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61. A.Wilson's Alexander Chapbook - 1883-1901 alexander and the King of Egypt A.wilson (nd) {alexander and prince George fight, the latter is wounded and falls.} {King of Egypt speaks.} http://www.folkplay.info/Texts/88nx91wi.htm | |
62. T.Wilson's Alexander Chapbook [1810-1826] T.wilson s alexander Chapbook 18101826. W.Hone (1826) col.1645-1648 However, using biographical information on the chapbook printer T wilson, http://www.folkplay.info/Texts/81nx91wh.htm | |
63. Ivy League Murder Case - Full Trial Coverage On Courttv.com Former Harvard grad student alexander Pringwilson will be released from prison Shortly after the verdict, the judge sentenced alexander Pring-wilson to http://www.courttv.com/trials/pring-wilson/ | |
64. LatterDaySaintBooks.Com Author Search wilson, alexander. Sort by. Author AZ, Author ZA, Title AZ, Title ZA, Lowest Price, Highest Price, Oldest Publication, Newest Publication http://www.latterdaysaintbooks.com/web/search/search.php?searchby=Author&orderby |
65. UNSW@ADFA Contacts And Directories , Venue and Technical Support. Title. Phone Number, 8963. EMail Address, alexander.wilson. Location, ETS...... http://www.unsw.adfa.edu.au/directory/by_department.cgi?user=s3164905 |
66. Genealogy Data Back to Main Page. Grant, Agnes Annandale Bey Gender Female Family. Spouse. wilson, alexander William Gender Male http://www.pathcom.com/~jamesp/dat36.html | |
67. Alexander Wilson Ornithologist alexander wilson. Father of American Ornithology. Gallery Page of Birds. alexander wilson was born at Paisley, Scotland in 1766. http://www.cyberbee.com/henryhikes/wilson.html | |
68. Alexander Wilson - Charles Lucien Bonaparte prints from American Ornithology (circa 18591871) by alexander wilson and Charles Lucien Bonaparte wilson, alexander and BONAPARTE, Charles Lucian. http://www.minniesland.com/print_room_Wilson_Bonaparte_Porter.html | |
69. Alexander Wilson - Charles Lucien Bonaparte After alexander wilson. Plate 32. Snow Owl, Male Sparrow Hawk. Published by alexander wilson in parts from 1808 to 1814, American Ornithology was the http://www.minniesland.com/print_room_Wilson_Bonaparte.html | |
70. Science In The 19th Century Periodical Philip, alexander Philip wilson (formerly wilson, alexander Philip) (1770?1851?) DNB Search for all references to this register entry http://www.sciper.org/browse/nam_p.html | |
71. Athenaeum Index: Author, Editor, Translator Record. Author, Editor and/or Translator. wilson, alexander. Authored. Poetical Works of alexander wilson 1554 (August 8,1857) http://web.soi.city.ac.uk/~asp/v2/authors/authorfiles/WILSON,Alexander.html | |
72. Genealogy Data wilson, alexander Hamilton Birth 4 AUG 1915 Gender Male Parents Spouse. wilson, Isaac Asa Gender Male. Children. wilson, alexander Hamilton http://nickell.tierranet.com/john/dat361.htm | |
73. The National Archives | Search The Archives | National Register Of Archives | De wilson, alexander (fl 17681830) Tobacco Merchant, Bookseller, Glasgow. Glasgow, Lanarkshire. 1 record noted. Scope, 1768-1830 family and business papers http://www.nra.nationalarchives.gov.uk/nra/searches/dpdocs.asp?DPR=D1635 |
74. Decorative Arts: Search Results wilson, alexander, 17661813. American ornithology; or The natural history of the birds of the United States (1828) wilson, alexander, 1766-1813. http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/DLDecArts/DLDecArts-idx?type=simple&rgn |
75. Decorative Arts: American Ornithology; Or The Natural History Of The Birds Of Th wilson, alexander, 17661813. American ornithology; or The natural history of the birds of the United States IV New York, New York Collins Co., 1829 http://digicoll.library.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/DLDecArts/DLDecArts-idx?type=header&id= |
76. Genealogy Data wilson, alexander Birth 1807 Rutherford Co., NC Gender Male Parents. Father wilson, William Mother Thompson, Catherine. Children. wilson, Andrew J. http://www.shahall.com/dat95.html | |
77. Alexander Wilson, The Parakeet alexander wilson, American Ornithology CAROLINA PARROT.PSITTACUS CAROLINENSIS. FIG. 120. Of one hundred and sixtyeight kinds of Parrots enumerated by http://www.vcu.edu/engweb/eng385/parrakeettxt.htm | |
78. Dundee City Council, Scotland - Central Library, Local History Centre, The Alexa The Local History Centre, Central Library cares for the alexander wilson Bequest. alexander wilson was born in Duns, Berwickshire and moved to Dundee in http://www.dundeecity.gov.uk/centlib/wilson/awilson.htm | |
79. The Academy Of Natural Sciences - Library - Digital Collections - Gallery Of Ima wilson, alexander. American ornithology or, the natural history of the alexander wilson is considered by many to be the father of American ornithology. http://www.acnatsci.org/library/collections/gallery/Wilson.html | |
80. Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson (www.whonamedit.com) Samuel alexander Kinnier wilson British neurologist, born December 6, 1878, Cedarville, New Jersey, USA; died May 12, 1937, London. http://www.whonamedit.com/doctor.cfm/1711.html | |
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