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61. The Science Bookstore - Books wiener, norbert. Fourier Integral and Certain of its Applications. Cambridge Cambridge University wiener, norbert. Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory. http://www.thesciencebookstore.com/bookmain.asp?pg=7&bookcat=Mathematics |
62. Dictionnaire - Dictionnaire En Ligne - Dictionnaire Informatique - Définition D Translate this page wiener, norbert. /vie-nair/ np. m. Articles liés à celui-ci cybernétique, Turing, Alan Mathison, von Neumann, John. personne (26/11/1894 - 18/03/1964). http://www.gpcservices.com/dictionnaire/W/Wiener,_Norbert.html | |
63. Norbert Wiener (1894--1964) The Legacy of norbert wiener a Centennial Symposium in Honor of the 100th anniversary of Proceedsings of the norbert wiener Centenary Congress, 1994 http://cscs.umich.edu/~crshalizi/notebooks/wiener.html | |
64. Opera Directory norbert wiener. Brief summary of his work, and references. Tools For Thought ExProdigies and Wired Archive norbert wiener. Stories involving wiener. http://portal.opera.com/directory/?cat=491840 |
65. Biografia De Wiener, Norbert Translate this page wiener, norbert. (Columbia, EE UU, 1894-Estocolmo, 1964) Matemático estadounidense. Hijo de un profesor de lenguas eslavas emigrado a Harvard, http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/biografia/w/wiener.htm | |
66. AMS Prize - Norbert Wiener Prize In Applied Mathematics norbert wiener Prize in Applied Mathematics This prize was established in 1967 in honor of Professor norbert wiener and was endowed by a fund from the http://www.ams.org/prizes/wiener-prize.html | |
67. Bitplane Approach To FIR Filter Architecture Bitplane approach to FIR filter architecture wiener, norbert - 0745 17-11-04 wiener, norbert wrote Hi all, Has anyone heard about the bitplane http://www.dsprelated.com/showmessage/24629/1.php | |
68. Norbert Wiener And Cybernetics norbert wiener, Cybernetics Inventor, Internet History Some good sites related to norbert wiener and cybernetics are listed below. http://www.livinginternet.com/i/ii_wiener.htm | |
69. IFTF's Future Now: Norbert Wiener Biography TrackBack URL for this entry http//www.typepad.com/t/trackback/2863968. Listed below are links to weblogs that reference norbert wiener Biography http://future.iftf.org/2005/07/norbert_wiener_.html | |
70. Homage To Norbert Wiener The artist s interest in the humanmachine dialectic led him to create a series of electronic sculptures as Homage to norbert wiener, the Father of http://www.verostko.com/wiener/wiener.html | |
71. IM-BOOT Creativity, Innovation Circle & Innovation Management - Encyclopedia wiener, norbert. 1894 1964 Century 20th_Century wiener introduced the basic concept of cybernetics in which control of a system is obtained by feedback http://innovation.im-boot.org/modules.php?name=Encyclopedia&op=content&tid=579 |
72. AbsoluteFacts.nl - Wiener, Norbert (1894-1964) De Amerikaanse wiskundige norbert wiener (18941964) werd geboren in Columbia, Montana. wiener was een wonderkind hij promoveerde reeds in 1913, http://www.absofacts.com/wetenschap/data/wienernorbert.shtml | |
73. Department Of Mathematics - Norbert Wiener instituted the norbert wiener Lectures, funded by an anonymous gift to the University. norbert wiener may be the Tufts alumnus of most enduring fame. http://www.tufts.edu/as/math/wiener.html | |
74. Wiener Schnitzel - Definition Of Wiener Schnitzel By The Free Online Dictionary, Meaning of wiener schnitzel. What does wiener schnitzel mean? wiener schnitzel synonyms wiener, norbert wiener, Otto wienerKhinchine Relationship http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Wiener schnitzel | |
75. CTHEORY.NET > The Cybernetic Delirium Of Norbert Wiener By Stephen Pfohl This story revolves around the delirium of norbert wiener, the socalled norbert wiener, The Human Use of Human Beings Cybernetics and Society. http://www.ctheory.net/text_file.asp?pick=86 |
76. The Norbert Wiener Center For Harmonic Analysis And Applications The norbert wiener Center, in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland, College Park, reflects the importance of integrating new http://www.norbertwiener.umd.edu/ | |
77. Wiener, Norbert,@ gThe Human Use Of Human Beings http://www.jkokuryo.com/class/sentan2004/Wiener/sakai.htm | |
78. Norbert Wiener - Kybernetik wiener, norbert mensch und http://www.medienkultur.org/sm3/medienkultur/kybernetik/ | |
79. STORIA INVENTORI COMPUTER - WIENER Translate this page norbert wiener. Matematico ebreo americano di origine russa. norbert wiener è considerato il creatore del termine cibernetica (dal Greco Kyber timone, http://www.windoweb.it/edpstory_new/ep_wiener.htm | |
80. Anecdotario Matemático Translate this page norbert wiener era el típico matemático despistado. En cierta ocasión su familia se mudó a un pueblo muy cercano a donde vivían antes. http://www-etsi2.ugr.es/profesores/jmaroza/anecdotario/anecdotario-w.htm | |
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