentialForms in Mathematical Physics. Studies in Mathematics and its Applications http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:chao-dyn/9412009 |
74. Citebase - Carleson's Theorem: Proof, Complements, Variations G/A, 83 Norbert Wiener and aurel wintner, On the ergodic dynamics of almostperiodic systems, Amer. J. Math. 63 (1941), 794824. MR 4,15a http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?id=oai:arXiv.org:math/0307008 |
75. The Most Complete Listing Of Library Reference Recources Winger, Debra. Winslet, Kate. Winstanley, William. Winthrop, John. Wintker, Julie.wintner, aurel. Wirtinger, Wilhelm. Wishart, John. Wisoff, Peter JK. Witten, http://www.infolinks.us/index.cfm?page=Lib.Biographies&cat=People&scat=W |
76. Mutató A Vasváry-gyûjteményhez wintner, aurel W364 Wisconsin H6/b710 ?Wisconsini Magyarság A2/b13 Wise,Aaron W365 Wise, Stephen S. W366 Wittal, Julian J. W367 http://www.sk-szeged.hu/szolgaltatas/vasvary/mutato/szoveg/waagner.html | |
77. Børge Jessen Papers, Third Part With aurel wintner Distribution functions and the Riemann zeta function.Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 38 (1935), pp. 4888. http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jessen/bjpap3.htm | |
78. Børge Jessen Papers, First Part Translate this page wintner, aurel, 49, 1930-59, 11, 1933-59, German, English. Wolf, Frantisek, 2,1949-? 1, 1949, English. Young, LC, 1, 1932, 0, German http://www.math.ku.dk/arkivet/jessen/bjpap1.htm | |
79. Lévy: Esquisse D'une Théorie De La Multiplication Des Variables Aléatoires LE DERNIER MÉMOIRE D^aurel wintner 4. Comme nous l avons dit, ce Mémoire àpour objet aurel wintner, Infinitely divisible symmetric laws and normal http://www.numdam.org/numdam-bin/item?id=ASENS_1959_3_76_1_59_0 |
80. Himmelsmechanik Translate this page Hm 52, wintner, aurel, The analytical foundations of celestial mechanics,Princeton, NJ Princeton Univ.Pr. 1964, 4.print. XII,448 S. x http://www.sternwarte.uni-erlangen.de/~ailib/buch/hm.html | |
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