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         Wiles Andrew:     more books (26)
  1. The Millennium Prize Problems by Arthur Jaffe and Andrew Wiles (editors) James Carlson, 2006-06-01
  2. English Mathematicians: Isaac Newton, Alan Turing, Bertrand Russell, Ada Lovelace, Charles Babbage, J. J. Thomson, Andrew Wiles
  3. Mathématicien Britannique: Andrew Wiles, Paul Dirac, Alan Turing, John Maynard Keynes, Oliver Heaviside, Roger Penrose, George Boole (French Edition)
  4. Alumni of Clare College, Cambridge: James D. Watson, Andrew Wiles, Sabine Baring-Gould, David Attenborough, Rupert Sheldrake
  5. Andrew Wiles: An entry from Gale's <i>Science and Its Times</i> by Todd Timmons, 2001
  6. Number theorists: Carl Friedrich Gauss, David Hilbert, Leonhard Euler, Andrew Wiles, Eratosthenes, Sophie Germain, Fibonacci
  7. Old Leysians: Andrew Wiles, James Hilton, J. G. Ballard, Malcolm Lowry, Michael Rennie, Christopher Hitchens, Peter Hitchens, Eric A. Havelock
  8. Rolf Schock Prize Laureates: Andrew Wiles, Saul Kripke, Willard Van Orman Quine, John Rawls, Mauricio Kagel, György Ligeti, Dana Scott
  9. Honorary Fellows of Merton College, Oxford: Andrew Wiles, C. A. R. Hoare, Alec Jeffreys, Roger Bannister, Adam Hart-Davis, Mark Thompson
  10. Chevalier Commandeur de L'ordre de L'empire Britannique: Alfred Hitchcock, Andrew Wiles, Tim Berners-Lee, Steven Spielberg, Charlie Chaplin (French Edition)
  11. Alumni of Merton College, Oxford: Andrew Wiles, T. S. Eliot, William of Ockham, C. A. R. Hoare, Frederick Soddy, Alec Jeffreys
  12. Mathématicien Du Xxe Siècle: Andrew Wiles, René Thom, Bertrand Russell, Emmy Noether, David Hilbert, Richard Von Mises, Henri-Léon Lebesgue (French Edition)
  13. Ancien Étudiant de Clare College: Andrew Wiles, Rupert Sheldrake, Siegfried Sassoon, William Whiston, Ralph Cudworth, James Dewey Watson (French Edition)
  14. Naissance à Cambridge: Andrew Wiles, John Maynard Keynes, Douglas Adams, David Gilmour, Olivia Newton-John, Matthew Bellamy, Syd Barrett (French Edition)

81. Andrew Wiles Quotes
andrew wiles I was so obsessed by this problem that I was thinking about it allthe time when I woke up in the morning, when I went to sleep at night

82. Enciclopedia ::
Translate this page andrew wiles. Matemático nacido el 11 de abril de 1953 en Cambridge, Inglaterra.Alcanzó fama mundial en 1994 por demostrar la conjetura de Fermat.
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Buscar: en Google en noticias en Enciclopedia Estás en: > Enciclopedia Andrew Wiles Matemático nacido el 11 de abril de 1953 en Cambridge Inglaterra . Alcanzó fama mundial en 1994 por demostrar la conjetura de Fermat Información de Wikipedia (Licencia de uso GFDL) e Internet
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Translate this page Liens personnels, andrew John wiles. andrew John wiles. SOMMAIRE PagesWeb Papiers Historiques . Bas de page. PAGES WEB


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A report on Wiles' Cambridge lectures by K. Rubin and A. Silverberg Abstract : In lectures at the Newton Institute in June of 1993, Andrew Wiles announced a proof of a large part of the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture and, as a consequence, Fermat's Last Theorem. This report for nonexperts discusses the mathematics involved in Wiles' lectures, including the necessary background and the mathematical history.
Wiles Andrew anglais, 1953- Andrew John Wiles Taniyama Yutaka japonais, 1927-1958 Diophante d'Alexandrie grec, vers 325 - 409 ... Historiques Advertising : If you see a reference in one of the files that is not linked, and you know of a link address to the appropriate document, please send me mail, and I will include the link in the document. Thanks very much in advance. Avertissement : Jean-Paul Davalan Accueil Plan du site Bloc notes ... Divers Search:

84. 2005 Commencement :: Honorand Bios :: Yale University
andrew J. wiles, Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University,has become widely known following his solution of one of the great
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2005 Honorands
May 23, 2005
Jacqueline K. Barton
Jacqueline K. Barton is the Arthur and Marian Hanisch Memorial Professor of Chemistry at the California Institute of Technology. A role model for women in the sciences, she is particularly interested in biophysical and inorganic chemistry. Her research has yielded new techniques for use in studies of dna by focusing on the dynamics of dna structure and the effects of chemical damage. Professor Barton received a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 1991. She has been elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society, and the National Academy of Sciences. Barnard and Columbia have awarded her their university medals. She has published more than 200 research articles and has trained about 100 graduate students and postdoctoral associates, more than a third of whom are women scientists. She also serves on a number of national advisory committees and boards. She is a director of the Dow Chemical Company and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Gilead Sciences.

85. Ivars Peterson's MathLand
The dramatic announcement in 1993 by andrew wiles that he had proved Fermat s wiles, andrew. 1995. Modular elliptic curves and Fermat s Last Theorem.
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Ivars Peterson's MathLand June 10, 1996
Groups, Graphs, and Paul Erdos
Many people have the impression that mathematical research is largely a solitary pursuit. They imagine a mathematician squirreled away in some dingy garret, lonely wilderness cabin, or sparsely furnished cubicle, oblivious to everyday concerns and focused on a single problem, scribbling inscrutable equations across scraps of paper, and thinking long and hard before emerging with a eureka and a proof. The dramatic announcement in 1993 by Andrew Wiles that he had proved Fermat's Last Theorem appeared to belong to this category of discovery. He had virtually separated himself from the rest of the mathematical community for nearly eight years to work on this problem. Only a select few were aware of what he was trying to accomplish. Yet, Wiles had relied heavily on the previous work of other mathematicians who had tackled the same problem. He had occasionally tested his ideas on a few trusted experts in areas of mathematics relevant to his approach. And when reviewers later discovered a flaw in his original chain of logic, he obtained help from one of his former graduate students, Richard Taylor, to fill in the gap and complete the proof. At the same time, the relative isolation that Wiles sought is certainly not the rule in mathematical research. Doing mathematics is really a remarkably social process. The abundance of meetings, conferences, workshops, colloquia, seminars, and other gatherings of mathematicians attests to the importance of collaboration. Electronic communication speeds and facilitates such interaction.

86. Querdenker ...
Translate this page Noch vor ein paar Tagen kannte ich weder andrew wiles, noch Pierre de Fermat . So kann man das nicht sagen, meint andrew wiles. Fermat habe zu seiner
querdenker ... [Motto]
A ship in port is safe,
but that's not
what ships are built for.
( Grace Murray Hopper, 1906 - 1992) Your browser does not support Java or Java is not enable. Nachrichten BBC CNN Focus Le Monde ... Zeit Presseinformationen Bundesregierung Weiße Haus Kolumnisten NYT Computer BBC ClickOnline Tudogs Gesundheit CNN Health Mayo Clinic Hameln B-Junioren Klein Berkel Dewezet Radio Aktiv Rattenfängerstadt Hameln Reisen, Städte, Länder Las Vegas Paris San Diego Knowledge/Wissen Infoplease BestsellerListe-Spiegel BestsellerListe Buch-Bewertungen Die Wege der Menschheit .... Lesenswert! Musik-Bewertungen Rilke Menschen Baruch de Spinoza Edvard Munch van Gogh Washington Post Pierre de Fermat und Andrew Wiles Vorwort Vor einiger Zeit habe ich im Fernsehen bei BBC World in der Reihe Horizon eine interessante und aufregende Dokumentation gesehen. Wer wenig Schwierigkeiten mit der englischen Sprache hat, sollte jede Horizon Sendung aufnehmen und sie dann in Ruhe anschauen.
Piere de Fermat Arithmetica.

87. Fermat
«Malgré letravail d andrew wiles, la démonstration du célèbre théorème du
Andrew Wiles

Fermat Lomagne
"La Fête à Fermat"

Animations culturelles

Sa vie privée
Sa vie professionnelle

Un amateur de génie

Son oeuvre
Liens sur Fermat
Après 350 ans Wiles a enfin démontré le fameux théorème de Fermat. La conjecture devient théorème U n seul homme parviendra à transformer la conjecture en théorème, Andrew Wiles, passionné de mathématiques et de Fermat depuis son enfance, très tôt atteint de la maladie fermatique. A ndrew Wiles raconte qu'il découvrit, à 10 ans, dans un livre d'une bibliothèque publique, le grand théorème de Fermat. C'est alors qu'il décida de devenir mathématicien. «J'ai passé une partie de mon adolescence à essayer de le prouver. J'y pensais sans arrêt» Devenu adulte et professeur à l'université de Princeton, Wiles a travaillé 7 ans pour arriver à la démonstration du théorème de Fermat. I l fait une première démonstration en 1993 qui est réfutée par la communauté scientifique car il y aurait une faille. «Malgré le travail d'Andrew Wiles, la démonstration du célèbre théorème du mathématicien français buterait sur un détail. Manifestement, il a sauté une maille quand il a tricoté son rang. Mais c’est quand même un beau pull-over». Le Monde décembre 1993.

88. TU Berlin - Medieninformation Nr. 183e - 18. August 1998
andrew J. wiles awarded the IMU silver plaque . The British mathematician andrew J.wiles has been honoured with the IMU silver plaque at 18 August.
Medieninformation Nr. 183e - 18. August 1998 [TU Berlin] [Pressestelle] [Medieninformationen]
Andrew J. Wiles awarded the "IMU silver plaque"
The British mathematician Andrew J. Wiles has been honoured with the "IMU silver plaque" at 18 August. The chairman of the Fields Medals Committee, Yuri Manin, presented him with this award during the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians in the Berlin International Congress Centre. This world congress of mathematicians, the largest and most important one worldwide, is taking place until 25th August. Some 3500 mathematicians from all over the world will be visiting Berlin to participate. During the congress, which is held every four years, four Fields Medals are awarded to outstanding mathematicians under the age of forty. In view of their significance the Fields Medals are often dubbed the "Nobel Prize of mathematics". Four years ago, Andrew J. Wiles was a hot favourite for an award, since in 1993 he had presented a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem - one of the most famous mathematical puzzles, which had remained unsolved for more than 350 years. Shortly afterwards, however, colleagues found a gap in the proof which Wiles was only able to close up a year later. But this was too late for the Fields Medal, because Wiles was then over the age limit of forty. With its special tribute, the International Mathematics Union (IMU) wishes to acknowledge Andrew Wiles' outstanding achievement.

89. Andrew Wiles - Les Membres De L'Académie Des Sciences
listes par section scientifique, in memoriam.
Andrew Wiles Section : Department of Mathematics
Fine Hall
Princeton University
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90. ICM'98 Person Database Request
Data for Prof. andrew J. wiles (7645) Title, Prof. Lastname, wiles.Firstname(s), andrew J. Email. URL. Country, USA. Phone

91. Andrew Wiles / Matematica / Materiali / Cartesio
La didattica con le calcolatrici
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Biografie di 32 matematici di Raffaele Mauro , Istituto Tecnico Commerciale "A.Bianchini" - Terracina Andrew Wiles (11 Aprile 1953 Cambridge) Indice biografie
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92. Idw - Hohe Auszeichnung Für Britischen Mathematiker Andrew J. Wiles
Translate this page andrew J. wiles galt vor vier Jahren als aussichtsreicher Kandidat für die Ein Foto von andrew J. wiles kann in der TU-Pressestelle angefordert werden.
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Hohe Auszeichnung für britischen Mathematiker Andrew J. Wiles
Veröffentlicht am: Veröffentlicht von: Ramona Ehret
Technische Universität Berlin
Kategorie: überregional
Forschungsprojekte, Personalia, wissenschaftliche Tagungen, Wissenschaftspolitik
Informationstechnologie, Mathematik und Physik, nicht fachbezogen Druckansicht
Andrew J. Wiles mit der "IMU silver plaque" geehrt
Der britische Mathematiker Andrew J. Wiles ist am 18. August 1998 mit der "IMU silver plaque" der Internationalen Mathematischen Union ausgezeichnet worden. Der Vorsitzende des Fields-Medaillen-Komitee, Yuri Manin, überreichte ihm die Auszeichnung während der Eröffnungszeremonie des Internationalen Mathematiker Kongresses im Internationalen Congreß-Centrum in Berlin. Der Weltkongreß der Mathematiker - die größte und wichtigste mathematische Tagung weltweit - findet noch bis zum 25. August statt. Rund 3500 Mathematiker aus aller Welt sind aus diesem Anlaß nach Berlin gekommen.
Auf dem Kongreß, der alle vier Jahre stattfindet, werden stets vier Fields-Medaillen an herausragende Mathematiker unter 40 Jahren verteilt. Wegen ihrer großen Bedeutung werden die Fields-Medaillen meist "Nobelpreise der Mathematik" genannt. Andrew J. Wiles galt vor vier Jahren als aussichtsreicher Kandidat für die Auszeichnung, da er 1993 einen Beweis für die Fermatsche Vermutung vorlegte - eines der berühmtesten mathematischen Rätsel überhaupt, das mehr als 350 Jahre ungelöst blieb. Wenig später aber fanden Experten eine Lücke in seiner Argumentation, die Wiles erst ein Jahr später lösen konnte. Für die Fields-Medaille war dies zu spät, da Wiles sein 40. Lebensjahr bereits erreicht hatte. Mit dem "Special Tribute" möchte die Internationale Mathematische Union (IMU) Andrew J. Wiles' herausragende Leistung in anderer Weise ehren.

93. Progetto Polymath - Wiles
Translate this page andrew wiles, presenta la sua dimostrazione del Teorema di Fermat a un gruppo andrew wiles, con Alessandro Cecchi Paone che ha animato la premiazione.
Tutti gli studenti conoscono il teorema di Pitagora e le terne di numeri, chiamate pitagoriche, tali che due di questi numeri, elevati al quadrato, danno come risultato il terzo numero al quadrato. Queste terne sono infinite. Un esempio: 3
Pierre de Fermat, 1601 - 1665 Arithmetica di Diofanto, annotava:
Cubem autem in duos cubos, aut quadratoquadratum in duos quadratoquadratum, et generaliter nullam in infinitum ultra quadratum potestatem in duos ejusdem nominis fas est dividere: cuius rei demonstrationem mirabilem sane detexi. Hanc marginis exiguitas non caperet.
the Devil 1513, particolare Andrew Wiles, presenta la sua dimostrazione del Teorema di Fermat a un gruppo di colleghi. Immagine da Cosa ha provato, professor Wiles, quando ha capito di aver risolto il teorema?
Lei ritiene che Fermat avesse dimostrato veramente il teorema?
Crotone, immagine da

94. Andrew Wiles - The Proof
andrew wiles The Proof. andrew wiles. wiles first showed interest in Fermat sproblem at the age of ten. After reading about the Last Theorem in a library

95. Andrew Wiles
Before this result, andrew wiles had done outstanding work in number theory. andrew John wiles biography page from the MacTutor History of Mathematics
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Andrew Wiles
Andrew John Wiles (born April 11 ) is a British mathematician In one of the great success stories in the history of mathematics , Andrew Wiles (with help from Richard Taylor) proved Fermat's Last Theorem in Before this result, Andrew Wiles had done outstanding work in number theory . In work with John Coates he obtained some of the first results on a famous conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, and he also did important work on the main conjecture of Iwasawa theory . He was and is a professor at Princeton University Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) asserts that there are no positive natural numbers x y , and z such that in which n is a natural number greater than 2. Wiles' odyssey began in when Ken Ribet, inspired by an idea of Gerhard Frey, proved that FLT would follow from another conjecture of Taniyama and Shimura , to the effect that every elliptic curve can be parametrized by modular forms . Though less familiar than Fermat's Last Theorem, the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture is the more significant of the two, because it touches on truly deep currents in number theory. No one had any idea how to prove it. Working in absolute secrecy, and sharing his ideas and progress only with Nicholas Katz, another professor of mathematics at Princeton, Wiles eventually developed a proof of the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture, and of hence FLT. The proof is a tour de force introducing many new ideas.

96. Andrew Wiles
Pred tímto výsledkem, andrew wiles delal skvelou práci v teorii císel. V prácis Johnem Coatesem on získal nekteré ty první výsledky na slavném dohadu
švodn­ str¡nka Tato str¡nka v origin¡le
Andrew Wiles
Lsti Andrewa Johna (narozen½ 11. dubna ) je Britov© matematik V jednom z velk½ch př­běhů o ºspěchu v minulosti matematiky , Andrew lsti (s n¡povědou od Richarda Taylora) dok¡zaly Fermat je posledn­ teor©m v Před t­mto v½sledkem, Andrew Wiles dělal skvělou pr¡ci v teorii č­sel . V pr¡ci s Johnem Coatesem on z­skal někter© ty prvn­ v½sledky na slavn©m dohadu Birche a Swinnerton-Dyer, a on tak© dělal důležitou pr¡ci na hlavn­ dohad Iwasawa teorie . On byl a je profesor na Princeton univerzitě Fermat je posledn­ teor©m (FLT) tvrd­, že tam b½t ne pozitivn­ přirozen¡ č­sla x y , a z takov½ to ve kter©m n je přirozen© č­slo větÅ¡­ než 2. Wilesovy odyssey začaly v když Ken Ribet, inspirovan½ myÅ¡lenkou na Gerharda Freye, dok¡zal, že FLT by vypl½val z dalÅ¡­ho dohadu Taniyama a Shimura , ke skutečnosti, že každ¡ elliptic křivka může b½t parametrized modul¡rn­mi formami . Ačkoli m©ně zn¡m½ než Fermat je posledn­ teor©m, Taniyama-Shimura domn­v¡ se je v½znamnějÅ¡­ dva, protože to dotkne se opravdově hlubok½ch proudů v teorii č­sel. Ne jeden měl nějakou představu jak se uk¡zat jako to. Pracovat v absolutn­ tajnosti, a sd­let jeho n¡pady a pokrok jedin½ s Nicholasem Katzem, dalÅ¡­ profesor matematiky u Princeton, Wiles nakonec vyvinul důkaz Taniyama-Shimura domn­v¡ se, a od t©to doby FLT. Důkaz je

97. ? ? ? - ?
wiles, andrew (1995). Modular elliptic curves and Fermat s last theorem, Taylor, Richard wiles, andrew (1995). Ring theoretic properties of certainВеликая_теореÐ

98. Guradution Support

99. Coffee Klatsch - Bob Benson Dewey Wiles, Andy Romero & Dick Timboe
Viewing Bob Benson Dewey wiles, Andy Romero Dick Timboe, Image 2 of 13 Bob Benson Dewey wiles, Andy Romero Dick Timboe.jpg 800 x 533 - (72KB) Benson Dewey Wiles, A
HOME Coffee Klatsch Viewing [Image 2 of 13] Comment: 3/17/05 5:47 PM Album last updated on 4/1/05 5:13 PM Powered by JAlbum 5.2 and BluPlusPlus skin

100. Wiles
WILES Andrew John, anglais, 1953- La preuve du célébrissime "grand théorème" de Fermat ! Wiles s'attaque en 1986 au fameux théorème Taniyama Shimura Weil , relative au lien, que l'on croyait jusqu'alors inexistant, entre fonctions elliptiques et formes modulaires
: par exemple, si l'équation de Fermat a n + b n = c n = x(x - a n )(x - b n ) ne vérifie pas la conjecture évoquée ci-dessus. Taniyama Shimura. que l'on peut nommer désormais théorème de Fermat-Wiles En 1988, un mathématicien japonais, Y. Miyaoka, apporta une "preuve" faisant également appel à la géométrie algébrique mais qui s'avéra fausse après quelques mois de vérification. On savait à la même époque, grâce aux travaux du mathématicien américain Kenneth Ribet, que la preuve de la conjecture de Taniyama entraînerait celle de Fermat. , aujourd'hui Wiles reçut, en récompense de ce brillant résultat, le prix Wolf (1995) de 100 000 dollars. Pour en savoir plus :
  • , Simon Singh, Ed. Pluriel, Paris - 1998 , article de Renaud de la Taille Pour la Science, janvier 1996 :

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