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21. Science Jokes:Norbert Wiener Norbert Wiener. Norbert Wiener (18941964), US mathematician. The archetype of the genius and absent-minded professor. To what question is the answer 9W. http://www.xs4all.nl/~jcdverha/scijokes/Wiener.html | |
22. Wiener ExProdigies and Antiaircraft Guns Tools for Thought by Howard Rheingold. Norbert Wiener The Human Use of Human Beings wiener norbert http://web.mscc.huji.ac.il/techedu/techedu/people/wiener.html | |
23. Wiener Norbert - Www.libreriauniversitaria.it Translate this page Introduzione alla cibernetica Autore wiener norbert Bollati Boringhieri, 1970, 3ª ed. Visualizza dettagli e disponibilità, 12.91 http://www.libreriauniversitaria.it/goto/author_Wiener Norbert/shelf_BIT/Wiener_ | |
24. Cybernétique - Définition - Tout-Savoir.Net Wiener). Articles liés à celui-ci cyber cyborg wiener norbert http://www.tout-savoir.net/lexique.php?rub=definition&code=1980 |
25. Wiener_Norbert Biography of norbert wiener (18941964) norbert wiener s father was Leo wiener who was a Russian Jew. Because Leo wiener was such a major influence on http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Wiener_Norbert.html | |
26. Norbert Wiener Related Links Generally known as the father of cyborgs . wiener was the originator of the term cybernetics and part of a group of scientists who originated the field. http://www.angelfire.com/co/1x137/cyber.html | |
27. UNIVERSIDAD NORBERT WIENER, Vive Una Formación Sin Límites... P¡gina principal de esta universidad privada ubicada en Lima. Informaci³n acad©mica e institucional. Directorio. http://www.uwiener.edu.pe | |
28. Norbert Wiener Stories involving wiener. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/people/norbert_wiener/ | |
29. Untitled Document Ofrece carreras de computaci³n, secretariado, contabilidad, dise±o gr¡fico y ensamblaje. Contiene informaci³n de los cursos, datos generales y contactos. http://www.wiener.edu.pe |
30. NORBERT WIENER (1894-1964) In 1964, on March 18, norbert wiener died in Stockholm of a second heart attack, norbert wiener was also deeply attracted to mathematical physics. http://www.isss.org/lumwiener.htm | |
31. Dictionary Of Philosophy Of Mind - Wiener, Norbert wiener, norbert (b. 1894, Columbia, MO, d. 1964, Stockholm, Sweden, Ph.D. Philosophy, Harvard University, 1913). wiener launched the discipline of http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~philos/MindDict/wiener.html | |
32. Wiener, Norbert -- Encyclopædia Britannica wiener, norbert Britannica Student Encyclopediawiener, norbert (18941964). The science of cybernetics was established by norbert wiener, professor of mathematics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9076934 | |
33. Institute The norbert wiener Institute is active in over fifty nations worldwide. Since its foundation in 1969, and subsequently as a result of its reorganisation at the New York (1990) and the New Delhi (1993) WOSC Congresses, it has been involved in the researches of over 1000 scientists. http://pages.britishlibrary.net/alexandrew/institut.htm | |
34. Wiener, Norbert Pesi R. Masani, norbert wiener, 18941964 (1989), is a biography. Steve J. Heims, John Von Neumann and norbert wiener From Mathematics to the Technologies http://www.phy.bg.ac.yu/web_projects/giants/wiener.htm | |
35. Cybermedia: Weiner View and Ideas of norbert wiener. http://mindymcadams.com/cybermedia/wiener.html | |
36. Norbert Wiener wiener, norbert (The Hutchinson Encyclopedia). Simons Receives norbert wiener Social Effort Award (Newsbytes News Network). Dr.norbert wiener (NYC18052) http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/people/A0852210.html | |
37. Howard Rheingold's | Tools For Thought By Howard Rheingold. Online copy of well known 1985 book on the invention of modern computing; this chapter on norbert wiener, Cybernetics. Newer (c)2000 edition of the book is out, with followup interviews. http://www.rheingold.com/texts/tft/5.html | |
38. Norbert Wiener wiener, norbert, 18941964, American mathematician and educator, b. Columbia, Mo., grad. More on norbert wiener from Fact Monster http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/people/A0852210.html | |
39. Wiener, Norbert. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 wiener, norbert. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 200105. http://www.bartleby.com/65/wi/Wiener-N.html | |
40. Dictionary Of Computers - Wiener, Norbert wiener, norbert. US mathematician, credited with the establishment of the science of cybernetics in his book Cybernetics 1948. In mathematics, he laid the http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/dictionaries/computers/data/m0029039.html | |
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